All Types of MIXERP

# Type Name Base Owner Collation Default Type StoreType Description
1 core.attachment_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
2 core.period - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
3 office.office_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
4 public.color text postgres default Domain Compressed Inline/Seconary
5 public.decimal_strict numeric postgres Domain Compressed Inline
6 public.decimal_strict2 numeric postgres Domain Compressed Inline
7 public.ghstore - postgres Base Type Plain
8 public.hstore - postgres Base Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
9 public.integer_strict integer postgres Domain Plain
10 public.integer_strict2 integer postgres Domain Plain
11 public.money_strict numeric postgres Domain Compressed Inline
12 public.money_strict2 numeric postgres Domain Compressed Inline
13 public.smallint_strict smallint postgres Domain Plain
14 public.smallint_strict2 smallint postgres Domain Plain
15 public.tablefunc_crosstab_2 - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
16 public.tablefunc_crosstab_3 - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
17 public.tablefunc_crosstab_4 - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
18 public.test_result text postgres default Domain Compressed Inline/Seconary
19 public.transaction_type character postgres default Domain Compressed Inline/Seconary This domain should not be localized.
20 transactions.opening_stock_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
21 transactions.purchase_reorder_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
22 transactions.sales_tax_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
23 transactions.stock_adjustment_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary
24 transactions.stock_detail_type - postgres Composite Type Compressed Inline/Seconary