Deploying MixERP on IIS

This document provides you relevant information regarding MixERP deployment and guides system administrators to properly setup MixERP in your organization.

Download the Latest Release

Download the latest MixERP release from GitHub.

MixERP Update

Copy Extracted Directory to Application Server

This document assumes that MixERP application root directory is


Create IIS Website

To create MixERP website in IIS, navigate to the "Sites" container.


Right click "Sites" and click "Add Website"

Add Website to IIS

Now enter the following details:

Section Description
Site Name The name of your MixERP Application, usually "mixerp".
Application Pool A new application pool will be created if you do not select an already existing application pool. Do not select this.
Physical Path The physical path where you copied the published directory to. In this document, it is


Binding Type The binding type should be "https" and SSL certificate should be chosen. If you do not have SSL certificate, select "http".
Binding IP Address Select "All Unassigned" unless you want to bind your MixERP Application to a specific IP Address.
Binding Port Select "80" for port number unless you want to change the port binding of your MixERP Application to an unusual number.
Binding Host Name If you have your DNS requests forwarded to your Application Server, put that in the host name section. If you leave this blank, you will have to access MixERP application using the Application Server IP Address or Network name.

New Web Site

Target App Pool .net Version

Once you are done creating the website, navigate to the "Application Pools" container in IIS. Find and double click the application pool "mixerp".

IIS Application Pool

Change the ".NET Framework Version" or ".NET CLR version" to "V.4.0.3019". Select the applicatication pool and click advanced settings.

Advanced Application Pool Settings

Make sure that you select ApplicationPoolIdentity.


Setting up Directory Permission

The following directories should be writable to the user account used by IIS for MixERP website. Depending on the version of your IIS and Windows, it could be one of the following users:

Writable Directories

Skip this and continue with the next section if you want to apply restrictive file permission for your ERP instance.

MixERP can update itself when a new release is available. The update feature will download, install, and patch your ERP instance to the latest version without needing you to sit next to the operating system and do the update all by yourself. Be assured that you are notified whenever there is a new update available. MixERP will update to the latest version only when you click the button to do so.

To enable update, you must provide the following directories write access:

Writable Directories (Strict mode)

Allowing the write access only to the following directories is the minimum-required and the most-restrictive permission you can configure for MixERP application. Having said that, it does not allow you to update your instance of MixERP if a new release is available.

Directory Description
DatabaseBackupDirectory--DBServer.config This directory is used to store database backups. You should not delete anything inside this directory.
ApplicationLogDirectory--MixERP Configuration MixERP uses this directory to write log files. You should not delete anything inside this directory.
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mixerp\Resource\Temp MixERP uses this directory to temporarily save documents and images. It is absolutely safe to remove the files under this directory.
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mixerp\Resource\CustomReports This directory is used to automatically download and store new reports as they become available in our GitHub repository. You should not delete anything inside this directory.
AttachmentsDirectory--AttachmentFactory Parameters This directory is used as a file-system repository of document attachments. You should not delete anything inside this directory.
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mixerp\Resource\Static\Emails This directory contains emails and is used as pickup directory for SMTP Server. You should not delete anything inside this directory.

Install PostgreSQL Server

You will need to install PostgreSQL Server, 9.3 or higher. Get the latest PostgreSQL server installer here:


Create a New Database

Create a new PostgreSQL database, name it anything you want. Lowercase database name is preferred without any special character or symbol.

Collation & Encoding

When you create your database, navigate to the tab "Definition". Make sure that you have the following settings:

ERP Collation

Select your newly created database, and then click Tools --> Query Tool

Now open the MixERP SQL Script from this location:


PgAdmin Query

Press F5.

Securing Your PostgreSQL Database

Securing your installation is out of the scope of this article. However, keep in mind that MixERP creates the following restricted database roles:



Use these articles as a reference to secure your PostgreSQL installation:

Edit DBServer.config

Edit the configuration file DBServer.config to provide MixERP application access to the database.

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