Editing DB Configuration

Edit one of the following files using Visual Studio or any text editor of your choice.





File Contents

    <add key="Server" value="localhost" />
    <add key="Port" value="5432" />
    <add key="Database" value="mixerp" />
    <add key="UserId" value="mix_erp" />
    <add key="Password" value="change-on-deployment" />
    <add key="Catalogs" value="mixerp, mixerp2, mixerp4" />
    <add key="MetaDatabase" value="postgres" />
    <add key="ReportUserId" value="report_user" />
    <add key="ReportUserPassword" value="change-on-deployment" />
    <add key="AutoBackupEveryNMinutes" value="720" />

    <add key="PostgreSQLBinDirectory" value="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\" />
    <add key="DatabaseBackupDirectory" value="/Backups/" />

Configuration Explained

ServerThe hostname or IP address of your development PostgreSQL Server instance. Usually "localhost".
PortThe port on which the PostgreSQL server is listening. Usually "5432".
DatabaseThe default MixERP database.
UserIdMixERP database script will create a user mix_erp. Leave it as it is unless you are sure what you are doing.
PasswordPassword for the above user. The default password is "change-on-deployment". If you happen to change the password, change it here as well.
CatalogsComma separated list of MixERP databases including the default database. These databases will be shown on the sign in page.
MetaCatalogThe master database which contains multi-company meta information.
ReportUserIdMixERP database script will create a user report_user. This user must have a read-only access to the database.
ReportUserPasswordPassword for the above user. The default password is "change-on-deployment". If you happen to change the password, change it here as well.
AutoBackupEveryNMinutesBy default, MixERP performs automated backups every 12 hours or 720 minutes.
PostgreSQLBinDirectoryDepending upon where you installed PostgreSQL server, enter the correct location of the bin directory.
DatabaseBackupDirectoryEnter the path where you want to keep your database backups. If you host MixERP on IIS, make sure that the ApplicationPoolIdentity/IIS user has write access to the path.

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