Item Groups

Item Groups

Item Group Id This will be automatically generated.
Item Group Code Enter an alpha-numeric code for this item group.
Item Group Name Enter the item group name.
Exclude from Purchase Set this on if you do not want the items under this group to appear in purchase transactions. This is useful for service items that you do not buy or stock.
Exclude from Sales Set this on if you do not want the items under this group to appear in sales transactions. This is useful for raw materials that you only stock, but not sell.
Sales Tax Id Select from the list the default sales tax for this item group.
Sales Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Sales A/C for the items under this group during Sales Delivery and Direct Sales entry.
Sales Discount Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Sales Discount A/C for the items under this group during Sales Delivery and Direct Sales entry.
Sales Return Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Sales Return A/C (Account Payable) for the items under this group during Sales Return entry.
Purchase Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Purchase A/C for the items under this group during Goods Receipt Note and Direct Purchase entry.
Purchase Discount Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Purchase Discount A/C for the items under this group during Goods Receipt Note and Direct Purchase entry.
Inventory Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Inventory A/C for the items under this group during Sales and Purchase entry.
COGS Account Id Select an account from the list which will be picked up as Cost of Goods Sold A/C for the items under this group during Sales Delivery and Direct Sales entry.
Parent Item Group Id Select from the list an item group which become the parent of this item group, or leave this field empty.

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