HOW TO: Add a custom function to a nodebuilder


This How To provides information on how to specialize the MMObjectBuilder class so that custom functionality for a builder can be implemented.

This How-To is based on functionality provided by MMBase 1.7.0

First we are going to take a look at the implementation of our node builder, person.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE builder PUBLIC "-//MMBase//DTD builder config 1.1//EN" "">

<builder name="persons" maintainer="" version="0" extends="object">
    <singular xml:lang="en">Person</singular>
    <singular xml:lang="nl">Persoon</singular>
    <plural xml:lang="en">Persons</plural>
    <plural xml:lang="nl">Personen</plural>

    <description xml:lang="en">A Person</description>
    <description xml:lang="nl">Een Persoon</description>

        <description xml:lang="en">The name of the person</description>
        <description xml:lang="nl">De naam van de persoon</description>
        <guiname xml:lang="en">Name</guiname>
        <guiname xml:lang="nl">Naam</guiname>
        <type state="persistent" size="255" notnull="false" key="false">STRING</type>


In this builder a person object is specified, with just one attribute, the persons name. Of course there are much more attributes possible for a person object, such as different fields for surname and familyname, infixes, birth date and stuff like that. For this how to however, we just need to know a persons name.

We want a function on the person object that greets the person, when called. This will be just a simple message as “Hello [NameOfPerson]”.

We will call the file so that it is evident to which builderfile it is related.

 * Created on Apr 8, 2004
 * Reviewed By	| Review date	|Modified By  | Modified date | Modification
 *  - - - - - - +  - - - - -  + -- - - - - -+ - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - -
 *              |             |Willem Voogd | Apr 8, 2004	  | Initial Creation


import java.util.List;

import org.mmbase.module.core.MMObjectBuilder;
import org.mmbase.module.core.MMObjectNode;
import org.mmbase.util.functions.Parameter;

 * PersonBuilder
 * @author willem
 * The PersonBuilder is the source class voor the Person builder.
 * It suplies a function that says Hello to the person.
public class PersonBuilder extends MMObjectBuilder {
    public static final String F_GREETING="hello";

     * Says hello.
     * @param node, the node (menuitem) for which the string must be build.
     * @return helloString, the greeting.
    protected String getGreeting(MMObjectNode node) {
        String helloString = "Hello ";
        helloString += node.getStringValue("name");
        return helloString;

     * overridden from MMObjectBuilder
     * Gets the parameters for the functions.
     * We only have one custom function w/o parameters, so we need an empty array.
    public Parameter[] getParameterDefinition(String function) {
        if (function.equals(F_GREETING)) return new Parameter[0];
        return null;

     * overridden from MMObjectBuilder
     * executes a given function and returns the result of that particular function.
     * @param node
     * @param function
     * @param arguments
    protected Object executeFunction(MMObjectNode node,String function,List arguments) {
        if (function.equals(F_GREETING)) {
            return getGreeting(node);
        } else {
            return super.executeFunction(node,function,arguments);

This is part of the MMBase documentation.

For questions and remarks about this documentation mail to: [email protected]