Storage Configuration


Configuration document for Storage

Configuration in this document is divided in five sections. The first two sections detail how to set up MMbase to use the storage laeyer, and to allow access to the database server. The last three sections detail how you can change behavior of the storage layer, and how to configure it to work with your specific database server or system setup.


  • MMBaseRoot module (modules/mmbaseroot.xml)Basic configuration, selecting storagemanager or datasource.

  • JDBC module (modules/jdbc.xml)Configuration of the MMBase-provided JDBC interface.

  • Database resource (Attributes). Attributes affect the behavior of the database by specifying additional information such as the path to store blobs on file

  • Database resource (Options). Options affect the behavior of the database by turning features on or off, such as whether to create compound indexes.

  • Database resource (Schemes). Schemes define templates for SQL statements (or parts of SQL statements), such as the CREATE TABLE statement.

The MMBaseroot module can be used to configure what part of the database storage layer is used by MMBase. You can select a database storagemanager factory (the main engine), a JNDI datasource for accessing the server, and a storage resource file for configuring the storage layer to fit your server.

By default, MMBase uses the database storage layer, and selects a databse resource based on the database Driver available through the JDBC module (see next section). You can change or set the following properties to change this behavior.


The JDBC module provides a connection to a database through the JDBC interface. The module is wrapped by the Storage layer in a datasource (see above) and can thus be used to 'emulate' a datsource when an application server is not available.

The configuration file can be found under config/modules/jdbc.xml. By default this modules is active. If you have specified a datasource in the MMBaseRoot module configuration, you should set the JDBC module to inactive or remove the configurationfile alltogether.

This is part of the MMBase documentation.

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