Java API Documentation

Table of Contents

1. Java API Documentation

This folder contains various API documentation sets.

  • Javadoc of all classes in mmbase.jar and of all 'applications'

    For MMBase users the bridge is the most important and stable (as in 'least likely to change in future version') part of MMBase. When making new functionality based on MMBase these are strongly recommended, this subset of classes in the org.mmbase package should be enough.

    The 'applications' are those supported by the MMBase community (like email, dove, taglib etc), but not all 'contributions'.

  • Dove

    The package org.mmbase.applications.dove

  • Editwizard

    The package org.mmbase.applications.editwizard

  • Packaging

    The package org.mmbase.applications.packaging

This is part of the MMBase documentation.

For questions and remarks about this documentation mail to: [email protected]