Running MMBase in your organization

Table of Contents

1. Management summary
2. What is MMBase?
2.1. Features and benefits - the content cloud
2.2. Features and benefits - reusing content
2.3. Features and benefits - media types and media sources
2.4. Adding content to MMBase
2.5. Publishing content with MMBase
3. MMBase organization
3.1. MMBase Community
3.2. MMBase Management Committee
3.3. MMBase Committers
3.4. MMBase Developers
3.5. MMBase Foundation
4. Configuration Management
4.1. Version and release management and planning
4.2. Maintaining backward compatibility
5. MMBase technologies
5.1. MMBase Architecture
5.2. Java
5.3. Technologies for Page designers
5.4. Technologies for Editors
5.5. Databases
6. Running Open Source software in your organization
6.1. What is Open Source Software and how can you benefit from it?
6.2. MMBase license
6.3. Getting support
6.4. Adding your own features to MMBase


This document offers to technical and non technical people, operating at management level, insights in the use of MMBase as a 'web publishing system' or a 'web content management system'. First a high level overview of the MMBase product is supplied, followed by a short overview of the underlying concepts and technologies. As MMBase is an open source product, this document also outlines the consequences that come with running open source software in your organization.

Derived from the open source philosophy, the community thrives certain version and release management principles. For potential users and decision makers, a clear insight in this process is very important.

To support the product, a community has been setup. This document also covers the organizational structure of this community and its official spokesman and their specific roles within the community

[todo: this section should provide a management summary of the overall document]

MMBase is a content management system that can be used for publishing websites. What is a content management system? What is content? Content is stuff that we use to construct websites. As technology advanced, websites evolved from simple static 'text-like websites' to complex multi-media products with streaming media like video and sound. All these pieces - text, pictures and video - are considered content and should be managed is someway.

When working with content, eventually every site will feel the need for an automated system to manage all these pieces in an easy and user friendly way without having to worry about the technological impact of each content piece. A content management system offers its users (editors, publishers, designers) tailored functions to maintain a website and keep its contents alive.

MMBase in such a system. It covers the whole spectrum needed to: import, manage, maintain, export and publish content for your websites. To achieve this MMBase contains tools for editorial people to insert and maintain web content. To support web designers, MMBase offers an easy to learn language for publishing the content to the websites.

By using MMBase as the content management system for your websites, you can separate the content from the way it appears (the design) in your websites. The main advantage of separating content and design is that all information is stored only once. For example, if you have information on a certain product on your website, and the product specs change, you only have to change the specs once and all websites that use this information will reflect the changes. This is a welcome contrast to "hardcoded" webpages, where you might have to review each individual web pages to validate the specs.

To support the use of MMBase, an organization consisting of several entities, each with its own responsibilities has been setup. Key in this setup is the Open Source licensing model.

Configuration management of MMBase is currently implemented on a best effort basis. This means that there's no formal requirement by the MMBase community to deliver releases according to a predefined release schedule.

All relevant MMBase artifacts, such as program source, compiled code, documentation and samples are all maintained in a central repository. This repository is based on a common accepted standard (CVS, Concurrent Versions Systems) and is read-only accessible for anyone through a documented procedure. This approach offers, within the available resources of the MMBase community, the best solution for easy spread of the MMBase source and object code.

MMBase is founded on Java technologies, specifically the J2EE flavor of MMBase. This part of Java focuses on delivering the features of Java on a server oriented platform. By using Java/J2EE technologies, MMBase can run on any platform that supports the Java/J2EE platform.

Note that it's a common misconception that Java/J2EE doesn't run on Microsoft platforms. Microsoft's announcement that it will not support Java, has only impact on the availability of Microsoft engineered Java support in their operating system. Fortunately other companies, like Sun and IBM, offer extensive support for Java and J2EE technologies on the Microsoft Windows platforms, on clients as well as on servers.

This is part of the MMBase documentation.

For questions and remarks about this documentation mail to: [email protected]