Class SchemaTest

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
              extended by mondrian.test.SchemaTest
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SchemaTest
extends FoodMartTestCase

Unit tests for various schema features.

August 7, 2006
$Id: //open/mondrian-release/3.0/testsrc/main/mondrian/test/ $

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
Constructor Summary
SchemaTest(String name)
Method Summary
 void _testValidatorFindsNumericLevel()
 void testAggTableSupportOfSharedDims()
          this test triggers an exception out of the aggregate table manager
 void testAllMemberMultipleDimensionUsages()
          Test to verify naming of all member with dimension usage name is different then source name
 void testAllMemberNoStringReplace()
 void testBinaryLevelKey()
          Test case for bug 1963913, "RolapMember causes ClassCastException in compare()", caused by binary column value.
 void testBug1578545()
          Bug 1578545, "ClassCastException in AggQuerySpec" occurs when two cubes have the same fact table, distinct aggregate tables, and measures with the same name.
 void testBug1746362()
          This tests for bug #1746362 Property column shifting when use captionColumn.
 void testCubeCaption()
 void testCubeHasFact()
 void testCubeWithNoDimensions()
 void testCubeWithNoMeasuresFails()
 void testCubeWithOneCalcMeasure()
 void testCubeWithOneDimensionOneMeasure()
 void testCubeWithOneDimensionUsageOneMeasure()
 void testDefaultMemberName()
          Test case for the issue described in Pentaho forum post 'wrong unique name for default member when hasAll=false'.
 void testDeprecatedDistinctCountAggregator()
          Tests that the deprecated "distinct count" value for the Measure@aggregator attribute still works.
 void testDimensionCreation()
          This test verifies that the createDimension() API call is working correctly.
 void testDimensionsShareJoinTable()
          WG: This no longer throws an exception, it is now possible Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths).
 void testDimensionsShareJoinTableOneAlias()
          Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths).
 void testDimensionsShareJoinTableTwoAliases()
          Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths).
 void testDimensionsShareTable()
          Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths).
 void testDimensionsShareTableNativeNonEmptyCrossJoin()
          Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths).
 void testDimensionsShareTableSameForeignKeys()
          Tests two dimensions using same table with same foreign key one table uses an alias.
 void testDimensionUsageLevel()
          Test DimensionUsage level attribute
 void testDuplicateTableAlias()
          WG: Note, this no longer throws an exception with the new RolapCubeMember functionality.
 void testDuplicateTableAliasSameForeignKey()
          This result is somewhat peculiar.
 void testHierarchyAbbreviatedDefaultMember()
 void testHierarchyBadDefaultMember()
 void testHierarchyDefaultMember()
 void testInvalidAggregator()
          Tests that an invalid aggregator causes an error.
 void testInvalidRoleError()
 void testInvalidSchemaAccess()
 void testLevelTableAttributeAsView()
          this test verifies that RolapHierarchy.tableExists() supports views
 void testMultipleDimensionHierarchyCaptionUsages()
          Test Multiple DimensionUsages on same Dimension.
 void testMultipleDimensionUsages()
          Test Multiple DimensionUsages on same Dimension.
 void testNonAliasedDimensionUsage()
          This test displays an informative error message if someone uses an unaliased name instead of an aliased name
 void testSnowflakeHierarchyValidationNotNeeded()
          test hierarchy with completely different join path to fact table than first hierarchy.
 void testSnowflakeHierarchyValidationNotNeeded2()
          test hierarchy with slightly different join path to fact table than first hierarchy.
 void testSolveOrderInCalculatedMember()
 void testTwoAliasesDimensionsShareTable()
          Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths).
 void testTwoAliasesDimensionsShareTableSameForeignKeys()
          Tests two dimensions using same table with same foreign key.
 void testUnionRole()
 void testUnionRoleContainsGrants()
 void testUnionRoleIllegalForwardRef()
 void testUnknownUsages()
          Testcase for Bug 1721514, "'unknown usage' messages".
 void testUnknownUsages1()
 void testViewFactTable()
          Tests a cube whose fact table is a <View> element.
 void testViewFactTable2()
          Tests a cube whose fact table is a <View> element, and which has dimensions based on the fact table.
 void testVirtualCubeNamedSetSupportInSchema()
 void testVirtualCubeNamedSetSupportInSchemaError()
Methods inherited from class mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
allMember, assertAxisReturns, assertAxisThrows, assertBooleanExprReturns, assertExprReturns, assertExprThrows, assertQueriesReturnSimilarResults, assertQueryReturns, assertSize, assertThrows, cubeByName, execute, executeExpr, executeQuery, executeSingletonAxis, fold, genderMembersIncludingAll, getConnection, getDimensionWithName, getTestContext, getTestContext, getTestContext, isDefaultNullMemberRepresentation, isGroupingSetsSupported, member, productMembersPotScrubbersPotsAndPans, storeMembersCAAndOR, storeMembersUsaAndCanada, warehouseMembersCanadaMexicoUsa
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, run, runBare, runTest, setName, setUp, tearDown, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SchemaTest(String name)
Method Detail


public void testSolveOrderInCalculatedMember()


public void testHierarchyDefaultMember()


public void testDefaultMemberName()
Test case for the issue described in Pentaho forum post 'wrong unique name for default member when hasAll=false'.


public void testHierarchyAbbreviatedDefaultMember()


public void testHierarchyBadDefaultMember()


public void testDuplicateTableAlias()
WG: Note, this no longer throws an exception with the new RolapCubeMember functionality. Tests that an error is issued if two dimensions use the same table via different drill-paths and do not use a different alias. If this error is not issued, the generated SQL can be missing a join condition, as in Bug 1583462, "Mondrian generates invalid SQL".


public void testDuplicateTableAliasSameForeignKey()
This result is somewhat peculiar. If two dimensions share a foreign key, what is the expected result? Also, in this case, they share the same table without an alias, and the system doesn't complain.


public void testDimensionsShareTable()
Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths). Without the table alias, generates SQL which is missing a join condition. See testDuplicateTableAlias().


public void testDimensionsShareTableNativeNonEmptyCrossJoin()
Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths). native non empty cross join sql generation returns empty query. note that this works when native cross join is disabled


public void testDimensionsShareTableSameForeignKeys()
Tests two dimensions using same table with same foreign key one table uses an alias.


public void testSnowflakeHierarchyValidationNotNeeded()
test hierarchy with completely different join path to fact table than first hierarchy. tables are auto-aliased as necessary to guarantee unique joins to the fact table.


public void testSnowflakeHierarchyValidationNotNeeded2()
test hierarchy with slightly different join path to fact table than first hierarchy. tables from first and second hierarchy should contain the same join aliases to the fact table.


public void testDimensionsShareJoinTable()
WG: This no longer throws an exception, it is now possible Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths). both using a table alias.


public void testDimensionsShareJoinTableOneAlias()
Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths). both using a table alias.


public void testDimensionsShareJoinTableTwoAliases()
Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths). both using a table alias.


public void testTwoAliasesDimensionsShareTable()
Tests two dimensions using same table (via different join paths). both using a table alias.


public void testTwoAliasesDimensionsShareTableSameForeignKeys()
Tests two dimensions using same table with same foreign key. both using a table alias.


public void testMultipleDimensionUsages()
Test Multiple DimensionUsages on same Dimension. Alias the fact table to avoid issues with aggregation rules and multiple column names


public void testMultipleDimensionHierarchyCaptionUsages()
Test Multiple DimensionUsages on same Dimension. Alias the fact table to avoid issues with aggregation rules and multiple column names


public void testDimensionCreation()
This test verifies that the createDimension() API call is working correctly.


public void testDimensionUsageLevel()
Test DimensionUsage level attribute


public void testAllMemberMultipleDimensionUsages()
Test to verify naming of all member with dimension usage name is different then source name


public void testNonAliasedDimensionUsage()
This test displays an informative error message if someone uses an unaliased name instead of an aliased name


public void testViewFactTable()
Tests a cube whose fact table is a <View> element.


public void testViewFactTable2()
Tests a cube whose fact table is a <View> element, and which has dimensions based on the fact table.


public void testDeprecatedDistinctCountAggregator()
Tests that the deprecated "distinct count" value for the Measure@aggregator attribute still works. The preferred value these days is "distinct-count".


public void testInvalidAggregator()
Tests that an invalid aggregator causes an error.


public void testUnknownUsages()
Testcase for Bug 1721514, "'unknown usage' messages".


public void testUnknownUsages1()


public void testBug1578545()
Bug 1578545, "ClassCastException in AggQuerySpec" occurs when two cubes have the same fact table, distinct aggregate tables, and measures with the same name.

This test case attempts to reproduce this issue by creating that environment, but it found a different issue: a measure came back with a cell value which was from a different measure. The root cause is probably the same: when measures are registered in a star, they should be qualified by cube name.


public void testBug1746362()
This tests for bug #1746362 Property column shifting when use captionColumn.


public void testCubeWithOneDimensionOneMeasure()


public void testCubeWithOneDimensionUsageOneMeasure()


public void testCubeHasFact()


public void testCubeCaption()
                     throws SQLException


public void testCubeWithNoDimensions()


public void testCubeWithNoMeasuresFails()


public void testCubeWithOneCalcMeasure()


public void testAggTableSupportOfSharedDims()
this test triggers an exception out of the aggregate table manager


public void testLevelTableAttributeAsView()
this test verifies that RolapHierarchy.tableExists() supports views


public void testInvalidSchemaAccess()


public void testAllMemberNoStringReplace()


public void testUnionRole()


public void testUnionRoleContainsGrants()


public void testUnionRoleIllegalForwardRef()


public void testVirtualCubeNamedSetSupportInSchema()


public void testVirtualCubeNamedSetSupportInSchemaError()


public void _testValidatorFindsNumericLevel()


public void testInvalidRoleError()


public void testBinaryLevelKey()
Test case for bug 1963913, "RolapMember causes ClassCastException in compare()", caused by binary column value.
