Monodoc is a set of libraries and applications for viewing and editing Mono class library documentation. Monodoc is part of the Mono Documentation Project.
Viewing The Documentation
The Gtk# Documentation Browser
The doc browser is part of the mono-tools package, avaliable from the Downloads page.
Once installed, you can launch it from the “Programing” section of the Applications menu, as shown in the image below, or by typing monodoc in a terminal window.
The browser lets you navigate through different types of documentation installed on your system. Usually, it shows the documentation of:
- Core Framework API
- Mono libraries
- Novell libraries
- C# Language Specification
- Compiler error reference
Depending on the libraries installed on your system it can show additionally:
- Gnome libraries
- Mozilla library
- Monkeyguide (Mono guide)
Of course, more documentation sources can be added from installed libraries or from your own generated documentation as explained in Generating Documentation. Also, from inside the browser, you can contribute to the documentation of the Mono project.
Online Documentation
You can view the complete documentation library online (only API documentation) at
Mod (Command-Line Documentation Viewer)
To browse API documentation from a shell terminal, you can use the `mod’ command. Use it to lookup types, or see the members of a type. You get the same information as the Monodoc graphical application, but displayed in a text-only web browser.
To get all the types in a namespace:
mod N:System
mod N:Gtk
To see the members of a type, run mod like:
mod T:System.Collections.ArrayList
You can restrict the output to just members by adding /M
mod T:System.Collections.ArrayList/M
You can also use C, P, F, and E for constructors, properties, fields, and events.
To get one method, copy-and-paste the URL from the output in the above:
mod 'M:System.Collections.ArrayList.ToArray(System.Type)'
Creating Documentation, Contributing
- For information on how to document your own class libraries using monodoc, see Generating Documentation.
- If you would like to contribute to the mono class library documentation (and we would love it if you did!), see Monodoc Contributing.
My Documentation in Monodoc
See the assembler page for a description how to add your documentation to monodoc permanently.