Porting ASP.NET Applications
by Marek Habersack
This guide is meant to help Linux and Windows developers alike in porting ASP.NET 2.0 applications from Windows to Unix operating systems.
By their nature, Web applications tend to be more portable to other platforms than traditional desktop applications. The interaction with the user is done through the web browser the user is running, which in most cases, guarantees interface portability nearly without effort. There exist incompatibilities in the DOM (Document Object Model), JavaScript, CSS and HTML implementations in the web browsers, but for the sake of this guide we will assume that all the browsers work in the same way in this regard.
In this guide we will focus on issues arising from differences between the Unix and Windows platforms, as well as between the database systems (RDBMS) in common use by developers on each of the platforms.
In this guide I will demonstrate the porting process based on the Blog Starter Kit application (you can download the original C# source from http://www.shankun.com/BlogStarterKit.aspx):
Getting started
No assumptions as to the experience level of the developer porting an ASP.NET application are made throughout the guide. The information presented here should be useful both to a Windows developer and a Unix developer porting the application to run on a Unix platform.
Windows developers. If you are a working in the Windows environment, it is advised that you download the VMWare Virtual Image to have it handy when you get to the testing phase of your porting effort. The VMware virtual machine comes with the latest release of Mono preinstalled.
If your application uses MS SQL then on your Unix system you will need to install the PostgreSQL RDBMS, as this is the product which will be used to port MS SQL databases to. It is recommended that you use PostgreSQL 8.0 or newer.
Prerequisite software
- Npgsql version from CVS.
The CVS version is required, since the ASP.NET 2.0 Membership classes rely on the DbProviderFactories model which is not available in Npgsql shipped with Mono. - ASP.NET PostgreSQL Membership/Role providers. I recommend the version from Nauck, It, which is the code I use in all the ported starter kits. Make sure that you use the version of the above provider from the Mono branch as it contains changes necessary for the provider to work correctly with the CVS version of Npgsql.
- PostgreSQL 8.2
Porting the code
When initially testing the application on Unix, you might choose not to deal with case-sensitivity issues described below, but instead use the MONO_IOMAP approach. By using the MONO_IOMAP feature, you can ignore the differences between the Windows file system (case insensitive, and uses \ as a path separator) and the Unix file system (case sensitive, and uses / as the path separator).
Required assemblies
Put the Npgsql and PostgreSQL providers assemblies in the bin/
subdirectory of your application.
Configuration files
DbProviderFactory configuration
As we’re using Npgsql from CVS, which is not configured for use with ADO.NET 2.0 in Mono by default, we need to add the section shown below to the Web.config
<add name="Npgsql2 Data Provider"
description=".Net Framework Data Provider for PostgreSQL"
type="Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory, Npgsql2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7" />
Remember the Npgsql invariant name, as it will be used below.
Npgsql and ~/App_Code
Make sure that Npgsql is included in the set of assemblies to link with code compiled from ~/App_Code
and/or generated from your ASP.NET files by adding the following fragment to your Web.config
<add assembly="Npgsql2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7"/>
Connection string
Change the connection string to point to your PostgreSQL server and database. The code below shows the string for the Blog Starter Kit database named blogstarterkit
, user login test
, password test
<add name="Blog"
connectionString="SERVER=localhost;Database=blogstarterkit;User name=test;Password=test"
providerName="Npgsql2"/> <!-- provider invariant name, configured above -->
Membership/Roles provider configuration
The Membership/Roles provider requires a few changes to the application configuration. The XML below shows the relevant segment of the <system.web>
section for the Blog Starter Kit:
<roleManager enabled="true">
<add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider"
connectionStringName="Blog" applicationName="/"
type="NauckIT.PostgreSQLProvider.PgRoleProvider, PostgreSQLProviders, Version=1.0.2698.20744, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e35c7087b53d61d1"/>
<membership defaultProvider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider">
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
type="NauckIT.PostgreSQLProvider.PgMembershipProvider, PostgreSQLProviders, Version=1.0.2698.20744, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e35c7087b53d61d1"
A point to note above is that we’re clearing the list of providers. This is done because we’re overriding the standard ASP.NET
provider name string, to minimize the set of changes required to port the application.
Filesystem paths
Avoid specifying paths to files in the .config files. If you can’t avoid them, either provide a separate version for every supported platform with appropriate paths, or provider commented-out versions in a single .config file.
Another option is to use application relative URIs of the form:
Alternatively, you can provide the setting versions with different names, auto-detect the platform on the runtime and choose the appropriate setting (make sure you use proper file/directory name case in the Unix version of the setting):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">
<add key="Windows_KeyFile" value="c:\keys\file.key"/>
<add key="Unix_KeyFile" value="/etc/keys/file.key"/>
The runtime detection code could look like this:
using System;
using System.Configuration;
class MyClass
string PlatformName {
get {
switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) {
case PlatformID.Unix:
return "Unix";
return "Windows";
public string GetKeyFilePath ()
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[String.Format ("{0}_KeyFile", PlatformName)];
machineKey storage
Currently (as of June 2007) no Mono version supports persisting of the auto-generated machineKey values. For that reason, if you want your user sessions/logins to survive application restarts, you need to put the key values explicitly in the application top-level Web.config file.
Very useful utilities to generate the machineKey section can be found here and here
A sample <machineKey>
element to put in the <system.web>
<machineKey validationKey="66FF84B434578C6C442D8A5E5183CBD33C02E95FF918A1BF94809AA01081D508BBDD91EBC8D7F0AE47CF3B621516C875B95CBE9051FA7C8D1C9AA09B08CC816A"
decryptionKey="354A893316E7BD02297E07BD2C0E1310D6F0C40F651335C7" validation="SHA1" />
Make sure that you generate your own set of keys for your site security.
File access permissions
Make sure your files which contain sensitive information are owned by a trusted user and have safe file permissions:
chmod 600 ''FILE_NAME''
Note that the Web.config
files should be owned by the user under which the webserver (XSP or Apache) runs.
URL case
All the markup elements that refer to resources external to a file they are in should use proper case - matching the file/directory name on disk. Mirosoft Windows and IIS are case-insensitive in that respect whereas Unix systems and webservers are not. It might be a good idea to make all the web-accessible file names all lower case.
Filesystem path syntax
This section is based on Porting Winforms Applications**
The issue you should pay great attention to is the platform-specific filesystem paths. Windows systems use a backslash ("\"
) as path separator, while Unix systems use the forward slash ("/"
) for the same purpose.
There are two ways of dealing with the issue:
public string LoadDataFile (string filename)
string path = String.Format ("{0}{1}DataFiles{1}{2}", HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar,
if (File.Exists (path))
return File.ReadAllText (path);
return String.Empty;
public string LoadDataFile (string filename)
string path = Path.Combine (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "DataFiles");
string file = Path.Combine (path, filename);
if (File.Exists (path))
return File.ReadAllText (path);
return String.Empty;
File name case
Make sure that names of files you access from within your code-behind files are in proper case. Remember - Unix systems are case-sensitive.
Porting the data
It is assumed that your application uses MS SQL and you are porting the database to PostgreSQL.
MDF files
MS SQL/SQLExpress allow the developer to attach to a database stored in a file (usually located in the ~/App_Data/
directory). This feature is not available with PostgreSQL so all your data must live in a database stored on the machine where the RDBMS runs.
Npgsql data provider
At the time of this writing (June 2007), you will need to use the CVS version of the Npgsql data provider, as the one shipped with Mono does not support ADO.NET 2.0.
Membership/Roles/Profile provider schema
The providers require specific database schema to be present in your database. Make sure you execute the script below in the context on your database before using the Blog Starter Kit for the first time:
pId character(36) NOT NULL,
Username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
ApplicationName character varying(255) NOT NULL,
Email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
Comment character varying(128) NULL,
Password character varying(255) NOT NULL,
PasswordQuestion character varying(255) NULL,
PasswordAnswer character varying(255) NULL,
IsApproved boolean NULL,
LastActivityDate timestamptz NULL,
LastLoginDate timestamptz NULL,
LastPasswordChangedDate timestamptz NULL,
CreationDate timestamptz NULL,
IsOnLine boolean NULL,
IsLockedOut boolean NULL,
LastLockedOutDate timestamptz NULL,
FailedPasswordAttemptCount integer NULL,
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart timestamptz NULL,
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount integer NULL,
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart timestamptz NULL,
CONSTRAINT users_username_application_unique UNIQUE (Username, ApplicationName)
CREATE INDEX users_email_index ON Users (Email);
CREATE INDEX users_islockedout_index ON Users (IsLockedOut);
Rolename character varying(255) NOT NULL,
ApplicationName character varying(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (Rolename, ApplicationName)
Username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
Rolename character varying(255) NOT NULL,
ApplicationName character varying(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT usersinroles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (Username, Rolename, ApplicationName),
CONSTRAINT usersinroles_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (Username, ApplicationName) REFERENCES Users (Username, ApplicationName) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT usersinroles_rolename_fkey FOREIGN KEY (Rolename, ApplicationName) REFERENCES Roles (Rolename, ApplicationName) ON DELETE CASCADE
pId character(36) NOT NULL,
Username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
ApplicationName character varying(255) NOT NULL,
IsAnonymous boolean NULL,
LastActivityDate timestamptz NULL,
LastUpdatedDate timestamptz NULL,
CONSTRAINT profiles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pId),
CONSTRAINT profiles_username_application_unique UNIQUE (Username, ApplicationName),
CONSTRAINT profiles_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (Username, ApplicationName) REFERENCES Users (Username, ApplicationName) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE INDEX profiles_isanonymous_index ON Profiles (IsAnonymous);
CREATE TABLE ProfileData (
pId character(36) NOT NULL,
Profile character(36) NOT NULL,
Name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
ValueString text NULL,
ValueBinary bytea NULL,
CONSTRAINT profiledata_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pId),
CONSTRAINT profiledata_profile_name_unique UNIQUE (Profile, Name),
CONSTRAINT profiledata_profile_fkey FOREIGN KEY (Profile) REFERENCES Profiles (pId) ON DELETE CASCADE
Source code
Make sure that any queries issued directly from your source code use the correct syntax for PostgreSQL (modify them as described below).
Remember to modify your connection strings to use Npgsql format.
Data provider changes
Search and replace all the instances of SqlClient data access classes with their Npgsql counterparts. The code samples below come from Blog Starter Kit’s ~/App_Code/Utilities/SqlDatabase.cs
- Make sure your code uses Npgsql.
Original code:
using System.Data.SqlClient;
Ported code:
using Npgsql;
using NpgsqlTypes;
- Use Npgsql versions of the database access classes.
Original code:
SqlConnection connection = CreateConnection();
SqlCommand command = CreateCommand(connection, query, parameters);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
Ported code:
NpgsqlConnection connection = CreateConnection();
NpgsqlCommand command = CreateCommand(connection, query, parameters);
NpgsqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
- Modify command parameters to use syntax understood by Npgsql by replacing the
marker character with:
Original code:
sb.AppendFormat("({0} = @{0})", fieldValues[i]);
parameters.Add("@" + fieldValues[i]);
Ported code:
sb.AppendFormat("({0} = :{0})", fieldValues[i]);
parameters.Add(":" + fieldValues[i]);
- If you encounter references to @@IDENTITY in the queries made by your application, replace them with a call to the lastval() function.
Original code:
sb.Append("); SELECT @@IDENTITY");
Ported code:
sb.Append("); SELECT lastval()");
XSD files
XSD files define in a, theoretically, database provider independent fashion the structure of the database. The files can be placed in the ~/App_Code/
directory for automatic conversion into compilable code, or they can be processed from the command line with the XSD utility to produce compilable source code which contains type-safe DataSets for each table defined in the .xsd
xsd ''InputFile.xsd'' /d
The resulting .cs
(or .vb
if you chose VisualBasic for the output) file can be put in ~/App_Code/
to be automatically compiled at the application startup.
Annotated files
Mono version of the xsd
utility supports the standard contents of the .xsd
files and generates correct code for it. However, if the input file contains a section which looks as follows, the generated code will not be as expected by your application:
<xs:appinfo source="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdatasource">
If this is the case with your file(s), you should generate the code using the Microsoft version of the xsd
utility, put the generated code in ~/App_Code
and remove (or rename) the corresponding .xsd
file(s) so that their extension is different.
Modifying annotated files
Before processing the .xsd
file on Windows you need to edit it to make sure the generated code is compatible with Npgsql. There are two sets of changes that need to be made in order to achieve the goal:
- Make sure the provider mentioned in the file is Npgsql
To do so, locate the<Connections>
section within the<xs:appinfo>
element and modify each<Connection>
attribute to say Npgsql - Edit the queries and parameters as described below
Editing queries
The annotation section of the .xsd
file may contain elements shown below:
<!-- attributes omitted for brevity -->
<DbCommand CommandType="Text" ModifiedByUser="False">
<CommandText>DELETE FROM [dbo.MemberInfo] WHERE (([memberid] = @Original_memberid))</CommandText>
<Parameter AllowDbNull="False" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName=""
DbType="Guid" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@Original_memberid"
Precision="0" ProviderType="UniqueIdentifier" Scale="0"
Size="0" SourceColumn="memberid"
SourceColumnNullMapping="False" SourceVersion="Original">
<!-- contents similar to shown above -->
<!-- contents similar to shown above -->
<!-- contents similar to shown above -->
With the sample section shown above, you need to make several changes in order for the generated code to work properly with Npgsql:
- Make sure the DbType value is a valid type in Npgsql
- Change the
by replacing the@
character with:
which is the standard parameter quoting character for Npgsql. Also any ocurrence of the parameter name in the query text needs to be modified in the same way. - Remove all
characters from the query text. - Make sure the query is syntactically correct for PostgreSQL (refer to PostgreSQL documentation at [1])
SQL syntax differences
Information below is based on this document
The information below is only an excerpt from the document referenced above containing the most commonly occurring issues. It is advised that you read the above document in addition to this guide.
- Remove all the [ and ] characters from the table definitions and/or queries
- Remove all the
owner prefixes - Remove all the file group keywords (ON PRIMARY, TEXTIMAGE_ON, CLUSTERED
- Remove all occurrences of SET ANSI_NULLS and SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS
- Remove all occurrences of WITH NOCHECK
- Replace all instances of the GO keyword with semicolons (;)
SQL type mapping
Information below is based on this document
The information below is only an excerpt from the document referenced above containing the most commonly occurring issues. It is advised that you read the above document in addition to this guide.
replace with varchar
replace with text
datetime and smalldatetime
replace with timestamptz
can be replaced with either of boolean, int2 or smallint. The difference is in the syntax when referring to the field’s value in the queries (boolean accepts ‘0’, ‘1’, TRUE, FALSE, while the two integer fields accept only 0 and 1)
replace with bytea
even though PostgreSQL supports this type, it is deprecated in favor of numeric
replace with smallint
replace with text in the SQL definition and String in the .xsd
file. Typically, the ASP.NET apps will use this type to store the value of a Guid. If it is so in your case, make sure any and all code in your application that passes a value of type Guid to a method, first converts this value to a string (using the .ToString()
method called on the Guid object). If your application does not use the field to store Guid values, you can replace the type with bigint. Also, see the document referenced at the start of this section for more information about the type.
int IDENTITY(1,1) : replace withserial(orbigserialif you expect to have a very large number of rows)
Stored procedures
Porting the stored procedures is the most time consuming and the most difficult task in the process of moving to PostgreSQL. First of all, you must make sure that your target database has the PL/pgsql
language created. You must issue the command below as a PostgreSQL superuser:
PL/pgsql is the most similar to the MS SQL stored procedure language, so in theory it should be the easiest way to port the database. In practice, if you’re more familiar with Perl, Tcl, Python or C, you can write your procedures from scratch in any of those languages (making sure to previously create the language in the database in the way shown above).
Before you start porting, please read http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/plpgsql.html
Steps to port the stored procedures:
Replace all the CREATE PROCEDURE statements with CREATE FUNCTION. PostgreSQL functions need to have return types, so if you want to return no value, you need to define the procedure as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION foo () RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN ... END $$ language 'plpgsql'
Tips for porting
- Contrary to what the document quoted at the top of the section says, PostgreSQL 8.1 and newer stored procedures do support output parameters.
Default values for parameters are not supported. If you want to emulate them, overload the procedure:
- The sample procedures above show also how to return result sets. In MS SQL the operation is implicit, in PostgreSQL you need to declare a variable of type RECORD and loop over the results returned from a query, returning each set using the RETURN NEXT statement. This statement does not actually return from the function, it merely stores away the result set which is then returned to the caller when the RETURN; statement is parsed.
- Also in the sample procedures above, you can see how to declare the return type if you’re returning result sets.
If you plan to return only a subset of columns from a table, you should create a new type with only those columns and declare your function to return the new type:
CREATE TYPE FooTableSubset AS (column1 text, column2 int); CREATE FUNCTION Bar() RETURNS SETOF FooTableSubset AS $$ DECLARE r RECORD; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT column1, CAST(COUNT(*) AS int) AS num FROM FooTable *:LOOP RETURN NEXT r; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- The procedure above demonstrates another thing to pay attention to. The result of the
aggregate function in PostgreSQL is bigint (Int64 in .NET) while in MS SQL it’s int (Int32 in .NET). Therefore you need to either modify your application to expect an Int64 value, or (preferred) cast theCOUNT(*)
result as shown above. -
Try not to use temporary tables in your PostgreSQL stored procedure. MS SQL procedures can contain code like the one shown below:
SELECT INTO #temptable ....
Instead of using
, you should rather create a new type and return result sets from a query limited to the columns you’re interested in. - Use FOUND instead of @@FETCH_STATUS
- Use currval(sequence_name) instead of @@IDENTITY
- Make sure to end each statement with semicolons (;)
Conditional execution blocks in PL/pgsql do not use BEGIN/END, instead they use the following syntax:
IF ''condition''' THEN .... ELSIF ''condition'' THEN .... END IF;
Running the application on Unix
On Unix systems, Mono supports an I/O compatibility mode which allows you to ignore the file name case when accessing files on disk. The mode also takes care of disk designators (e.g. c:
). Enabling the translation carries, obviously, some performance penalty, but is a good way to get your application up and running quickly. To enable the compatibility mode, make sure your web server’s (XSP’s or Apache’s) environment contains the MONO_IOMAP
variable set to all:
If you’re using mod_mono
, put the following line in your virtual host config file:
MonoSetEnv MONO_IOMAP=all
Supporting Multiple Platforms
Some applications require advanced configuration settings that are OS-specific or deployment specific. For example, Mono uses this to set the default membership and role managers on Linux to use SQLite by default, as opposed to a larger database.
Configuration is driven by the settings.map file, for a detailed explanation of it see the [[2]] document.
More Tutorials
Nathan Bridgewater wrote this very nice 3-part tutorial on how to port an ASP.NET MVC application to Mono:
- Part 1: Installing the Software
- Part 2: Setting up and Configuring MySQL
- Part 3: Walk through porting the ASP.NET MVC website.