These are currently undocumented, and some require configure options to have been specified (like -mpipktsize and -chmemdebug). The option -mpiversion is useful for finding out how your installation of mpich was configured and exactly what version it is. The options include:
mpirun -np 2 a.out -mpiversion
If your configuration of mpich used -device=ch_p4, then some of the
p4 debugging capabilities are available to you. The most useful of
these are the command line arguments to the application program. Thus
mpirun -np 10 myprog -p4dbg 20 -p4rdbg 20results in program tracing information at a level of 20 being written to stdout during execution. For more information about what is printed at what levels, see the p4 Users' Guide [(ref butler-lusk:p4-manual)].