Problems starting programs

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Up: In Case of Trouble Next: General Previous: LINUX


Up: Problems starting programs Next: IBM RS6000 Previous: Problems starting programs

    1. Q: When trying to start a program with
         mpirun -np 2 cpi 
    either I get an error message or the program hangs.

    A: On some systems such as IBM SPs, there are many mutually exclusive ways to run parallel programs; each site can pick the approach(es) that it allows. The script mpirun tries one of the more common methods, but may make the wrong choice. Use the -v or -t option to mpirun to see how it is trying to run the program, and then compare this with the site-specific instructions for using your system. You may need to adapt the code in mpirun to meet your needs. See also the next question.

    2. Q: When trying to run a program with, e.g., mpirun -np 4 cpi, I get

        usage : mpirun [options] <executable> [<dstnodes>] [-- <args>] 
        mpirun [options] <schema> 

    A: You have a command named mpirun for a different implementation of MPI in your path ahead of the mpich version. Execute the command
        which mpirun 
    to see which command named mpirun was actually found. The fix is to either change the order of directories in your path to put the mpich version of mpirun first, or to define an alias for mpirun that uses an absolute path. For example, in the csh shell, you might do
        alias mpirun /usr/local/mpich/bin/mpirun  
    to set mpirun to the mpich version.

    3. Q: When I try to run a program on more than one processor, I get an error message

         mpirun -np 2 cpi 
         /home/me/cpi: error in loading shared libraries:  
         cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
    There is no trouble running on one processor.

    A: This means that some shared library used by the system cannot be found on remote processors. There are two possibilities:

      1. The shared libraries are not installed on the remote processor. To fix this, have your system administrators install the libraries.
      2. The shared libraries are not in the default path. This can happen if the path is in an environment variable that is set in your current shell but that is not part of your default or remote shell environment. The fix in this case is harder, because you must communicate the location of the shared library to the executable (a major deficiency in most Unix shared-library designs is that executables do not, by default, remember where a shared library was found when linking). The simplest fix may be to have your system administrators place the necessary shared libraries into one of the directories that is searched by default. If this is not possible, then you will need to help the compiler and linker out.

      Many linkers provide a way to specify the search path for shared libraries. The trick is to (a) pass this command to the linker program and (b) specify all of the libraries that are needed.

      For example, on Linux systems, the linker command to specify the shared library search path is -rpath path, e.g., -rpath /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib. To pass this command to the linker through the Intel C compiler icc, the command -Qoption,link,-rpath,path is used. By default, the Linux linker looks in /usr/lib and the directories specified by the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Thus, to force the linker to include the path to the shared library, you can use

         mpicc -o cpi cpi -Qoption,link,-rpath,$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib 
      If this works, then consider editing the value of LDFLAGS in the compiler scripts (e.g., mpicc) to include this option.

      Unfortunately, each compiler has a different way of passing these arguments to the linker, and each linker has a different set of arguments for specifying the shared library search path. You will need to check the documentation for your system to find this options.

    4. Q: When attempting to run cpilog I get the following message: cpilog: fatal: can't open file: errno 2 

    A: The X11 version that configure found isn't properly installed. This is a common problem with Sun/Solaris systems. One possibility is that your Solaris machines are running slightly different versions. You can try forcing static linking (-Bstatic on Solaris).

    Alternately, consider adding these lines to your .login (assuming C shell):

        setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin 
        setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/SUNWspro/lib:/usr/openwin/lib 
    (you may want to check with your system administrator first to make sure that the paths are correct for your system). Make sure that you add them before any line like
        if ($?USER == 0 || $?prompt == 0) exit  

    5. Q: My program fails when it tries to write to a file.

    A: If you opened the file before calling MPI_INIT, the behavior of MPI (not just the mpich implementation of MPI) is undefined. In the ch_p4 device, only process zero (in MPI_COMM_WORLD) will have the file open; the other processes will not have opened the file. Move the operations that open files and interact with the outside world to after MPI_INIT (and before MPI_FINALIZE).

    6. Q: Programs seem to take forever to start.

    A: This can be caused by any of several problems. On systems with dynamically-linked executables, this can be caused by problems with the file system suddenly getting requests from many processors for the dynamically-linked parts of the executable (this has been measured as a problem with some DFS implementations). You can try statically linking your application.

  • Q: My programs seem to hang in MPI_Init.

    A: There are a number of ways that this can happen:

      1. One of the workstations you selected to run on is dead (try tstmachines if you are using the ch_p4 device)
      2. You linked with the FSU pthreads package; this has been reported to cause problems, particularly with the system select call that is part of Unix and is used by mpich.

      Another is if you use the library -ldxml (extended math library) on Compaq Alpha systems. This has been observed to cause MPI_Init to hang. No workaround is known at this time; contact Compaq for a fix if you need to use MPI and -ldxml together.

      The root of this problem is that the ch_p4 device uses SIG_USR1, and so any library that also uses this signal can interfere with the operation of mpich if it is using ch_p4. You can rebuild mpich to use a different signal by using the configure argument --with-device=ch_p4:-listener_sig=SIGNAL_NAME and remaking mpich.

  • Q: Sometimes, I get the error
        Exec format error. Wrong Architecture. 

    A: You are probably using NFS (Network File System). NFS can fail to keep files updated in a timely way; this problem can be caused by creating an executable on one machine and then attempting to use it from another. Usually, NFS catches up with the existence of the new file within a few minutes. You can also try using the sync command. mpirun in fact tries to run the sync command, but on many systems, sync is only advisory and will not guarentee that the file system has been made consistent.

  • Q: There seem to be two copies of my program running on each node. This doubles the memory requirement of my application. Is this normal?

    A: Yes, this is normal. In the ch_p4 implementation, the second process is used to dynamically establish connections to other processes. With Version 1.1.1 of mpich, this functionality can be placed in a separate thread on many architectures, and this second process will not be seen. To enable this, use the option -p4_opts=-threaded_listener on the configure command line for mpich.

  • Q: MPI_Abort sometimes doesn't work in the ch_p4 device. Why?

    A: Currently (Version 1.2.5) a process detects that another process has aborted only when it tries to send or receive a message, and the aborting process is one that it has communicated with in the past. Thus it is possible for a process busy with computation not to notice that one of its peers has issued an MPI_Abort, although for many common communication patterns this does not present a problem. This will be fixed in a future release.

    Up: Problems starting programs Next: IBM RS6000 Previous: Problems starting programs

    IBM RS6000

    Up: Problems starting programs Next: IBM SP Previous: General

      1. Q: When trying to run on an IBM RS6000 with the ch_p4 device, I got
      % mpirun -np 2 cpi 
      Could not load program /home/me/mpich/examples/basic/cpi  
      Could not load library libC.a[shr.o] 
      Error was: No such file or directory 

      A: This means that mpich was built with the xlC compiler but that some of the machines in your util/machines/machines.rs6000 file do not have xlC installed. Either install xlC or rebuild mpich to use another compiler (either xlc or gcc; gcc has the advantage of never having any licensing restrictions).

    Up: Problems starting programs Next: IBM SP Previous: General

    IBM SP

    Up: Problems starting programs Next: Programs fail at startup Previous: IBM RS6000

      1. Q: When starting my program on an IBM SP, I get this:
      $ mpirun -np 2 hello 
      ERROR: 0031-124  Couldn't allocate nodes for parallel execution.  Exiting ... 
      ERROR: 0031-603  Resource Manager allocation for task: 0, node:  
      ERROR: 0031-635  Non-zero status -1 returned from pm_mgr_init 

      A: This means that either mpirun is trying to start jobs on your SP in a way different than your installation supports or that there has been a failure in the IBM software that manages the parallel jobs (all of these error messages are from the IBM poe command that mpirun uses to start the MPI job). Contact your system administrator for help in fixing this situation. You system administrator can use
      dsh -av "ps aux | egrep -i 'poe|pmd|jmd'" 
      from the control workstation to search for stray IBM POE jobs that can cause this behavior. The files /tmp/jmd_err on the individual nodes may also contain useful diagnostic information.

      2. Q: When trying to run on an IBM SP, I get the message from mpirun:

        ERROR: 0031-214  pmd: chdir </a/user/gamma/home/mpich/examples/basic> 
        ERROR: 0031-214  pmd: chdir </a/user/gamma/home/mpich/examples/basic> 

      A: These are messages from tbe IBM system, not from mpirun. They may be caused by an incompatibility between POE, the automounter (especially the AMD automounter) and the shell, especially if you are using a shell other than ksh. There is no good solution; IBM often recommends changing your shell to ksh!

      3. Q: When trying to run on an IBM SP, I get this message:

      ERROR: 0031-124  Less than 2 nodes available from pool 0 

      A: This means that the IBM POE/MPL system could not allocate the requested nodes when you tried to run your program; most likely, someone else was using the system. You can try to use the environment variables MP_RETRY and MP_RETRYCOUNT to cause the job to wait until the nodes become available. Use man poe to get more information.

      4. Q: When running on an IBM SP, my job generates the message

        Message number 0031-254 not found in Message Catalog. 
      and then dies.

      A: If your user name is eight characters long, you may be experiencing a bug in the IBM POE environment. The only fix at the time this was written was to use an account whose user name was seven characters or less. Ask your IBM representative about PMR 4017X (poe with userids of length eight fails) and the associated APAR IX56566.

    Up: Problems starting programs Next: Programs fail at startup Previous: IBM RS6000