The IC1FileStream type exposes the following members.


Public methodClose
Closes the file stream.
Public methodFlush()()()()
Flushes the buffered bytes to the file.
Public methodFlush(Boolean)
Flushes the buffered bytes to the file.
Public methodRead
Reads a block of bytes from the file stream.
Public methodReadByte
Reads a byte form the file stream.
Public methodSeek
Seeks to a position in the file stream.
Public methodSetLength
Sets the length of the file in bytes.
Public methodWrite
Writes a block of bytes to the file stream.
Public methodWriteByte
Writes a byte to the file stream.


Public propertyCanRead
Returns true if its possible to read from the stream.
Public propertyCanSeek
Returns true if its possible to seek in the stream.
Public propertyCanWrite
Returns true if its possible to write to the stream.
Public propertyLength
Size of the file in bytes.
Public propertyName
Name of the file.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the current read/write position in the file stream.

See Also