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Netty is distributed under Apache License, v2.0. Please see the en­closed NOTICE.txt for more information.

Changelogs and road map are available in our issue tracker.


Please note that Netty has no mandatory external dependencies. JDK 1.5 (1.6 for Netty 4+) or above is all that you need to run Netty.

Getting notified on a new release

You can either subscribe to our official blog or follow @netty_project at Twitter.

Downloading from the Maven central repository

Add the following dependency section to your pom.xml:

    <artifactId>netty</artifactId> <!-- Use 'netty-all' for 4.0 or above -->

Previous releases

All previous releases can be downloaded from here.

Nightly builds

Nightly builds can be found at our CI server. You can also pull the latest snapshots from our Maven snapshot repository.