Package nltk :: Module cfg
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Module cfg

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Basic data classes for representing context free grammars. A grammar specifies which trees can represent the structure of a given text. Each of these trees is called a parse tree for the text (or simply a parse). In a context free grammar, the set of parse trees for any piece of a text can depend only on that piece, and not on the rest of the text (i.e., the piece's context). Context free grammars are often used to find possible syntactic structures for sentences. In this context, the leaves of a parse tree are word tokens; and the node values are phrasal categories, such as NP and VP.

The Grammar class is used to encode context free grammars. Each Grammar consists of a start symbol and a set of productions. The start symbol specifies the root node value for parse trees. For example, the start symbol for syntactic parsing is usually S. Start symbols are encoded using the Nonterminal class, which is discussed below.

A Grammar's productions specify what parent-child relationships a parse tree can contain. Each production specifies that a particular node can be the parent of a particular set of children. For example, the production <S> -> <NP> <VP> specifies that an S node can be the parent of an NP node and a VP node.

Grammar productions are implemented by the Production class. Each Production consists of a left hand side and a right hand side. The left hand side is a Nonterminal that specifies the node type for a potential parent; and the right hand side is a list that specifies allowable children for that parent. This lists consists of Nonterminals and text types: each Nonterminal indicates that the corresponding child may be a TreeToken with the specified node type; and each text type indicates that the corresponding child may be a Token with the with that type.

The Nonterminal class is used to distinguish node values from leaf values. This prevents the grammar from accidentally using a leaf value (such as the English word "A") as the node of a subtree. Within a Grammar, all node values are wrapped in the Nonterminal class. Note, however, that the trees that are specified by the grammar do not include these Nonterminal wrappers.

Grammars can also be given a more procedural interpretation. According to this interpretation, a Grammar specifies any tree structure tree that can be produced by the following procedure:

The operation of replacing the left hand side (lhs) of a production with the right hand side (rhs) in a tree (tree) is known as expanding lhs to rhs in tree.

Classes [hide private]
A non-terminal symbol for a context free grammar.
A context-free grammar production.
A context-free grammar.
A probabilistic context free grammar production.
A probabilistic context-free grammar.
A feature structure that's also a nonterminal.
Functions [hide private]
list of Nonterminal
Given a string containing a list of symbol names, return a list of Nonterminals constructed from those symbols.
source code
Returns a list of productions
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parse_cfg(s) source code
induce_pcfg(start, productions)
Induce a PCFG grammar from a list of productions.
source code
Returns a list of PCFG productions
source code
parse_pcfg(s) source code
Convert CFG lexical productions into a dictionary indexed by the lexical string.
source code
parse_fcfg_production(line, fstruct_parser) source code
parse_fcfg(input, features=None)
Return a tuple (list of grammatical productions, lexicon dict).
source code
A demonstration showing how Grammars can be created and used.
source code
A demonstration showing how PCFG Grammars can be created and used.
source code
fcfg_demo() source code
demo() source code
Variables [hide private]
  _PARSE_CFG_RE = re.compile(r'(?x)^\s*(\w+(?:/\w+)?)\s*(?:[-=]+...
  _SPLIT_CFG_RE = re.compile(r'(\w+(?:/\w+)?|[-=]+>|"[^"]+"|\'[^...
  _PARSE_PCFG_RE = re.compile(r'(?x)^\s*(\w+(?:/\w+)?)\s*(?:[-=]...
  _SPLIT_PCFG_RE = re.compile(r'(\w+(?:/\w+)?|\[[01]?\.\d+\]|[-=...
  toy_pcfg1 = <Grammar with 17 productions>
  toy_pcfg2 = <Grammar with 23 productions>
Function Details [hide private]


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Given a string containing a list of symbol names, return a list of Nonterminals constructed from those symbols.

  • symbols (string) - The symbol name string. This string can be delimited by either spaces or commas.
Returns: list of Nonterminal
A list of Nonterminals constructed from the symbol names given in symbols. The Nonterminals are sorted in the same order as the symbols names.

induce_pcfg(start, productions)

source code 

Induce a PCFG grammar from a list of productions.

The probability of a production A -> B C in a PCFG is:

| count(A -> B C) | P(B, C | A) = --------------- where * is any right hand side | count(A -> *)

  • start (Nonterminal) - The start symbol
  • productions (list of Production) - The list of productions that defines the grammar

parse_fcfg(input, features=None)

source code 

Return a tuple (list of grammatical productions, lexicon dict).

  • input - a grammar, either in the form of a string or else as a list of strings.

Variables Details [hide private]







