Package nltk :: Package chat :: Module iesha
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[frames] | no frames]

Module iesha

source code

This chatbot is a tongue-in-cheek take on the average teen anime junky that frequents YahooMessenger or MSNM. All spelling mistakes and flawed grammar are intentional.

Functions [hide private]
iesha_chat() source code
demo() source code
Variables [hide private]
  reflections = {'am': 'r', 'are': 'am', 'i': 'u', 'i\'d': 'u\'d...
  pairs = (('I\\\'m (.*)', ('ur%1?? that\'s so cool! kekekekeke ...
  iesha_chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections)
Variables Details [hide private]


{'am': 'r',
 'are': 'am',
 'i': 'u',
 'i\'d': 'u\'d',
 'i\'ll': 'u\'ll',
 'i\'ve': 'u\'v',
 'ive': 'u\'v',
 'me': 'u',


(('I\\\'m (.*)',
  ('ur%1?? that\'s so cool! kekekekeke ^_^ tell me more!',
   'ur%1? neat!! kekeke >_<')),
 ('(.*) don\\\'t you (.*)',
  ('u think I can%2??! really?? kekeke \\<_\\<',
   'what do u mean%2??!',
   'i could if i wanted, don\'t you think!! kekeke')),
 ('ye[as] [iI] (.*)', ('u%1? cool!! how?', 'how come u%1??', 'u%1? so \