Package nltk :: Package classify :: Module api :: Class ClassifierI
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Class ClassifierI

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

A processing interface for labeling tokens with a single category label (or class). Labels are typically strings or integers, but can be any immutable type. The set of labels that the classifier chooses from must be fixed and finite.

Subclasses must define:

Subclasses may define:

Instance Methods [hide private]
list of (immutable)
Returns: the list of category labels used by this classifier.
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classify(self, featureset)
Returns: the most appropriate label for the given featureset.
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prob_classify(self, featureset)
Returns: a probability distribution over labels for the given featureset.
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list of label
batch_classify(self, featuresets)
Apply self.classify() to each element of featuresets.
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list of ProbDistI
batch_prob_classify(self, featuresets)
Apply self.prob_classify() to each element of featuresets.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

batch_probdist(*args, **kwargs) source code
probdist(*args, **kwargs) source code
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Returns: list of (immutable)
the list of category labels used by this classifier.

classify(self, featureset)

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Returns: label
the most appropriate label for the given featureset.

prob_classify(self, featureset)

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Returns: ProbDistI
a probability distribution over labels for the given featureset.

batch_classify(self, featuresets)

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Apply self.classify() to each element of featuresets. I.e.:

>>> return [self.classify(fs) for fs in featuresets]
Returns: list of label

batch_prob_classify(self, featuresets)

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Apply self.prob_classify() to each element of featuresets. I.e.:

>>> return [self.prob_classify(fs) for fs in featuresets]
Returns: list of ProbDistI

batch_probdist(*args, **kwargs)

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  • @deprecated("Use .batch_prob_classify() instead.")

Deprecated: Use .batch_prob_classify() instead.

probdist(*args, **kwargs)

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  • @deprecated("Use .prob_classify() instead.")

Deprecated: Use .prob_classify() instead.