Package nltk :: Package classify :: Module megam
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Module megam

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A set of functions used to interface with the external megam maxent optimization package. Before megam can be used, you should tell NLTK where it can find the megam binary, using the config_megam() function. Typical usage:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.config_megam('.../path/to/megam')
>>> classifier = nltk.MaxentClassifier.train(corpus, 'megam')
Functions [hide private]
Configure NLTK's interface to the megam maxent optimization package.
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    Megam Interface Functions
write_megam_file(train_toks, encoding, stream, bernoulli=True, explicit=True)
Generate an input file for megam based on the given corpus of classified tokens.
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parse_megam_weights(s, explicit=True)
Given the stdout output generated by megam when training a model, return a numpy array containing the corresponding weight vector.
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_write_megam_features(vector, stream, bernoulli) source code
Call the megam binary with the given arguments.
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Variables [hide private]
  _megam_bin = None
Function Details [hide private]


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Configure NLTK's interface to the megam maxent optimization package.

  • bin (string) - The full path to the megam binary. If not specified, then nltk will search the system for a megam binary; and if one is not found, it will raise a LookupError exception.

write_megam_file(train_toks, encoding, stream, bernoulli=True, explicit=True)

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Generate an input file for megam based on the given corpus of classified tokens.

  • train_toks (list of tuples of (dict, str)) - Training data, represented as a list of pairs, the first member of which is a feature dictionary, and the second of which is a classification label.
  • encoding (MaxentFeatureEncodingI) - A feature encoding, used to convert featuresets into feature vectors.
  • stream (stream) - The stream to which the megam input file should be written.
  • bernoulli - If true, then use the 'bernoulli' format. I.e., all joint features have binary values, and are listed iff they are true. Otherwise, list feature values explicitly. If bernoulli=False, then you must call megam with the -fvals option.
  • explicit - If true, then use the 'explicit' format. I.e., list the features that would fire for any of the possible labels, for each token. If explicit=True, then you must call megam with the -explicit option.

parse_megam_weights(s, explicit=True)

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Given the stdout output generated by megam when training a model, return a numpy array containing the corresponding weight vector. This function does not currently handle bias features.