Package nltk :: Package corpus :: Package reader
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Source Code for Package nltk.corpus.reader

 1  # Natural Language Toolkit: Corpus Readers 
 2  # 
 3  # Copyright (C) 2001-2008 NLTK Project 
 4  # Author: Steven Bird <[email protected]> 
 5  #         Edward Loper <[email protected]> 
 6  # URL: <> 
 7  # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT 
 9  """ 
10  Corpus readers. 
11  """ 
13  from nltk.corpus.reader.plaintext import * 
14  from nltk.corpus.reader.util import * 
15  from nltk.corpus.reader.api import * 
16  from nltk.corpus.reader.tagged import * 
17  from nltk.corpus.reader.cmudict import * 
18  from nltk.corpus.reader.conll import * 
19  from nltk.corpus.reader.chunked import * 
20  from nltk.corpus.reader.wordlist import * 
21  from nltk.corpus.reader.xmldocs import * 
22  from nltk.corpus.reader.ppattach import * 
23  from nltk.corpus.reader.senseval import * 
24  from nltk.corpus.reader.ieer import * 
25  from nltk.corpus.reader.sinica_treebank import * 
26  from nltk.corpus.reader.bracket_parse import * 
27  from nltk.corpus.reader.indian import * 
28  from nltk.corpus.reader.toolbox import * 
29  from nltk.corpus.reader.timit import * 
30  from nltk.corpus.reader.ycoe import * 
31  from nltk.corpus.reader.rte import * 
32  from nltk.corpus.reader.string_category import * 
33  from nltk.corpus.reader.propbank import * 
34  from nltk.corpus.reader.verbnet import * 
35  from nltk.corpus.reader.bnc import * 
36  from nltk.corpus.reader.nps_chat import * 
38  # Make sure that nltk.corpus.reader.bracket_parse gives the module, not 
39  # the function bracket_parse() defined in nltk.tree: 
40  import bracket_parse 
42  __all__ = [ 
43      'CorpusReader', 'CategorizedCorpusReader', 
44      'PlaintextCorpusReader', 'find_corpus_files', 
45      'TaggedCorpusReader', 'CMUDictCorpusReader', 
46      'ConllChunkCorpusReader', 'WordListCorpusReader', 
47      'PPAttachmentCorpusReader', 'SensevalCorpusReader', 
48      'IEERCorpusReader', 'ChunkedCorpusReader', 
49      'SinicaTreebankCorpusReader', 'BracketParseCorpusReader', 
50      'IndianCorpusReader', 'ToolboxCorpusReader', 
51      'TimitCorpusReader', 'YCOECorpusReader', 
52      'MacMorphoCorpusReader', 'SyntaxCorpusReader', 
53      'AlpinoCorpusReader', 'RTECorpusReader', 
54      'StringCategoryCorpusReader', 
55      'CategorizedTaggedCorpusReader', 
56      'CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader', 
57      'tagged_treebank_para_block_reader', 
58      'PropbankCorpusReader', 'VerbnetCorpusReader', 
59      'BNCCorpusReader', 'ConllCorpusReader', 
60      'XMLCorpusReader', 'NPSChatCorpusReader' 
61  ]