Package nltk :: Package corpus :: Package reader :: Module bnc :: Class BNCCorpusReader
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Class BNCCorpusReader

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         object --+        
   api.CorpusReader --+    
xmldocs.XMLCorpusReader --+

Corpus reader for the XML version of the British National Corpus. For access to the complete XML data structure, use the xml() method. For access to simple word lists and tagged word lists, use words(), sents(), tagged_words(), and tagged_sents().

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, root, files, lazy=True) source code
list of str
words(self, files=None, strip_space=True, stem=False)
Returns: the given file or files as a list of words and punctuation symbols.
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list of (str,str)
tagged_words(self, files=None, c5=False, strip_space=True, stem=False)
Returns: the given file or files as a list of tagged words and punctuation symbols, encoded as tuples (word,tag).
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list of (list of str)
sents(self, files=None, strip_space=True, stem=False)
Returns: the given file or files as a list of sentences or utterances, each encoded as a list of word strings.
source code
list of (list of (str,str))
tagged_sents(self, files=None, c5=False, strip_space=True, stem=False)
Returns: the given file or files as a list of sentences, each encoded as a list of (word,tag) tuples.
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_words(self, filename, bracket_sent, tag, strip_space, stem)
Helper used to implement the view methods -- returns a list of words or a list of sentences, optionally tagged.
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Inherited from xmldocs.XMLCorpusReader: raw, xml

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: __repr__, abspath, abspaths, encoding, files, open

Inherited from api.CorpusReader (private): _get_root

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

    Deprecated since 0.8

Inherited from xmldocs.XMLCorpusReader: read

    Deprecated since 0.9.1

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: filenames

Inherited from api.CorpusReader (private): _get_items

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from api.CorpusReader (private): _encoding, _files, _root

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: root

Inherited from object: __class__

    Deprecated since 0.9.1

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: items

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, root, files, lazy=True)

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Overrides: xmldocs.XMLCorpusReader.__init__

words(self, files=None, strip_space=True, stem=False)

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  • strip_space - If true, then strip trailing spaces from word tokens. Otherwise, leave the spaces on the tokens.
  • stem - If true, then use word stems instead of word strings.
Returns: list of str
the given file or files as a list of words and punctuation symbols.

tagged_words(self, files=None, c5=False, strip_space=True, stem=False)

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  • c5 - If true, then the tags used will be the more detailed c5 tags. Otherwise, the simplified tags will be used.
  • strip_space - If true, then strip trailing spaces from word tokens. Otherwise, leave the spaces on the tokens.
  • stem - If true, then use word stems instead of word strings.
Returns: list of (str,str)
the given file or files as a list of tagged words and punctuation symbols, encoded as tuples (word,tag).

sents(self, files=None, strip_space=True, stem=False)

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  • strip_space - If true, then strip trailing spaces from word tokens. Otherwise, leave the spaces on the tokens.
  • stem - If true, then use word stems instead of word strings.
Returns: list of (list of str)
the given file or files as a list of sentences or utterances, each encoded as a list of word strings.

tagged_sents(self, files=None, c5=False, strip_space=True, stem=False)

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  • c5 - If true, then the tags used will be the more detailed c5 tags. Otherwise, the simplified tags will be used.
  • strip_space - If true, then strip trailing spaces from word tokens. Otherwise, leave the spaces on the tokens.
  • stem - If true, then use word stems instead of word strings.
Returns: list of (list of (str,str))
the given file or files as a list of sentences, each encoded as a list of (word,tag) tuples.

_words(self, filename, bracket_sent, tag, strip_space, stem)

source code 

Helper used to implement the view methods -- returns a list of words or a list of sentences, optionally tagged.

  • filename - The name of the underlying file.
  • bracket_sent - If true, include sentence bracketing.
  • tag - The name of the tagset to use, or None for no tags.
  • strip_space - If true, strip spaces from word tokens.
  • stem - If true, then substitute stems for words.