Package nltk :: Package corpus :: Package reader :: Module ieer
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Module ieer

source code

Corpus reader for the Information Extraction and Entity Recognition Corpus.

NIST 1999 Information Extraction: Entity Recognition Evaluation

This corpus contains the NEWSWIRE development test data for the NIST 1999 IE-ER Evaluation. The files were taken from the subdirectory: /ie_er_99/english/devtest/newswire/*.ref.nwt and filenames were shortened.

The corpus contains the following files: APW_19980314, APW_19980424, APW_19980429, NYT_19980315, NYT_19980403, and NYT_19980407.

Classes [hide private]
Variables [hide private]
  titles = {'APW_19980314': 'Associated Press Weekly, 14 March 1...
A dictionary whose keys are the names of documents in this corpus; and whose values are descriptions of those documents' contents.
  documents = ['APW_19980314', 'APW_19980424', 'APW_19980429', '...
A list of all documents in this corpus.
Variables Details [hide private]


A dictionary whose keys are the names of documents in this corpus; and whose values are descriptions of those documents' contents.

{'APW_19980314': 'Associated Press Weekly, 14 March 1998',
 'APW_19980424': 'Associated Press Weekly, 24 April 1998',
 'APW_19980429': 'Associated Press Weekly, 29 April 1998',
 'NYT_19980315': 'New York Times, 15 March 1998',
 'NYT_19980403': 'New York Times, 3 April 1998',
 'NYT_19980407': 'New York Times, 7 April 1998'}


A list of all documents in this corpus.
