Package nltk :: Package corpus :: Package reader :: Module propbank :: Class PropbankCorpusReader
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class PropbankCorpusReader

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      object --+    
api.CorpusReader --+

Corpus reader for the propbank corpus, which augments the Penn Treebank with information about the predicate argument structure of every verb instance. The corpus consists of two parts: the predicate-argument annotations themselves, and a set of frameset files which define the argument labels used by the annotations, on a per-verb basis. Each frameset file contains one or more predicates, such as 'turn' or 'turn_on', each of which is divided into coarse-grained word senses called rolesets. For each roleset, the frameset file provides descriptions of the argument roles, along with examples.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, root, propfile, framefiles='', verbsfile=None, parse_filename_xform=None, parse_corpus=None, encoding=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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raw(self, files=None)
Returns: the text contents of the given files, as a single string.
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Returns: a corpus view that acts as a list of PropbankInstance objects, one for each verb in the corpus.
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Returns: a corpus view that acts as a list of strings, one for each line in the predicate-argument annotation file.
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roleset(self, roleset_id)
Returns: the xml description for the given roleset.
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Returns: a corpus view that acts as a list of all verb lemmas in this corpus (from the verbs.txt file).
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_read_instance_block(self, stream) source code

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: __repr__, abspath, abspaths, encoding, files, open

Inherited from api.CorpusReader (private): _get_root

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

    Deprecated since 0.9.1

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: filenames

Inherited from api.CorpusReader (private): _get_items

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from api.CorpusReader (private): _encoding, _files, _root

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: root

Inherited from object: __class__

    Deprecated since 0.9.1

Inherited from api.CorpusReader: items

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, root, propfile, framefiles='', verbsfile=None, parse_filename_xform=None, parse_corpus=None, encoding=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

  • root - The root directory for this corpus.
  • propfile - The name of the file containing the predicate- argument annotations (relative to root).
  • framefiles - A list or regexp specifying the frameset files for this corpus.
  • parse_filename_xform - A transform that should be applied to the filenames in this corpus. This should be a function of one argument (a filename) that returns a string (the new filename).
  • parse_corpus - The corpus containing the parse trees corresponding to this corpus. These parse trees are necessary to resolve the tree pointers used by propbank.
Overrides: api.CorpusReader.__init__

raw(self, files=None)

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the text contents of the given files, as a single string.


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a corpus view that acts as a list of PropbankInstance objects, one for each verb in the corpus.


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a corpus view that acts as a list of strings, one for each line in the predicate-argument annotation file.

roleset(self, roleset_id)

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the xml description for the given roleset.


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a corpus view that acts as a list of all verb lemmas in this corpus (from the verbs.txt file).