Package nltk :: Package corpus :: Package reader :: Module timit
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Source Code for Module nltk.corpus.reader.timit

  1  # Natural Language Toolkit: TIMIT Corpus Reader 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 NLTK Project 
  4  # Author: Haejoong Lee <[email protected]> 
  5  #         Steven Bird <[email protected]> 
  6  # URL: <> 
  7  # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT 
  9  # [xx] this docstring is out-of-date: 
 10  """ 
 11  Read tokens, phonemes and audio data from the NLTK TIMIT Corpus. 
 13  This corpus contains selected portion of the TIMIT corpus. 
 15   - 16 speakers from 8 dialect regions 
 16   - 1 male and 1 female from each dialect region 
 17   - total 130 sentences (10 sentences per speaker.  Note that some 
 18     sentences are shared among other speakers, especially sa1 and sa2 
 19     are spoken by all speakers.) 
 20   - total 160 recording of sentences (10 recordings per speaker) 
 21   - audio format: NIST Sphere, single channel, 16kHz sampling, 
 22    16 bit sample, PCM encoding 
 25  Module contents 
 26  =============== 
 28  The timit corpus reader provides 4 functions and 4 data items. 
 30   - utterances 
 32     List of utterances in the corpus.  There are total 160 utterances, 
 33     each of which corresponds to a unique utterance of a speaker. 
 34     Here's an example of an utterance identifier in the list:: 
 36         dr1-fvmh0/sx206 
 37           - _----  _--- 
 38           | |  |   | | 
 39           | |  |   | | 
 40           | |  |   | `--- sentence number 
 41           | |  |   `----- sentence type (a:all, i:shared, x:exclusive) 
 42           | |  `--------- speaker ID 
 43           | `------------ sex (m:male, f:female) 
 44           `-------------- dialect region (1..8) 
 46   - speakers 
 48     List of speaker IDs.  An example of speaker ID:: 
 50         dr1-fvmh0 
 52     Note that if you split an item ID with colon and take the first element of 
 53     the result, you will get a speaker ID. 
 55         >>> itemid = dr1-fvmh0/sx206 
 56         >>> spkrid,sentid = itemid.split('/') 
 57         >>> spkrid 
 58         'dr1-fvmh0' 
 60     The second element of the result is a sentence ID. 
 62   - dictionary() 
 64     Phonetic dictionary of words contained in this corpus.  This is a Python 
 65     dictionary from words to phoneme lists. 
 67   - spkrinfo() 
 69     Speaker information table.  It's a Python dictionary from speaker IDs to 
 70     records of 10 fields.  Speaker IDs the same as the ones in timie.speakers. 
 71     Each record is a dictionary from field names to values, and the fields are 
 72     as follows:: 
 74       id         speaker ID as defined in the original TIMIT speaker info table 
 75       sex        speaker gender (M:male, F:female) 
 76       dr         speaker dialect region (1:new england, 2:northern, 
 77                  3:north midland, 4:south midland, 5:southern, 6:new york city, 
 78                  7:western, 8:army brat (moved around)) 
 79       use        corpus type (TRN:training, TST:test) 
 80                  in this sample corpus only TRN is available 
 81       recdate    recording date 
 82       birthdate  speaker birth date 
 83       ht         speaker height 
 84       race       speaker race (WHT:white, BLK:black, AMR:american indian, 
 85                  SPN:spanish-american, ORN:oriental,???:unknown) 
 86       edu        speaker education level (HS:high school, AS:associate degree, 
 87                  BS:bachelor's degree (BS or BA), MS:master's degree (MS or MA), 
 88                  PHD:doctorate degree (PhD,JD,MD), ??:unknown) 
 89       comments   comments by the recorder 
 91  The 4 functions are as follows. 
 93   - tokenized(sentences=items, offset=False) 
 95     Given a list of items, returns an iterator of a list of word lists, 
 96     each of which corresponds to an item (sentence).  If offset is set to True, 
 97     each element of the word list is a tuple of word(string), start offset and 
 98     end offset, where offset is represented as a number of 16kHz samples. 
100   - phonetic(sentences=items, offset=False) 
102     Given a list of items, returns an iterator of a list of phoneme lists, 
103     each of which corresponds to an item (sentence).  If offset is set to True, 
104     each element of the phoneme list is a tuple of word(string), start offset 
105     and end offset, where offset is represented as a number of 16kHz samples. 
107   - audiodata(item, start=0, end=None) 
109     Given an item, returns a chunk of audio samples formatted into a string. 
110     When the fuction is called, if start and end are omitted, the entire 
111     samples of the recording will be returned.  If only end is omitted, 
112     samples from the start offset to the end of the recording will be returned. 
114   - play(data) 
116     Play the given audio samples. The audio samples can be obtained from the 
117     timit.audiodata function. 
119  """        
121  from nltk.corpus.reader.util import * 
122  from nltk.corpus.reader.api import * 
123  from nltk.tree import Tree 
124  import sys, os, re, tempfile, time 
125  from nltk.internals import deprecated, import_from_stdlib 
127 -class TimitCorpusReader(CorpusReader):
128 """ 129 Reader for the TIMIT corpus (or any other corpus with the same 130 file layout and use of file formats). The corpus root directory 131 should contain the following files: 132 133 - timitdic.txt: dictionary of standard transcriptions 134 - spkrinfo.txt: table of speaker information 135 136 In addition, the root directory should contain one subdirectory 137 for each speaker, containing three files for each utterance: 138 139 - <utterance-id>.txt: text content of utterances 140 - <utterance-id>.wrd: tokenized text content of utterances 141 - <utterance-id>.phn: phonetic transcription of utterances 142 - <utterance-id>.wav: utterance sound file 143 """ 144 145 _FILE_RE = (r'(\w+-\w+/\w+\.(phn|txt|wav|wrd))|' + 146 r'timitdic\.txt|spkrinfo\.txt') 147 """A regexp matchin files that are used by this corpus reader.""" 148 _UTTERANCE_RE = r'\w+-\w+/\w+\.txt' 149
150 - def __init__(self, root, encoding=None):
151 """ 152 Construct a new TIMIT corpus reader in the given directory. 153 @param root: The root directory for this corpus. 154 """ 155 # Ensure that wave files don't get treated as unicode data: 156 if isinstance(encoding, basestring): 157 encoding = [('.*\.wav', None), ('.*', encoding)] 158 159 CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, 160 find_corpus_files(root, self._FILE_RE), 161 encoding=encoding) 162 163 self._utterances = [name[:-4] for name in 164 find_corpus_files(root, self._UTTERANCE_RE)] 165 """A list of the utterance identifiers for all utterances in 166 this corpus.""" 167 168 self._speakerinfo = None 169 self._root = root 170 self.speakers = tuple(sorted(set(u.split('/')[0] 171 for u in self._utterances)))
173 - def files(self, filetype=None):
174 """ 175 Return a list of file identifiers for the files that make up 176 this corpus. 177 178 @param filetype: If specified, then C{filetype} indicates that 179 only the files that have the given type should be 180 returned. Accepted values are: C{txt}, C{wrd}, C{phn}, 181 C{wav}, or C{metadata}, 182 """ 183 if filetype is None: 184 return CorpusReader.files(self) 185 elif filetype in ('txt', 'wrd', 'phn', 'wav'): 186 return ['%s.%s' % (u, filetype) for u in self._utterances] 187 elif filetype == 'metadata': 188 return ['timitdic.txt', 'spkrinfo.txt'] 189 else: 190 raise ValueError('Bad value for filetype: %r' % filetype)
192 - def utterances(self, dialect=None, sex=None, spkrid=None, 193 sent_type=None, sentid=None):
194 """ 195 @return: A list of the utterance identifiers for all 196 utterances in this corpus, or for the given speaker, dialect 197 region, gender, sentence type, or sentence number, if 198 specified. 199 """ 200 if isinstance(dialect, basestring): dialect = [dialect] 201 if isinstance(sex, basestring): sex = [sex] 202 if isinstance(spkrid, basestring): spkrid = [spkrid] 203 if isinstance(sent_type, basestring): sent_type = [sent_type] 204 if isinstance(sentid, basestring): sentid = [sentid] 205 206 utterances = list(self._utterances) 207 if dialect is not None: 208 utterances = [u for u in utterances if u[2] in dialect] 209 if sex is not None: 210 utterances = [u for u in utterances if u[4] in sex] 211 if spkrid is not None: 212 utterances = [u for u in utterances if u[:9] in spkrid] 213 if sent_type is not None: 214 utterances = [u for u in utterances if u[11] in sent_type] 215 if sentid is not None: 216 utterances = [u for u in utterances if u[10:] in spkrid] 217 return tuple(utterances)
219 - def transcription_dict(self):
220 """ 221 @return: A dictionary giving the 'standard' transcription for 222 each word. 223 """ 224 _transcriptions = {} 225 for line in'timitdic.txt'): 226 if not line.strip() or line[0] == ';': continue 227 m = re.match(r'\s*(\S+)\s+/(.*)/\s*$', line) 228 if not m: raise ValueError('Bad line: %r' % line) 229 _transcriptions[] = 230 return _transcriptions
232 - def spkrid(self, utterance):
233 return utterance.split('/')[0]
235 - def sentid(self, utterance):
236 return utterance.split('/')[1]
238 - def utterance(self, spkrid, sentid):
239 return '%s/%s' % (spkrid, sentid)
241 - def spkrutterances(self, speaker):
242 """ 243 @return: A list of all utterances associated with a given 244 speaker. 245 """ 246 return [utterance for utterance in self._utterances 247 if utterance.startswith(speaker+'/')]
249 - def spkrinfo(self, speaker):
250 """ 251 @return: A dictionary mapping .. something. 252 """ 253 if speaker in self._utterances: 254 speaker = self.spkrid(speaker) 255 256 if self._speakerinfo is None: 257 self._speakerinfo = {} 258 for line in'spkrinfo.txt'): 259 if not line.strip() or line[0] == ';': continue 260 rec = line.strip().split(None, 9) 261 key = "dr%s-%s%s" % (rec[2],rec[1].lower(),rec[0].lower()) 262 self._speakerinfo[key] = SpeakerInfo(*rec) 263 264 return self._speakerinfo[speaker]
266 - def phones(self, utterances=None):
267 return [line.split()[-1] 268 for fileid in self._utterance_files(utterances, '.phn') 269 for line in if line.strip()]
271 - def phone_times(self, utterances=None):
272 """ 273 offset is represented as a number of 16kHz samples! 274 """ 275 return [(line.split()[2], int(line.split()[0]), int(line.split()[1])) 276 for fileid in self._utterance_files(utterances, '.phn') 277 for line in if line.strip()]
279 - def words(self, utterances=None):
280 return [line.split()[-1] 281 for fileid in self._utterance_files(utterances, '.wrd') 282 for line in if line.strip()]
284 - def word_times(self, utterances=None):
285 return [(line.split()[2], int(line.split()[0]), int(line.split()[1])) 286 for fileid in self._utterance_files(utterances, '.wrd') 287 for line in if line.strip()]
289 - def sents(self, utterances=None):
290 return [[line.split()[-1] 291 for line in if line.strip()] 292 for fileid in self._utterance_files(utterances, '.wrd')]
294 - def sent_times(self, utterances=None):
295 return [(line.split(None,2)[-1].strip(), 296 int(line.split()[0]), int(line.split()[1])) 297 for fileid in self._utterance_files(utterances, '.txt') 298 for line in if line.strip()]
300 - def phone_trees(self, utterances=None):
301 if utterances is None: utterances = self._utterances 302 if isinstance(utterances, basestring): utterances = [utterances] 303 304 trees = [] 305 for utterance in utterances: 306 word_times = self.word_times(utterance) 307 phone_times = self.phone_times(utterance) 308 sent_times = self.sent_times(utterance) 309 310 while sent_times: 311 (sent, sent_start, sent_end) = sent_times.pop(0) 312 trees.append(Tree('S', [])) 313 while (word_times and phone_times and 314 phone_times[0][2] <= word_times[0][1]): 315 trees[-1].append(phone_times.pop(0)[0]) 316 while word_times and word_times[0][2] <= sent_end: 317 (word, word_start, word_end) = word_times.pop(0) 318 trees[-1].append(Tree(word, [])) 319 while phone_times and phone_times[0][2] <= word_end: 320 trees[-1][-1].append(phone_times.pop(0)[0]) 321 while phone_times and phone_times[0][2] <= sent_end: 322 trees[-1].append(phone_times.pop(0)[0]) 323 return trees
324 325 # [xx] NOTE: This is currently broken -- we're assuming that the 326 # files are WAV files (aka RIFF), but they're actually NIST SPHERE 327 # files.
328 - def wav(self, utterance, start=0, end=None):
329 # nltk.chunk conflicts with the stdlib module 'chunk' 330 wave = import_from_stdlib('wave') 331 332 w ='.wav'), 'rb') 333 334 # If they want the whole thing, return it as-is. 335 if start==0 and end is None: 336 return 337 338 # Select the piece we want using the 'wave' module. 339 else: 340 # Skip past frames before start. 341 w.readframes(start) 342 # Read the frames we want. 343 frames = w.readframes(end-start) 344 # Open a new temporary file -- the wave module requires 345 # an actual file, and won't work w/ stringio. :( 346 tf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() 347 out =, 'w') 348 # Write the parameters & data to the new file. 349 out.setparams(w.getparams()) 350 out.writeframes(frames) 351 out.close() 352 # Read the data back from the file, and return it. The 353 # file will automatically be deleted when we return. 354 355 return
357 - def audiodata(self, utterance, start=0, end=None):
358 assert(end is None or end > start) 359 headersize = 44 360 if end is None: 361 data ='.wav').read() 362 else: 363 data ='.wav').read(headersize+end*2) 364 return data[headersize+start*2:]
366 - def _utterance_files(self, utterances, extension):
367 if utterances is None: utterances = self._utterances 368 if isinstance(utterances, basestring): utterances = [utterances] 369 return ['%s%s' % (u, extension) for u in utterances]
371 - def play(self, utterance, start=0, end=None):
372 """ 373 Play the given audio sample. 374 375 @param utterance: The utterance id of the sample to play 376 """ 377 # Method 1: os audio dev. 378 try: 379 import ossaudiodev 380 try: 381 dsp ='w') 382 dsp.setfmt(ossaudiodev.AFMT_S16_LE) 383 dsp.channels(1) 384 dsp.speed(16000) 385 dsp.write(self.audiodata(utterance, start, end)) 386 dsp.close() 387 except IOError, e: 388 print >>sys.stderr, ("can't acquire the audio device; please " 389 "activate your audio device.") 390 print >>sys.stderr, "system error message:", str(e) 391 return 392 except ImportError: 393 pass 394 395 # Method 2: pygame 396 try: 397 import pygame.mixer, StringIO 398 pygame.mixer.init(16000) 399 f = StringIO.StringIO(self.wav(utterance, start, end)) 400 pygame.mixer.Sound(f).play() 401 while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): 402 time.sleep(0.01) 403 return 404 except ImportError: 405 pass 406 407 # Method 3: complain. :) 408 print >>sys.stderr, ("you must install pygame or ossaudiodev " 409 "for audio playback.")
410 411 #{ Deprecated since 0.9.1 412 @deprecated("Use utterances(spkrid=...) instead.")
413 - def spkritems(self, spkrid):
414 return self.utterances(spkrid=spkrid)
415 #} 416 417 #{ Deprecated since 0.8 418 @deprecated("Use .sents() or .sent_times() instead.")
419 - def tokenized(self, utterances=None, offset=True):
420 if offset: return self.sent_times(utterances) 421 else: return self.sents(utterances)
422 @deprecated("Use .phones() or .phone_times() instead.")
423 - def phonetic(self, utterances=None, offset=True):
424 if offset: return self.phone_times(utterances) 425 else: return self.phones(utterances)
426 #} 427
428 -class SpeakerInfo:
429 - def __init__(self, id, sex, dr, use, recdate, birthdate, 430 ht, race, edu, comments=None):
431 = id 432 = sex 433 self.dr = dr 434 self.use = use 435 self.recdate = recdate 436 self.birthdate = birthdate 437 = ht 438 self.race = race 439 = edu 440 self.comments = comments
442 - def __repr__(self):
443 attribs = 'id sex dr use recdate birthdate ht race edu comments' 444 args = ['%s=%r' % (attr, getattr(self, attr)) 445 for attr in attribs.split()] 446 return 'SpeakerInfo(%s)' % (', '.join(args))