Package nltk :: Package corpus :: Package reader :: Module xmldocs :: Class XMLCorpusView
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Class XMLCorpusView

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               object --+        
util.AbstractLazySequence --+    
  util.StreamBackedCorpusView --+
Known Subclasses:

A corpus view that selects out specified elements from an XML file, and provides a flat list-like interface for accessing them. (Note: XMLCorpusView is not used by XMLCorpusReader itself, but may be used by subclasses of XMLCorpusReader.)

Every XML corpus view has a tag specification, indicating what XML elements should be included in the view; and each (non-nested) element that matches this specification corresponds to one item in the view. Tag specifications are regular expressions over tag paths, where a tag path is a list of element tag names, sepaated by '/', indicating the ancestry of the element. Some examples:

The view items are generated from the selected XML elements via the method handle_elt(). By default, this method returns the element as-is (i.e., as an ElementTree object); but it can be overridden, either via subclassing or via the elt_handler constructor parameter.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, filename, tagspec, elt_handler=None)
Create a new corpus view based on a specified XML file.
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_detect_encoding(self, filename) source code
handle_elt(self, elt, context)
Convert an element into an appropriate value for inclusion in the view.
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_read_xml_fragment(self, stream)
Read a string from the given stream that does not contain any un-closed tags.
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list of any
read_block(self, stream, tagspec=None, elt_handler=None)
Read from stream until we find at least one element that matches tagspec, and return the result of applying elt_handler to each element found.
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Inherited from util.StreamBackedCorpusView: __add__, __getitem__, __len__, __mul__, __radd__, __rmul__, close, iterate_from

Inherited from util.StreamBackedCorpusView (private): _open

Inherited from util.AbstractLazySequence: __cmp__, __contains__, __hash__, __iter__, __repr__, count, index

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _DEBUG = False
If true, then display debugging output to stdout when reading blocks.
  _BLOCK_SIZE = 1024
The number of characters read at a time by this corpus reader.
  _VALID_XML_RE = re.compile(r'(?sx)[^<]*(((<!--.*?-->)|(<![CDAT...
A regular expression that matches XML fragments that do not contain any un-closed tags.
  _XML_TAG_NAME = re.compile(r'<\s*/?\s*([^\s>]+)')
A regular expression used to extract the tag name from a start tag, end tag, or empty-elt tag string.
  _XML_PIECE = re.compile(r'(?sx)(?P<COMMENT><!--.*?-->)|(?P<CDA...
A regular expression used to find all start-tags, end-tags, and emtpy-elt tags in an XML file.

Inherited from util.AbstractLazySequence (private): _MAX_REPR_SIZE

Instance Variables [hide private]
The tag specification for this corpus view.
A dictionary mapping from file positions (as returned by to XML contexts.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from util.StreamBackedCorpusView: filename

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, filename, tagspec, elt_handler=None)

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Create a new corpus view based on a specified XML file.

Note that the XMLCorpusView constructor does not take an encoding argument, because the unicode encoding is specified by the XML files themselves.

  • tagspec (str) - A tag specification, indicating what XML elements should be included in the view. Each non-nested element that matches this specification corresponds to one item in the view.
  • elt_handler - A function used to transform each element to a value for the view. If no handler is specified, then self.handle_elt() is called, which returns the element as an ElementTree object. The signature of elt_handler is:
       elt_handler(elt, tagspec) -> value
Overrides: util.StreamBackedCorpusView.__init__

handle_elt(self, elt, context)

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Convert an element into an appropriate value for inclusion in the view. Unless overridden by a subclass or by the elt_handler constructor argument, this method simply returns elt.

  • elt (ElementTree) - The element that should be converted.
  • context (str) - A string composed of element tags separated by forward slashes, indicating the XML context of the given element. For example, the string 'foo/bar/baz' indicates that the element is a baz element whose parent is a bar element and whose grandparent is a top-level foo element.
The view value corresponding to elt.

_read_xml_fragment(self, stream)

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Read a string from the given stream that does not contain any un-closed tags. In particular, this function first reads a block from the stream of size self._BLOCK_SIZE. It then checks if that block contains an un-closed tag. If it does, then this function either backtracks to the last '<', or reads another block.

read_block(self, stream, tagspec=None, elt_handler=None)

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Read from stream until we find at least one element that matches tagspec, and return the result of applying elt_handler to each element found.

  • stream - an input stream
Returns: list of any
a block of tokens from the input stream
Overrides: util.StreamBackedCorpusView.read_block

Class Variable Details [hide private]


A regular expression that matches XML fragments that do not contain any un-closed tags.



A regular expression used to find all start-tags, end-tags, and emtpy-elt tags in an XML file. This regexp is more lenient than the XML spec -- e.g., it allows spaces in some places where the spec does not.


Instance Variable Details [hide private]


A dictionary mapping from file positions (as returned by to XML contexts. An XML context is a tuple of XML tag names, indicating which tags have not yet been closed.