Package nltk :: Package draw :: Class ColorizedList
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ColorizedList

source code

object --+
Known Subclasses:

An abstract base class for displaying a colorized list of items. Subclasses should define:

Note: Typically, you will want to register a callback for 'select' that calls mark on the given item.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent, items=[], **options)
Construct a new list.
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_buttonpress(self, event) source code
_fire_callback(self, event, itemnum) source code
_init_colortags(self, textwidget, options)
Set up any colortags that will be used by this colorized list.
source code
_init_itemframe(self, options) source code
_item_repr(self, item)
Return a list of (text, colortag) tuples that make up the colorized representation of the item.
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_keypress(self, event) source code
add_callback(self, event, func)
Register a callback function with the list.
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focus(self) source code
get(self, index=None)
Returns: A list of the items contained by this list.
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grid(self, cnf={}, **kw) source code
mark(self, item)
Highlight the given item.
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markonly(self, item)
Remove any current highlighting, and mark the given item.
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pack(self, cnf={}, **kw) source code
remove_callback(self, event, func=None)
Deregister a callback function.
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set(self, items)
Modify the list of items contained by this list.
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unmark(self, item=None)
Remove highlighting from the given item; or from every item, if no item is given.
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view(self, item)
Adjust the view such that the given item is visible.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent, items=[], **options)

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Construct a new list.

  • parent - The Tk widget that contains the colorized list
  • items - The initial contents of the colorized list.
  • options
Overrides: object.__init__

_init_colortags(self, textwidget, options)

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Set up any colortags that will be used by this colorized list. E.g.:

>>> textwidget.tag_config('terminal', foreground='black')

_item_repr(self, item)

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Return a list of (text, colortag) tuples that make up the colorized representation of the item. Colorized representations may not span multiple lines. I.e., the text strings returned may not contain newline characters.

add_callback(self, event, func)

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Register a callback function with the list. This function will be called whenever the given event occurs.

  • event - The event that will trigger the callback function. Valid events are: click1, click2, click3, space, return, select, up, down, next, prior, move
  • func - The function that should be called when the event occurs. func will be called with a single item as its argument. (The item selected or the item moved to).

get(self, index=None)

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A list of the items contained by this list.

mark(self, item)

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Highlight the given item.

  • ValueError - If item is not contained in the list.

markonly(self, item)

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Remove any current highlighting, and mark the given item.

  • ValueError - If item is not contained in the list.

remove_callback(self, event, func=None)

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Deregister a callback function. If func is none, then all callbacks are removed for the given event.

unmark(self, item=None)

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Remove highlighting from the given item; or from every item, if no item is given.

  • ValueError - If item is not contained in the list.
  • KeyError - If item is not marked.

view(self, item)

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Adjust the view such that the given item is visible. If the item is already visible, then do nothing.