Package nltk :: Package draw :: Module plot
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[frames] | no frames]

Module plot

source code

A simple tool for plotting functions. Each new Plot object opens a new window, containing the plot for a sinlge function. See the documentation for Plot for information about creating new plots.

Example plots

Plot sin(x) from -10 to 10, with a step of 0.1:

>>> Plot(math.sin)

Plot cos(x) from 0 to 2*pi, with a step of 0.01:

>>> Plot(math.cos, slice(0, 2*math.pi, 0.01))

Plot a list of points (connected by lines).

>>> points = ([1,1], [3,8], [5,3], [6,12], [1,24])
>>> Plot(points)

Plot a list of y-values (connected by lines). Each value[i] is plotted at x=i.

>>> values = [x**2 for x in range(200)]
>>> Plot(values)

Plot a function with logarithmic axes.

>>> def f(x): return 5*x**2+2*x+8
>>> Plot(f, slice(1,10,.1), scale='log')

Plot the same function with semi-logarithmic axes.

>>> Plot(f, slice(1,10,.1),
         scale='log-linear')  # logarithmic x; linear y
>>> Plot(f, slice(1,10,.1),
         scale='linear-log')  # linear x; logarithmic y


If BLT and PMW are both installed, then BLT is used to plot graphs. Otherwise, a simple Tkinter-based implementation is used. The Tkinter-based implementation does not display axis values.

Classes [hide private]
A simple graphical tool for plotting functions.
    Plot Frame Implementations
A frame for plotting graphs.