Package nltk :: Module featstruct :: Class FeatStruct
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Class FeatStruct

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                   object --+    
sem.logic.SubstituteBindingsI --+
Known Subclasses:

A mapping from feature identifiers to feature values, where each feature value is either a basic value (such as a string or an integer), or a nested feature structure. There are two types of feature structure:

Feature structures may be indexed using either simple feature identifiers or 'feature paths.' A feature path is a sequence of feature identifiers that stand for a corresponding sequence of indexing operations. In particular, fstruct[(f1,f2,...,fn)] is equivalent to fstruct[f1][f2]...[fn].

Feature structures may contain reentrant feature structures. A reentrant feature structure is a single feature structure object that can be accessed via multiple feature paths. Feature structures may also be cyclic. A feature structure is cyclic if there is any feature path from the feature structure to itself.

Two feature structures are considered equal if they assign the same values to all features, and have the same reentrances.

By default, feature structures are mutable. They may be made immutable with the freeze() function. Once they have been frozen, they may be hashed, and thus used as dictionary keys.

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

    Uniform Accessor Methods
Return an iterable of the feature identifiers used by this FeatStruct.
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Return an iterable of the feature values directly defined by this FeatStruct.
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Return an iterable of (fid,fval) pairs, where fid is a feature identifier and fval is the corresponding feature value, for all features defined by this FeatStruct.
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    Equality & Hashing
equal_values(self, other, check_reentrance=False)
Returns: True if self and other assign the same value to to every feature.
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__eq__(self, other)
Return true if self and other are both feature structures, assign the same values to all features, and contain the same reentrances.
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__ne__(self, other)
Return true unless self and other are both feature structures, assign the same values to all features, and contain the same reentrances.
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If this feature structure is frozen, return its hash value; otherwise, raise TypeError.
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_equal(self, other, check_reentrance, visited_self, visited_other, visited_pairs)
Returns: True iff self and other have equal values.
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_hash(self, visited)
Returns: A hash value for this feature structure.
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Make this feature structure, and any feature structures it contains, immutable.
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Returns: True if this feature structure is immutable.
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_freeze(self, visited)
Make this feature structure, and any feature structure it contains, immutable.
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copy(self, deep=True)
Return a new copy of self.
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__deepcopy__(self, memo) source code
    Structural Information
Returns: True if this feature structure contains itself.
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list of FeatStruct
Returns: A list of all feature structures that can be reached from self by multiple feature paths.
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Return an iterator that generates this feature structure, and each feature structure it contains.
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_walk(self, visited) source code
_find_reentrances(self, reentrances)
Return a dictionary that maps from the id of each feature structure contained in self (including self) to a boolean value, indicating whether it is reentrant or not.
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    Variables & Bindings
substitute_bindings(self, bindings)
Returns: The object that is obtained by replacing each variable bound by bindings with its values.
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retract_bindings(self, bindings) source code
Returns: A list of all variables in this object.
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rename_variables(self, vars=None, used_vars=(), new_vars=None) source code
Returns: The feature structure that is obtained by deleting all features whose values are Variables.
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unify(self, other, bindings=None, trace=False, fail=None, rename_vars=True) source code
subsumes(self, other)
Returns: True if self subsumes other.
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    String Representations
Display a single-line representation of this feature structure, suitable for embedding in other representations.
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_repr(self, reentrances, reentrance_ids)
Returns: A string representation of this feature structure.
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Static Methods [hide private]
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(cls, features=None, **morefeatures)
Construct and return a new feature structure.
Class Variables [hide private]
  _FROZEN_ERROR = 'Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified.'
Error message used by mutating methods when called on a frozen feature structure.
Instance Variables [hide private]
  _frozen = False
A flag indicating whether this feature structure is frozen or not.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__new__(cls, features=None, **morefeatures)
Static Method


Construct and return a new feature structure. If this constructor is called directly, then the returned feature structure will be an instance of either the FeatDict class or the FeatList class.

  • features - The initial feature values for this feature structure:
    • FeatStruct(string) -> FeatStructParser().parse(string)
    • FeatStruct(mapping) -> FeatDict(mapping)
    • FeatStruct(sequence) -> FeatList(sequence)
    • FeatStruct() -> FeatDict()
  • morefeatures - If features is a mapping or None, then morefeatures provides additional features for the FeatDict constructor.
Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__

equal_values(self, other, check_reentrance=False)

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  • check_reentrance - If true, then also return false if there is any difference between the reentrances of self and other.
True if self and other assign the same value to to every feature. In particular, return true if self[p]==other[p] for every feature path p such that self[p] or other[p] is a base value (i.e., not a nested feature structure).

Note: the == operator is equivalent to equal_values() with check_reentrance=True.

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Return true if self and other are both feature structures, assign the same values to all features, and contain the same reentrances. I.e., return self.equal_values(other, check_reentrance=True).

See Also: equal_values()

__ne__(self, other)

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Return true unless self and other are both feature structures, assign the same values to all features, and contain the same reentrances. I.e., return not self.equal_values(other, check_reentrance=True).

(Hashing function)

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If this feature structure is frozen, return its hash value; otherwise, raise TypeError.

Overrides: object.__hash__

_equal(self, other, check_reentrance, visited_self, visited_other, visited_pairs)

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  • visited_self - A set containing the ids of all self feature structures we've already visited.
  • visited_other - A set containing the ids of all other feature structures we've already visited.
  • visited_pairs - A set containing (selfid, otherid) pairs for all pairs of feature structures we've already visited.
True iff self and other have equal values.

_hash(self, visited)

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  • visited - A set containing the ids of all feature structures we've already visited while hashing.
A hash value for this feature structure.

Requires: self must be frozen.


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Make this feature structure, and any feature structures it contains, immutable. Note: this method does not attempt to 'freeze' any feature values that are not FeatStructs; it is recommended that you use only immutable feature values.


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True if this feature structure is immutable. Feature structures can be made immutable with the freeze() method. Immutable feature structures may not be made mutable again, but new mutale copies can be produced with the copy() method.

_freeze(self, visited)

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Make this feature structure, and any feature structure it contains, immutable.

  • visited - A set containing the ids of all feature structures we've already visited while freezing.

copy(self, deep=True)

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Return a new copy of self. The new copy will not be frozen.

  • deep - If true, create a deep copy; if false, create a shallow copy.


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True if this feature structure contains itself.


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Returns: list of FeatStruct
A list of all feature structures that can be reached from self by multiple feature paths.


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Return an iterator that generates this feature structure, and each feature structure it contains. Each feature structure will be generated exactly once.

substitute_bindings(self, bindings)

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Returns: (any)
The object that is obtained by replacing each variable bound by bindings with its values. Aliases are already resolved. (maybe?)
Overrides: sem.logic.SubstituteBindingsI.substitute_bindings

retract_bindings(self, bindings)

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A list of all variables in this object.
Overrides: sem.logic.SubstituteBindingsI.variables

rename_variables(self, vars=None, used_vars=(), new_vars=None)

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Returns: FeatStruct
The feature structure that is obtained by deleting all features whose values are Variables.

subsumes(self, other)

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True if self subsumes other. I.e., return true if unifying self with other would result in a feature structure equal to other.

(Representation operator)

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Display a single-line representation of this feature structure, suitable for embedding in other representations.

Overrides: object.__repr__

_repr(self, reentrances, reentrance_ids)

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  • reentrances - A dictionary that maps from the id of each feature value in self, indicating whether that value is reentrant or not.
  • reentrance_ids - A dictionary mapping from the ids of feature values to unique identifiers. This is modified by repr: the first time a reentrant feature value is displayed, an identifier is added to reentrance_ids for it.
A string representation of this feature structure.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


A flag indicating whether this feature structure is frozen or not. Once this flag is set, it should never be un-set; and no further modification should be made to this feature structue.