Package nltk :: Package inference :: Module discourse :: Class DiscourseTester
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Class DiscourseTester

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object --+

Check properties of an ongoing discourse.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, input, gramfile=None, background=None)
Initialize a DiscourseTester.
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Display the list of sentences in the current discourse.
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add_sentence(self, sentence, informchk=False, consistchk=False)
Add a sentence to the current discourse.
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retract_sentence(self, sentence, quiet=False)
Remove a sentence from the current discourse.
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Print out the grammar in use for parsing input sentences
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list of logic.Expression.
_get_readings(self, sentence)
Build a list of semantic readings for a sentence.
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Use self._sentences to construct a value for self._readings.
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Use self._readings to construct a value for self._threads and use the model builder to construct a value for self._filtered_threads
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_show_readings(self, sentence=None)
Print out the readings for the discourse (or a single sentence).
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_show_threads(self, filter=False)
Print out the value of self._threads or self._filtered_hreads
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readings(self, sentence=None, threaded=False, quiet=False, filter=False)
Construct and show the readings of the discourse (or of a single sentence).
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list of tuple
expand_threads(self, thread_id, threads=None)
Given a thread ID, find the list of logic.Expressions corresponding to the reading IDs in that thread.
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_check_consistency(self, threads, show=False, quiet=True) source code
models(self, thread_id=None, show=True, quiet=True)
Call Mace4 to build a model for each current discourse thread.
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add_background(self, background, quiet=True)
Add a list of background assumptions for reasoning about the discourse.
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Show the current background assumptions.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]
A list of lists
multiply(discourse, readings)
Multiply every thread in discourse by every reading in readings.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, input, gramfile=None, background=None)

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Initialize a DiscourseTester.

  • input (list of str) - the discourse sentences
  • gramfile (str) - name of file where grammar can be loaded
  • background (list of logic.Expression.) - Formulas which express background assumptions
Overrides: object.__init__

add_sentence(self, sentence, informchk=False, consistchk=False)

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Add a sentence to the current discourse.

Updates self._input and self._sentences.

  • sentence (str) - An input sentence
  • informchk - if True, check that the result of adding the sentence is thread-informative. Updates self._readings.
  • consistchk - if True, check that the result of adding the sentence is thread-consistent. Updates self._readings.

retract_sentence(self, sentence, quiet=False)

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Remove a sentence from the current discourse.

Updates self._input, self._sentences and self._readings.

  • sentence (str) - An input sentence
  • quiet - If False, report on the updated list of sentences.

readings(self, sentence=None, threaded=False, quiet=False, filter=False)

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Construct and show the readings of the discourse (or of a single sentence).

  • sentence (str) - test just this sentence
  • threaded - if True, print out each thread ID and the corresponding thread.
  • filter - if True, only print out consistent thread IDs and threads.

expand_threads(self, thread_id, threads=None)

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Given a thread ID, find the list of logic.Expressions corresponding to the reading IDs in that thread.

  • thread_id (str) - thread ID
  • threads (dict) - a mapping from thread IDs to lists of reading IDs
Returns: list of tuple
A list of pairs (rid, reading) where reading is the logic.Expression associated with a reading ID

models(self, thread_id=None, show=True, quiet=True)

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Call Mace4 to build a model for each current discourse thread.

  • thread_id (str) - thread ID
  • show - If True, display the model that has been found.

add_background(self, background, quiet=True)

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Add a list of background assumptions for reasoning about the discourse.

When called, this method also updates the discourse model's set of readings and threads.

  • background (list of logic.Expression.) - Formulas which contain background information

multiply(discourse, readings)
Static Method

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Multiply every thread in discourse by every reading in readings.

Given discourse = [['A'], ['B']], readings = ['a', 'b', 'c'] , returns [['A', 'a'], ['A', 'b'], ['A', 'c'], ['B', 'a'], ['B', 'b'], ['B', 'c']]

  • discourse (list of lists) - the current list of readings
  • readings (list of logic.Expressions) - an additional list of readings
Returns: A list of lists