Package nltk :: Package inference :: Module mace
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Source Code for Module nltk.inference.mace

  1  # Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to the Mace4 Model Builder 
  2  #
  3  # Author: Dan Garrette <[email protected]>
  4  #         Ewan Klein <[email protected]>
  6  # URL: <>
  7  # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
  9  import os 
 10  import tempfile 
 11  from string import join 
 12  from nltk.sem.logic import * 
 13  from nltk.sem import Valuation 
 14  from api import ModelBuilder, ModelBuilderCommand 
 15  import prover9 
 16  from prover9 import Prover9Parent, Prover9CommandParent, \
 17                      call_mace4, call_interpformat 
 19  """
 20  A model builder that makes use of the external 'Mace4' package.
 21  """ 
23 -class MaceCommand(Prover9CommandParent, ModelBuilderCommand):
24 """ 25 A L{MaceCommand} specific to the L{Mace} model builder. It contains 26 the a print_assumptions() method that is used to print the list 27 of assumptions in multiple formats. 28 """
29 - def __init__(self, goal=None, assumptions=[], timeout=60):
30 """ 31 @param goal: Input expression to prove 32 @type goal: L{logic.Expression} 33 @param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in 34 the proof. 35 @type assumptions: C{list} of L{logic.Expression} 36 @param timeout: number of seconds before timeout; set to 0 for 37 no timeout. 38 @type timeout: C{int} 39 """ 40 ModelBuilderCommand.__init__(self, Mace(timeout), goal, assumptions)
42 - def convert2val(self):
43 """ 44 Transform the output file into an NLTK-style Valuation. 45 46 @return: A model if one is generated; None otherwise. 47 @rtype: L{nltk.sem.Valuation} 48 """ 49 valuation = None 50 if self.build_model(): 51 valuation_standard_format = self._transform_output('standard') 52 53 d = {} 54 for line in valuation_standard_format.splitlines(False): 55 l = line.strip() 56 # find the number of entities in the model 57 if l.startswith('interpretation'): 58 num_entities = int(l[l.index('(')+1:l.index(',')].strip()) 59 # replace the integer identifier with a corresponding alphabetic character 60 elif l.startswith('function') and l.find('_') == -1: 61 name = l[l.index('(')+1:l.index(',')].strip() 62 if is_indvar(name): 63 name = name.upper() 64 d[name] = MaceCommand._make_model_var(int(l[l.index('[')+1:l.index(']')].strip())) 65 66 elif l.startswith('relation'): 67 name = l[l.index('(')+1:l.index('(', l.index('(')+1)].strip() 68 values = [int(v.strip()) for v in l[l.index('[')+1:l.index(']')].split(',')] 69 d[name] = MaceCommand._make_model_dict(num_entities, values) 70 71 valuation = Valuation(d.items()) 72 return valuation
74 - def _make_model_dict(num_entities, values):
75 """ 76 Convert a Mace4-style relation table into a dictionary. 77 78 @parameter num_entities: the number of entities in the model; determines the row length in the table. 79 @type num_entities: C{int} 80 @parameter values: integers that represent semantic values in a Mace4 model. 81 @type values: C{list} of C{int} 82 """ 83 if len(values) == 1: 84 return (values[0] == 1) 85 else: 86 d = {} 87 for i in range(num_entities): 88 size = len(values) / num_entities 89 d[MaceCommand._make_model_var(i)] = \ 90 MaceCommand._make_model_dict(num_entities, values[i*size:(i+1)*size]) 91 return d
92 93 _make_model_dict = staticmethod(_make_model_dict) 94
95 - def _make_model_var(value):
96 """ 97 Pick an alphabetic character as identifier for an entity in the model. 98 99 @parameter value: where to index into the list of characters 100 @type value: C{int} 101 """ 102 letter = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', 103 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'][value] 104 num = int(value) / 26 105 if num > 0: 106 return letter + str(num) 107 else: 108 return letter
109 110 _make_model_var = staticmethod(_make_model_var) 111
112 - def show_model(self, format=None):
113 """ 114 Print out a Mace4 model using any Mace4 C{interpformat} format. 115 See U{} for details. 116 117 @parameter format: Output format for displaying 118 models. Defaults to 'standard' format. 119 @type format: C{str} 120 """ 121 if not self._valuation: 122 raise ValueError("You have to call build_model() first to " 123 "get a model!") 124 if not format: 125 print self._valuation 126 else: 127 print self._transform_output(format)
129 - def _transform_output(self, format):
130 """ 131 Transform the output file into any Mace4 C{interpformat} format. 132 133 @parameter format: Output format for displaying models. 134 @type format: C{str} 135 """ 136 if format in ['standard', 'standard2', 'portable', 'tabular', 137 'raw', 'cooked', 'xml', 'tex']: 138 return call_interpformat(self._valuation, [format])[0] 139 else: 140 print "The specified format does not exist"
142 -class Mace(Prover9Parent, ModelBuilder):
143 _valuation = None #: text output from running mace 144
145 - def build_model(self, goal=None, assumptions=[], verbose=False):
146 """ 147 Use Mace4 to build a first order model. 148 149 @return: C{True} if a model was found (i.e. Mace returns value of 0), 150 else C{False} 151 """ 152 stdout, returncode = call_mace4(self.prover9_input(goal, assumptions)) 153 return (returncode == 0, stdout)
155 -def spacer(num=30):
156 print '-' * num
158 -def decode_result(found):
159 """ 160 Decode the result of model_found() 161 162 @parameter found: The output of model_found() 163 @type found: C{boolean} 164 """ 165 return {True: 'Countermodel found', False: 'No countermodel found', None: 'None'}[found]
167 -def test_model_found(arguments):
168 """ 169 Try some proofs and exhibit the results. 170 """ 171 for (goal, assumptions) in arguments: 172 g = LogicParser().parse(goal) 173 alist = [LogicParser().parse(a) for a in assumptions] 174 m = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=alist, timeout=5) 175 found = m.build_model() 176 for a in alist: 177 print ' %s' % a 178 print '|- %s: %s\n' % (g, decode_result(found))
179 180
181 -def test_build_model(arguments):
182 """ 183 Try to build a L{nltk.sem.Valuation}. 184 """ 185 g = LogicParser().parse('all') 186 alist = [LogicParser().parse(a) for a in ['man(John)', 187 'man(Socrates)', 188 'man(Bill)', 189 'some x.((not (x = John)) and (man(x) and sees(John,x)))', 190 'some x.((not (x = Bill)) and man(x))', 191 'all x.some y.(man(x) -> gives(Socrates,x,y))']] 192 193 m = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=alist) 194 m.build_model() 195 spacer() 196 print "Assumptions and Goal" 197 spacer() 198 for a in alist: 199 print ' %s' % a 200 print '|- %s: %s\n' % (g, decode_result(m.build_model())) 201 spacer() 202 #m.show_model('standard') 203 #m.show_model('cooked') 204 print "Valuation" 205 spacer() 206 print m.convert2val(), '\n'
208 -def test_transform_output(argument_pair):
209 """ 210 Transform the model into various Mace4 C{interpformat} formats. 211 """ 212 g = LogicParser().parse(argument_pair[0]) 213 alist = [LogicParser().parse(a) for a in argument_pair[1]] 214 m = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=alist) 215 m.build_model() 216 for a in alist: 217 print ' %s' % a 218 print '|- %s: %s\n' % (g, m.build_model()) 219 for format in ['standard', 'portable', 'xml', 'cooked']: 220 spacer() 221 print "Using '%s' format" % format 222 spacer() 223 m.show_model(format=format)
225 -def test_make_model_dict():
226 print MaceCommand._make_model_dict(num_entities=3, values=[1,0,1]) 227 print MaceCommand._make_model_dict(num_entities=3, values=[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0])
228 229 arguments = [ 230 ('mortal(Socrates)', ['all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))', 'man(Socrates)']), 231 ('(not mortal(Socrates))', ['all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))', 'man(Socrates)']) 232 ] 233 234 if __name__ == '__main__': 235 test_model_found(arguments) 236 test_build_model(arguments) 237 test_transform_output(arguments[1]) 238 239 a = LogicParser().parse('(see(mary,john) & -(mary = john))') 240 mb = MaceCommand(assumptions=[a]) 241 mb.build_model() 242 print mb.convert2val() 243