Package nltk :: Package misc :: Module sort
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Module sort

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This module provides a variety of list sorting algorithms, to illustrate the many different algorithms (recipes) for solving a problem, and how to analyze algorithms experimentally.

Functions [hide private]
Selection Sort: scan the list to find its smallest element, then swap it with the first element.
source code
Bubble Sort: compare adjacent elements of the list left-to-right, and swap them if they are out of order.
source code
_merge_lists(b, c) source code
Merge Sort: split the list in half, and sort each half, then combine the sorted halves.
source code
_partition(a, l, r) source code
_quick(a, l, r) source code
quick(a) source code
demo() source code
Function Details [hide private]


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Selection Sort: scan the list to find its smallest element, then swap it with the first element. The remainder of the list is one element smaller; apply the same method to this list, and so on.


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Bubble Sort: compare adjacent elements of the list left-to-right, and swap them if they are out of order. After one pass through the list swapping adjacent items, the largest item will be in the rightmost position. The remainder is one element smaller; apply the same method to this list, and so on.