Package nltk :: Module probability :: Class HeldoutProbDist
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Class HeldoutProbDist

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object --+    
 ProbDistI --+

The heldout estimate for the probability distribution of the experiment used to generate two frequency distributions. These two frequency distributions are called the "heldout frequency distribution" and the "base frequency distribution." The heldout estimate uses uses the heldout frequency distribution to predict the probability of each sample, given its frequency in the base frequency distribution.

In particular, the heldout estimate approximates the probability for a sample that occurs r times in the base distribution as the average frequency in the heldout distribution of all samples that occur r times in the base distribution.

This average frequency is Tr[r]/(Nr[r]*N), where:

In order to increase the efficiency of the prob member function, Tr[r]/(Nr[r]*N) is precomputed for each value of r when the HeldoutProbDist is created.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, base_fdist, heldout_fdist, bins=None)
Use the heldout estimate to create a probability distribution for the experiment used to generate base_fdist and heldout_fdist.
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list of float
Returns: the list Tr, where Tr[r] is the total count in heldout_fdist for all samples that occur r times in base_fdist.
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list of float
_calculate_estimate(self, Tr, Nr, N)
Returns: the list estimate, where estimate[r] is the probability estimate for any sample that occurs r times in the base frequency distribution.
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Returns: The base frequency distribution that this probability distribution is based on.
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Returns: The heldout frequency distribution that this probability distribution is based on.
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Returns: A list of all samples that have nonzero probabilities.
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prob(self, sample)
Returns: the probability for a given sample.
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Returns: the sample with the greatest probability.
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Returns: The ratio by which counts are discounted on average: c*/c
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Returns: A string representation of this ProbDist.
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Inherited from ProbDistI: generate, logprob

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  SUM_TO_ONE = False
True if the probabilities of the samples in this probability distribution will always sum to one.
Instance Variables [hide private]
list of float _estimate
A list mapping from r, the number of times that a sample occurs in the base distribution, to the probability estimate for that sample.
int _max_r
The maximum number of times that any sample occurs in the base distribution.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, base_fdist, heldout_fdist, bins=None)

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Use the heldout estimate to create a probability distribution for the experiment used to generate base_fdist and heldout_fdist.

  • base_fdist (FreqDist) - The base frequency distribution.
  • heldout_fdist (FreqDist) - The heldout frequency distribution.
  • bins (int) - The number of sample values that can be generated by the experiment that is described by the probability distribution. This value must be correctly set for the probabilities of the sample values to sum to one. If bins is not specified, it defaults to freqdist.B().
Overrides: ProbDistI.__init__


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Returns: list of float
the list Tr, where Tr[r] is the total count in heldout_fdist for all samples that occur r times in base_fdist.

_calculate_estimate(self, Tr, Nr, N)

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  • Tr (list of float) - the list Tr, where Tr[r] is the total count in the heldout distribution for all samples that occur r times in base distribution.
  • Nr (list of float) - The list Nr, where Nr[r] is the number of samples that occur r times in the base distribution.
  • N (int) - The total number of outcomes recorded by the heldout frequency distribution.
Returns: list of float
the list estimate, where estimate[r] is the probability estimate for any sample that occurs r times in the base frequency distribution. In particular, estimate[r] is Tr[r]/(N[r]*N). In the special case that N[r]=0, estimate[r] will never be used; so we define estimate[r]=None for those cases.


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Returns: FreqDist
The base frequency distribution that this probability distribution is based on.


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Returns: FreqDist
The heldout frequency distribution that this probability distribution is based on.


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Returns: list
A list of all samples that have nonzero probabilities. Use prob to find the probability of each sample.
Overrides: ProbDistI.samples
(inherited documentation)

prob(self, sample)

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  • sample - The sample whose probability should be returned.
Returns: float
the probability for a given sample. Probabilities are always real numbers in the range [0, 1].
Overrides: ProbDistI.prob
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: any
the sample with the greatest probability. If two or more samples have the same probability, return one of them; which sample is returned is undefined.
Overrides: ProbDistI.max
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: float
The ratio by which counts are discounted on average: c*/c
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Returns: string
A string representation of this ProbDist.
Overrides: object.__repr__

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


A list mapping from r, the number of times that a sample occurs in the base distribution, to the probability estimate for that sample. _estimate[r] is calculated by finding the average frequency in the heldout distribution of all samples that occur r times in the base distribution. In particular, _estimate[r] = Tr[r]/(Nr[r]*N).
list of float


The maximum number of times that any sample occurs in the base distribution. _max_r is used to decide how large _estimate must be.