Package nltk :: Package sem
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Package sem

source code

This package contains classes for representing semantic structure in formulas of first-order logic and for evaluating such formulas in set-theoretic models.

Submodules [hide private]
  • nltk.sem.drt
  • nltk.sem.drt_resolve_anaphora: This module performs the anaphora resolution functionality for
  • nltk.sem.evaluate: This module provides data structures for representing first-order models.
  • nltk.sem.logic: A version of first order predicate logic, built on top of the untyped lambda calculus.
  • nltk.sem.relextract: Code for extracting relational triples from the ieer and conll2002 corpora.
  • nltk.sem.util: Utility functions for batch-processing sentences: parsing and extraction of the semantic representation of the root node of the the syntax tree, followed by evaluation of the semantic representation in a first-order model.