Package nltk :: Package tokenize :: Module punkt :: Class PunktTrainer
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Class PunktTrainer

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     object --+    
_PunktBaseClass --+

Learns parameters used in Punkt sentence boundary detection.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from _PunktBaseClass (private): _Token

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, train_text=None, verbose=False) source code
Calculates and returns parameters for sentence boundary detection as derived from training.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

train(self, text, verbose=False, finalize=True)
Collects training data from a given text.
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train_tokens(self, tokens, verbose=False, finalize=True)
Collects training data from a given list of tokens.
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_train_tokens(self, tokens, verbose) source code
_unique_types(self, tokens) source code
finalize_training(self, verbose=False)
Uses data that has been gathered in training to determine likely collocations and sentence starters.
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    Overhead reduction
freq_threshold(self, ortho_thresh=2, type_thresh=2, colloc_thres=2, sentstart_thresh=2)
Allows memory use to be reduced after much training by removing data about rare tokens that are unlikely to have a statistical effect with further training.
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_freq_threshold(self, fdist, threshold)
Returns a FreqDist containing only data with counts below a given threshold, as well as a mapping (None -> count_removed).
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    Orthographic data
_get_orthography_data(self, tokens)
Collect information about whether each token type occurs with different case patterns (i) overall, (ii) at sentence-initial positions, and (iii) at sentence-internal positions.
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_reclassify_abbrev_types(self, types)
(Re)classifies each given token if
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Recalculates abbreviations given type frequencies, despite no prior determination of abbreviations.
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_is_rare_abbrev_type(self, cur_tok, next_tok)
A word type is counted as a rare abbreviation if...
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    Collocation Finder
_is_potential_collocation(self, aug_tok1, aug_tok2)
Returns True if the pair of tokens may form a collocation given log-likelihood statistics.
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Generates likely collocations and their log-likelihood.
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    Sentence-Starter Finder
_is_potential_sent_starter(self, cur_tok, prev_tok)
Returns True given a token and the token that preceds it if it seems clear that the token is beginning a sentence.
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Uses collocation heuristics for each candidate token to determine if it frequently starts sentences.
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_get_sentbreak_count(self, tokens)
Returns the number of sentence breaks marked in a given set of augmented tokens.
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    Word tokenization

Inherited from _PunktBaseClass (private): _tokenize_words

    Annotation Procedures
Static Methods [hide private]
    Log Likelihoods
_dunning_log_likelihood(count_a, count_b, count_ab, N)
A function that calculates the modified Dunning log-likelihood ratio scores for abbreviation candidates.
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_col_log_likelihood(count_a, count_b, count_ab, N)
A function that will just compute log-likelihood estimate, in the original paper it's decribed in algorithm 6 and 7.
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    Helper Functions

Inherited from _PunktBaseClass: pair_iter

Class Variables [hide private]
    Customization Variables
  ABBREV = 0.3
cut-off value whether a 'token' is an abbreviation
allows the disabling of the abbreviation penalty heuristic, which exponentially disadvantages words that are found at times without a final period.
upper cut-off for Mikheev's(2002) abbreviation detection algorithm
minimal log-likelihood value that two tokens need to be considered as a collocation
minimal log-likelihood value that a token requires to be considered as a frequent sentence starter
sentence internal punctuation, which indicates an abbreviation if preceded by a period-final token.
this includes as potential collocations all word pairs where the first word ends in a period.
this includes as potential collocations all word pairs where the first word is an abbreviation.
this sets a minimum bound on the number of times a bigram needs to appear before it can be considered a collocation, in addition to log likelihood statistics.
Instance Variables [hide private]
A frequency distribution giving the frequency of each case-normalized token type in the training data.
The number of words ending in period in the training data.
A frequency distribution giving the frequency of all bigrams in the training data where the first word ends in a period.
A frequency distribution giving the frequency of all words that occur at the training data at the beginning of a sentence (after the first pass of annotation).
The total number of sentence breaks identified in training, used for calculating the frequent sentence starter heuristic.
A flag as to whether the training has been finalized by finding collocations and sentence starters, or whether finalize_training() still needs to be called.

Inherited from _PunktBaseClass (private): _params

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, train_text=None, verbose=False)

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Overrides: _PunktBaseClass.__init__

train(self, text, verbose=False, finalize=True)

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Collects training data from a given text. If finalize is True, it will determine all the parameters for sentence boundary detection. If not, this will be delayed until get_params() or finalize_training() is called. If verbose is True, abbreviations found will be listed.

freq_threshold(self, ortho_thresh=2, type_thresh=2, colloc_thres=2, sentstart_thresh=2)

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Allows memory use to be reduced after much training by removing data about rare tokens that are unlikely to have a statistical effect with further training. Entries occurring above the given thresholds will be retained.

_reclassify_abbrev_types(self, types)

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(Re)classifies each given token if

  • it is period-final and not a known abbreviation; or
  • it is not period-final and is otherwise a known abbreviation

by checking whether its previous classification still holds according to the heuristics of section 3. Yields triples (abbr, score, is_add) where abbr is the type in question, score is its log-likelihood with penalties applied, and is_add specifies whether the present type is a candidate for inclusion or exclusion as an abbreviation, such that:

  • (is_add and score >= 0.3) suggests a new abbreviation; and
  • (not is_add and score < 0.3) suggests excluding an abbreviation.


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Recalculates abbreviations given type frequencies, despite no prior determination of abbreviations. This fails to include abbreviations otherwise found as "rare".

_is_rare_abbrev_type(self, cur_tok, next_tok)

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A word type is counted as a rare abbreviation if...

  • it's not already marked as an abbreviation
  • it occurs fewer than ABBREV_BACKOFF times
  • either it is followed by a sentence-internal punctuation mark, *or* it is followed by a lower-case word that sometimes appears with upper case, but never occurs with lower case at the beginning of sentences.

_dunning_log_likelihood(count_a, count_b, count_ab, N)
Static Method

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A function that calculates the modified Dunning log-likelihood ratio scores for abbreviation candidates. The details of how this works is available in the paper.

_col_log_likelihood(count_a, count_b, count_ab, N)
Static Method

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A function that will just compute log-likelihood estimate, in the original paper it's decribed in algorithm 6 and 7.

This *should* be the original Dunning log-likelihood values, unlike the previous log_l function where it used modified Dunning log-likelihood values

Class Variable Details [hide private]


this includes as potential collocations all word pairs where the first word ends in a period. It may be useful in corpora where there is a lot of variation that makes abbreviations like Mr difficult to identify.



this includes as potential collocations all word pairs where the first word is an abbreviation. Such collocations override the orthographic heuristic, but not the sentence starter heuristic. This is overridden by INCLUDE_ALL_COLLOCS, and if both are false, only collocations with initials and ordinals are considered.



this sets a minimum bound on the number of times a bigram needs to appear before it can be considered a collocation, in addition to log likelihood statistics. This is useful when INCLUDE_ALL_COLLOCS is True.


Instance Variable Details [hide private]


A frequency distribution giving the frequency of all bigrams in the training data where the first word ends in a period. Bigrams are encoded as tuples of word types. Especially common collocations are extracted from this frequency distribution, and stored in _params.collocations.


A frequency distribution giving the frequency of all words that occur at the training data at the beginning of a sentence (after the first pass of annotation). Especially common sentence starters are extracted from this frequency distribution, and stored in _params.sent_starters.