Package nltk :: Package tokenize :: Module regexp
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Module regexp

source code

Tokenizers that divide strings into substrings using regular expressions that can match either tokens or separators between tokens.

Classes [hide private]
A tokenizer that splits a string into substrings using a regular expression.
A tokenizer that divides a string into substrings by treating any sequence of blank lines as a separator.
A tokenizer that divides a text into sequences of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters.
A tokenizer that divides a text into sequences of alphabetic characters.
Functions [hide private]
    Tokenization Functions
regexp_tokenize(text, pattern, gaps=False, discard_empty=True, flags=56)
Split the given text string, based on the given regular expression pattern.
source code
blankline_tokenize(text) source code
wordpunct_tokenize(text) source code
word_tokenize(text) source code
Function Details [hide private]

regexp_tokenize(text, pattern, gaps=False, discard_empty=True, flags=56)

source code 

Split the given text string, based on the given regular expression pattern. See the documentation for RegexpTokenizer.tokenize() for descriptions of the arguments.