Package nltk :: Package wordnet :: Module browse
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Module browse

source code

Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Wordnet Text Mode Browser See also the NLTK Wordnet Graphical Browser in nltk_contrib.wordnet

Functions [hide private]
show(synsets, index) source code
print_gloss(synsets, index) source code
print_all_glosses(synsets) source code
print_all(synsets) source code
print_help() source code
new_word(word) source code
random_synset(D) source code
browse(word=' ', index=0)
Browse WordNet interactively, starting from the specified word, and navigating the WordNet hierarchy to synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, and so on.
source code
demo() source code
Variables [hide private]
  tw = TextWrapper(subsequent_indent= " ")
  abbreviations = 'adverb adv adv. r'
  pos = 'adv'
  token = 'r'
  tokens = ['adverb', 'adv', 'adv.', 'r']
Function Details [hide private]

browse(word=' ', index=0)

source code 

Browse WordNet interactively, starting from the specified word, and navigating the WordNet hierarchy to synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, and so on.

  • word (string) - the word to look up in WordNet
  • index (int) - the sense number of this word to use (optional)