Package nltk :: Package wordnet :: Package browser :: Module util
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Source Code for Module nltk.wordnet.browser.util

   1  # Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Graphical Wordnet Browser 
   2  # 
   3  # Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 NLTK Project 
   4  # Author: Jussi Salmela <[email protected]> 
   5  #         Paul Bone <[email protected]> 
   6  # URL: <> 
   7  # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT 
  10  from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus 
  11  import itertools as it 
  13  from nltk import defaultdict 
  14  from nltk.wordnet import * 
  15  from nltk.wordnet.stemmer import _morphy 
  16  from nltk.wordnet.synset import _RELATION_TABLE 
  18  __all__ = ['get_static_index_page', 
  19             'get_static_page_by_path', 
  20             'new_word_and_body',  
  21             'page_word', 
  22             'relations_2',  
  23             'uniq_cntr'] 
  26  """ 
  27  Wordnet Browser Utilities. 
  29  This provides a backend to both wxbrowse and 
  30  """ 
  33  # 
  34  # TODO: The following issues exist with this module, and should 
  35  # ideally be fixed.  These line numbers have changed since these items 
  36  # where recorded. 
  37  # 
  38  # All through: SHOULD add docstrings. 
  39  # Line 29: Some or all of relations_2 SHOULD be moved to 
  40  # Line 343: MAY re-write expression so that it's more readable. 
  41  # Line 395: MAY rewrite this and previous statment. 
  42  #           to avoid creating serperflous "<i>/</i>" 
  43  # Line 454: MAY replace lambda expression with 'first'. 
  44  # Line 695: MAY rewrite expression to build string so that it is more readable. 
  45  # 
49 -def relations_2(synsetObj, rel_name=None, word_match=False):
50 """ 51 Return a dict of relations or a list of word match pairs for synsetObj. 52 53 The dictionary keys are the names for the relations found. 54 The dictionary items are lists of either synsets or words 55 depending on the relation. 56 57 If rel_name is specified, a list of eiher synsets or words for only 58 that relation type is returned. 59 60 If word_match is True a list of pairs (source,target) of matching 61 word information is returned . Here source and target are tuples 62 of form (synset,word_index), where 'word_index' is the 0-based index of 63 the word in synset 'synset' 64 @param synsetObj: The synset whose relations we are using 65 @type synsetObj: synset 66 @param rel_name: A relation name we are interested in 67 @type rel_name: str 68 @param word_match: Tells if we want word-level matching or not 69 @type word_match: truth value 70 @return: A relation dict or a list of word match pairs for synsetObj. 71 @rtype: A dict or list 72 """ 73 74 # Load the pointers from the Wordnet files if necessary. 75 if not hasattr(synsetObj, '_relations') or \ 76 word_match != synsetObj._word_match_last_used: 77 relations = defaultdict(list) 78 for (type, offset, pos, indices) in synsetObj._pointerTuples: 79 rel = _RELATION_TABLE[type] 80 source_ind = int(indices[0:2], 16) - 1 81 target_ind = int(indices[2:], 16) - 1 82 pos = normalizePOS(pos) 83 offset = int(offset) 84 synset = dictionary.synset(pos, offset) 85 if target_ind >= 0: 86 if word_match: 87 source_tuple = (synsetObj,source_ind) 88 target_tuple = (synset,target_ind) 89 relations[rel].append((source_tuple,target_tuple)) 90 else: 91 relations[rel].append(synset[target_ind]) 92 else: 93 relations[rel].append(synset) 94 synsetObj._relations = dict(relations) 95 synsetObj._word_match_last_used = word_match 96 if rel_name is not None: 97 return synsetObj._relations.get(rel_name, []) 98 else: 99 return synsetObj._relations
100 101 102 _pos_tuples = [(N,'N','noun'), (V,'V','verb'), (ADJ,'J','adj'), 103 (ADV,'R','adv')] 104
105 -def _pos_match(pos_tuple):
106 for n,x in enumerate(pos_tuple): 107 if x is not None: 108 break 109 for pt in _pos_tuples: 110 if pt[n] == pos_tuple[n]: return pt 111 return None
112 113 implemented_rel_names = \ 114 ['antonym', 115 'attribute', 116 'cause', 117 'derivationally related form', 118 'direct hypernym', 119 'direct hyponym', 120 'direct troponym', 121 'domain category', 122 'domain region', 123 'domain term category', 124 'domain term region', 125 'domain term usage', 126 'domain usage', 127 'entailment', 128 'full hyponym', 129 'full troponym', 130 'has instance', 131 'inherited hypernym', 132 'instance', 133 'member holonym', 134 'member meronym', 135 'Overview', 136 'part holonym', 137 'part meronym', 138 'participle', 139 'pertainym', 140 'phrasal verb', 141 'see also', 142 'sentence frame', 143 'similar to', 144 'sister term', 145 'substance holonym', 146 'substance meronym', 147 'synset', 148 'verb group' 149 ] 150 151 # Relation names in the order they will displayed. The first item of a tuple 152 # is the internal i.e. DB name. The second item is the display name or if it 153 # contains parts separated by slashes, the parts are displayed as separate 154 # links. 155 rel_order = \ 156 [(HYPONYM,'direct hyponym/full hyponym'), 157 (HYPONYM,'direct troponym/full troponym'), 158 (CLASS_REGIONAL,'domain term region'), 159 (PART_HOLONYM,PART_MERONYM), 160 (ATTRIBUTE,ATTRIBUTE), 161 (SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM,SUBSTANCE_MERONYM), 162 (SUBSTANCE_MERONYM,SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM), 163 (MEMBER_MERONYM,MEMBER_HOLONYM), 164 (MEMBER_HOLONYM,MEMBER_MERONYM), 165 (VERB_GROUP,VERB_GROUP), 166 (CLASSIF_CATEGORY, CLASSIF_CATEGORY), 167 (INSTANCE_HYPONYM, 'has instance'), 168 (CLASS_CATEGORY,'domain term category'), 169 (CLASS_USAGE,'domain term usage'), 170 (HYPERNYM,'direct hypernym/inherited hypernym/sister term'), 171 (CLASSIF_REGIONAL, CLASSIF_REGIONAL), 172 (CLASSIF_USAGE,'domain usage'), 173 (PART_MERONYM,PART_HOLONYM), 174 (INSTANCE_HYPERNYM, 'instance'), 175 (CAUSE,CAUSE), 176 (ALSO_SEE,'see also'), 177 (ALSO_SEE,'phrasal verb'), 178 (SIMILAR,'similar to'), 179 (ENTAILMENT,ENTAILMENT), 180 (PARTICIPLE_OF, 'participle'), 181 (ANTONYM, 'antonym'), 182 (FRAMES,'derivationally related form'), 183 #sentence frame 184 (PERTAINYM,PERTAINYM) 185 ] 186
187 -def _dispname_to_dbname(dispname):
188 for dbn,dispn in rel_order: 189 if dispname in dispn.split('/'): 190 return dbn 191 return None
193 -def _dbname_to_dispname(dbname):
194 for dbn,dispn in rel_order: 195 if dbn == dbname: 196 return dispn 197 return '???'
198 199 html_header = ''' 200 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' 201 ''> 202 <html> 203 <head> 204 <meta name='generator' content= 205 'HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 14 February 2006), see'> 206 <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content= 207 'text/html; charset=us-ascii'> 208 <title>NLTK Wordnet Browser display of: %s</title></head> 209 <body bgcolor='#F5F5F5' text='#000000'> 210 ''' 211 html_trailer = ''' 212 </body> 213 </html> 214 ''' 215 216 explanation = ''' 217 <h3>Search Help</h3> 218 <ul><li>The display below the line is an example of the output the browser 219 shows you when you enter a search word. The search word was <b>green</b>.</li> 220 <li>The search result shows for different parts of speech the <b>synsets</b> 221 i.e. different meanings for the word.</li> 222 <li>All underlined texts are hypertext links. There are two types of links: 223 word links and others. Clicking a word link carries out a search for the word 224 in the Wordnet database.</li> 225 <li>Clicking a link of the other type opens a display section of data attached 226 to that link. Clicking that link a second time closes the section again.</li> 227 <li>Clicking <u>S:</u> opens a section showing the relations for that synset. 228 </li> 229 <li>Clicking on a relation name opens a section that displays the associated 230 synsets.</li> 231 <li>Type a search word in the <b>Word</b> field and start the search by the 232 <b>Enter/Return</b> key or click the <b>Search</b> button.</li> 233 </ul> 234 <hr width='100%'> 235 ''' 236 237 # HTML oriented functions 238
239 -def _bold(txt): return '<b>%s</b>' % txt
241 -def _center(txt): return '<center>%s</center>' % txt
243 -def _hlev(n,txt): return '<h%d>%s</h%d>' % (n,txt,n)
245 -def _italic(txt): return '<i>%s</i>' % txt
247 -def _li(txt): return '<li>%s</li>' % txt
249 -def pg(word, body):
250 ''' 251 Return a HTML page of NLTK Browser format constructed from the 252 word and body 253 254 @param word: The word that the body corresponds to 255 @type word: str 256 @param body: The HTML body corresponding to the word 257 @type body: str 258 @return: a HTML page for the word-body combination 259 @rtype: str 260 ''' 261 return (html_header % word) + body + html_trailer
263 -def _ul(txt): return '<ul>' + txt + '</ul>'
264 265 # abbc = asterisks, breaks, bold, center
266 -def _abbc(txt):
267 return _center(_bold('<br>'*10 + '*'*10 + ' ' + txt + ' ' + '*'*10))
268 269 full_hyponym_cont_text = \ 270 _ul(_li(_italic('(has full hyponym continuation)'))) + '\n' 271 272 273 _uniq_cntr = 0 274
275 -def uniq_cntr():
276 """ 277 Return a unique counter, a state is kept to ensure that the same 278 counter is not provided multiple times. 279 280 @return: A unique integer for this module instance. 281 @rtype: int 282 """ 283 global _uniq_cntr 284 _uniq_cntr += 1 285 return _uniq_cntr
287 -def _get_synset(synset_key):
288 pos = _pos_match((None,synset_key[0],None))[2] 289 offset = int(synset_key[1:]) 290 return dictionary.synset(pos, offset)
292 -def _collect_one(word, s_or_w, prev_synset_key):
293 ''' 294 Returns the HTML string for one synset or word 295 296 @param word: the current word 297 @type word: str 298 @param s_or_w: a tuple containing word information or a synset 299 @type s_or_w: tuple or synset 300 @param prev_synset_key: key of previous synset 301 @type prev_synset_key: str 302 @return: The HTML string built for this synset or word 303 @rtype: str 304 ''' 305 u_c = uniq_cntr() 306 if isinstance(s_or_w, tuple): # It's a word 307 form_str,(synset,oppo,forms) = s_or_w 308 pos,offset,ind = oppo 309 synset = dictionary.synset(pos, offset) 310 synset_key = _pos_match((None,None,synset.pos))[1] + str(synset.offset) 311 synset_key += ':' + str(ind) + ',' + prev_synset_key 312 oppo = synset.words[ind] 313 oppo = oppo.replace('_', ' ') 314 typ = 'W' 315 else: # It's a synset 316 synset = s_or_w 317 typ = 'S' 318 synset_key = _pos_match((None,None,synset.pos))[1] + str(synset.offset) 319 synset_key += ',' + prev_synset_key 320 if synset.pos.startswith('ad'): 321 descr = synset.pos 322 else: 323 descr = synset.pos[0] 324 s = '<li><a href="' + typ + quote_plus(word + '#' + synset_key + '#' + \ 325 str(u_c)) + '">' + typ + ':</a>' + ' (' + descr + ') ' 326 if isinstance(s_or_w, tuple): # It's a word 327 s += '<a href="M' + quote_plus(oppo + '#' + str(uniq_cntr())) + \ 328 '">' + oppo + '</a> ' + form_str 329 for w in forms: 330 pos,offset,ind = w 331 w = dictionary.synset(pos, offset).words[ind] 332 w = w.replace('_', ' ') 333 s += '<a href="M' + quote_plus(w + '#' + str(uniq_cntr())) + \ 334 '">' + w + '</a>, ' 335 s = s[:-2] + '] ' 336 else: # It's a synset 337 for w in synset: 338 w = w.replace('_', ' ') 339 if w.lower() == word: 340 s+= _bold(w) + ', ' 341 else: 342 s += '<a href="M' + quote_plus(w + '#' + str(uniq_cntr())) + \ 343 '">' + w + '</a>, ' 344 s = s[:-2] + ' (' 345 # Format the gloss part 346 gl = '' 347 hyph_not_found = True 348 for g in synset.gloss.split('; '): 349 if not g.startswith('"'): 350 if gl: gl += '; ' 351 gl += g 352 else: 353 if hyph_not_found: 354 gl += ') <i>' 355 hyph_not_found = False 356 else: 357 gl += '; ' 358 gl += g 359 if hyph_not_found: 360 gl += ')' 361 else: 362 gl += '</i>' 363 return s + gl + '</li>\n'
365 -def _collect_all(word, pos):
366 return '<ul>%s\n</ul>\n' % \ 367 ''.join((_collect_one(word, synset, '') for synset in pos[word]))
369 -def _rel_ref(word, synset_keys, rel):
370 return '<a href="R%s"><i>%s</i></a>' % \ 371 (quote_plus('#'.join((word, synset_keys, rel, str(uniq_cntr())))), 372 rel)
374 -def _anto_or_similar_anto(synset):
375 anto = relations_2(synset, rel_name=ANTONYM, word_match=True) 376 if anto: return synset 377 similar = relations_2(synset, rel_name=SIMILAR) 378 for simi in similar: 379 anto = relations_2(simi, rel_name=ANTONYM, word_match=True) 380 if anto: return simi 381 return False
383 -def _synset_relations(word, link_type, synset_keys):
384 ''' 385 Builds the HTML string for the relations of a synset 386 387 @param word: The current word 388 @type word: str 389 @param link_type: The link type, word or synset 390 @type link_type: str 391 @param synset_keys: synset keys for this and the previous synset 392 @type synset_keys: str 393 @return: The HTML for a synset's relations 394 @rtype: str 395 ''' 396 sk,prev_sk = synset_keys.split(',') 397 synset = _get_synset(sk.split(':')[0]) 398 rel_keys = relations_2(synset).keys() 399 400 html = '' 401 if link_type == 'W': 402 rel_names = [(ANTONYM, 'antonym'), 403 (FRAMES,'derivationally related form')] 404 else: 405 rel_names = rel_order 406 for rel in rel_names: 407 db_name,disp_name = rel 408 if db_name == ALSO_SEE: 409 if synset.pos == 'verb' and disp_name != 'phrasal verb' or \ 410 synset.pos != 'verb' and disp_name == 'phrasal verb': 411 continue 412 if db_name == HYPONYM: 413 if synset.pos == 'verb': 414 if disp_name.find('tropo') == -1: 415 continue 416 else: 417 if disp_name.find('hypo') == -1: 418 continue 419 if synset[db_name] or \ 420 db_name == ANTONYM and _anto_or_similar_anto(synset): 421 lst = [' <i>/</i> ' + _rel_ref(word, synset_keys, r) 422 for r in disp_name.split('/')] 423 html += ''.join(lst)[10:] # drop the extra ' <i>/</i> ' 424 html += '\n' 425 if db_name in rel_keys: rel_keys.remove(db_name) 426 if link_type == 'W': 427 html += _rel_ref(word, synset_keys, 'Overview') + '\n' 428 html += _rel_ref(word, synset_keys, 'synset') + '\n' 429 else: 430 for rel in rel_keys: 431 html += _rel_ref(word, synset_keys, rel) + '\n' 432 if synset.pos == 'verb' and synset.verbFrameStrings: 433 html += _rel_ref(word, synset_keys, 'sentence frame') + '\n' 434 return html
436 -def _hyponym_ul_structure(word, tree):
437 #print 'tree:', tree 438 if tree == []: return '' 439 if tree == ['...']: return full_hyponym_cont_text 440 head = tree[0] 441 tail = tree[1:] 442 htm = _collect_one(word, head[0], '') + '\n' 443 if isinstance(head, list) and len(head) > 1: 444 htm += '<ul>' 445 htm += _hyponym_ul_structure(word, head[1:]) 446 htm += '\n</ul>' 447 htm += _hyponym_ul_structure(word, tail) 448 return htm
450 -def _hypernym_ul_structure(word, tree):
451 htm = '<ul>\n' + _collect_one(word, tree[0], '') + '\n' 452 if len(tree) > 1: 453 htm += ''.join((_hypernym_ul_structure(word, t) for t in tree[1:])) 454 return htm + '\n</ul>\n'
456 -def _word_ul_structure(word, synset, rel_name, synset_keys):
457 synset_key,prev_synset_key = synset_keys.split(',') 458 rel_name = _dispname_to_dbname(rel_name) 459 if rel_name == ANTONYM: 460 rel_form = ' [Opposed to: ' 461 else: 462 rel_form = ' [Related to: ' 463 s = '' 464 rel = relations_2(synset, rel_name=rel_name, word_match=True) 465 if rel: 466 hlp = [((s1.pos,s1.offset,i1),(s0.pos,s0.offset,i0)) 467 for ((s0,i0),(s1,i1)) in rel] 468 if prev_synset_key: 469 sk,prev_sk = synset_keys.split(',') 470 sk0,sk1 = sk.split(':') 471 syns = _get_synset(sk0) 472 ind = int(sk1) 473 hlp = [((s1.pos,s1.offset,i1),(s0.pos,s0.offset,i0)) 474 for ((s0,i0),(s1,i1)) 475 in rel 476 if (s0.pos == syns.pos) 477 and (s0.offset == syns.offset) 478 and (i0 == ind)] 479 hlp = it.groupby(hlp,key=lambda x:x[0]) 480 hlp_2 = [] 481 for h in hlp: 482 forms = [] 483 for h2 in h[1]: 484 forms.append(h2[1]) 485 forms.sort() 486 hlp_2 = [(h[0],forms)] + hlp_2 487 for h,f in hlp_2: 488 s += _collect_one(word, (rel_form,(s1,h,f)), synset_key) 489 elif rel_name == ANTONYM: 490 similar = relations_2(synset, rel_name=SIMILAR) 491 for simi in similar: 492 anto = relations_2(simi, rel_name=ANTONYM, word_match=True) 493 if anto: 494 for a in anto: 495 ((s0,i0),(s1,i1)) = a 496 form = (s0.pos,s0.offset,i0) 497 oppo = (s1.pos,s1.offset,i1) 498 s += _collect_one(word, \ 499 (' [Indirect via ',(s1,oppo,[form])), synset_key) 500 return s
502 -def _relation_section(rel_name, word, synset_keys):
503 synset_key,prev_synset_key = synset_keys.split(',') 504 synset = _get_synset(synset_key.split(':')[0]) 505 if rel_name == 'full hyponym' or rel_name == 'full troponym': 506 if rel_name == 'full hyponym': 507 depth = synset.min_depth() 508 if depth <= 2: depth = 1 509 elif depth == 3: depth = 2 510 else: depth = -1 511 tree = synset.tree(HYPONYM, depth, cut_mark='...') 512 html = '\n' + _hyponym_ul_structure(word, tree[1:]) + '\n' 513 html += ''.join((_collect_one(word, x, '') 514 for x 515 in synset[INSTANCE_HYPONYM])) 516 return _ul(html + '\n') 517 elif rel_name == 'inherited hypernym': 518 tree = synset.tree(HYPERNYM) 519 return _hypernym_ul_structure(word, tree[1:][0]) # + '\n</ul>' 520 elif rel_name == 'sister term': 521 s = '' 522 for x in synset[HYPERNYM]: 523 s += _collect_one(word, x, '') 524 s += '<ul>' 525 s += ''.join((_collect_one(word, y, '') for y in x[HYPONYM])) 526 s += '\n</ul>' 527 return _ul(s + '\n') 528 elif rel_name == 'sentence frame': 529 verb_frame_strings = [(VERB_FRAME_STRINGS[i] % _bold(word)) \ 530 for i in synset.verbFrames] 531 s = '\n'.join(['<li>' + vfs + '</li>' for vfs 532 in verb_frame_strings]) 533 return _ul(s + '\n') 534 elif rel_name == 'Overview': 535 ind = int(synset_key.split(':')[1]) 536 w,b = _w_b(synset.words[ind], True) 537 if not w: return '' 538 return _ul(b + '\n') 539 elif rel_name == 'synset': 540 s = _collect_one(word, synset, '') 541 return _ul(s + '\n') 542 elif rel_name == 'domain term region': 543 rel = _dispname_to_dbname(rel_name) 544 s = '' 545 word_collection = [] 546 for x in synset[rel]: 547 if isinstance(x, basestring): 548 word_collection.append(x) 549 else: 550 s += _collect_one(word, x, '') 551 552 for wrd in word_collection: 553 w = _pos_match((None,None,synset.pos))[0][wrd] 554 oppo = None 555 for syns in w: 556 for wlr in relations_2(syns, CLASSIF_REGIONAL,True): 557 if not isinstance(wlr, tuple): 558 continue 559 syn,i = wlr[1] 560 syns,j = wlr[0] 561 if syn == synset and syns.words[j] == wrd: 562 form = (syn.pos,syn.offset,i) 563 oppo = (syns.pos,syns.offset,j) 564 break 565 if oppo: break 566 if oppo: 567 s += _collect_one(word, \ 568 (' [Related to: ',(synset,oppo,[form])), synset_key) 569 return _ul(s + '\n') 570 else: 571 rel = _dispname_to_dbname(rel_name) 572 # word level 573 if rel == ANTONYM or \ 574 isinstance(relations_2(synset)[rel][0], basestring): 575 s = _word_ul_structure(word, synset, rel_name, synset_keys) 576 return _ul(s + '\n') 577 else: 578 s = ''.join((_collect_one(word, x, '') for x in synset[rel])) 579 if rel == HYPONYM: 580 s += ''.join((_collect_one(word, x, '') 581 for x 582 in synset[INSTANCE_HYPONYM])) 583 return _ul(s + '\n')
585 -def _w_b(word, overview):
586 pos_forms = defaultdict(list) 587 words = word.split(',') 588 words = [w.strip() for w in words if w.strip() != ""] 589 if len(words) == 0: 590 # No words were found. 591 return "", "Please specify a word to search for." 592 593 # This looks up multiple words at once. This is probably not 594 # necessary and may lead to problems. 595 for pos_str in ['noun', 'verb', 'adj', 'adv']: 596 for w in words: 597 for form in _morphy(w, pos=pos_str): 598 if form not in pos_forms[pos_str]: 599 pos_forms[pos_str].append(form) 600 body = '' 601 for pos,pos_str,name in \ 602 ((N,'noun','Noun'), (V,'verb','Verb'), 603 (ADJ,'adj','Adjective'), (ADV,'adv','Adverb')): 604 if pos_str in pos_forms: 605 if not overview: 606 body += _hlev(3, name) + '\n' 607 for w in pos_forms[pos_str]: 608 # Not all words of exc files are in the database, so: 609 try: 610 body += _collect_all(w, pos) 611 except KeyError: 612 pass 613 if not body: 614 body = "The word '%s' was not found in the dictonary." % word 615 return word,body
617 -def new_word_and_body(word):
618 ''' 619 Return a 2-tuple of a new word and the HTML body consisting of all the 620 synsets for all the POS that the word was found in 621 622 @param word: The word for which the HTML body is to be constructed 623 @type word: str 624 @return: The tuple (word,body) 625 @rtype: Tuple (str,str) 626 ''' 627 word = word.lower().replace('_', ' ') 628 return _w_b(word, False)
630 -def _ul_section_removed(page, index):
631 '''Removes the first string <ul>...stuff...</ul> from the html page. 632 633 The search starts at index. Note: ...stuff... may contain embedded 634 <ul>-</ul> pairs but the search continues to the </ul> that is the 635 pair of the starting <ul> 636 ''' 637 ind = page.find('<ul>', index) 638 if ind == -1: return page 639 ul_count = 1 640 ul_start = ind 641 ind += 4 642 while ul_count: 643 ind = page.find('ul>', ind) 644 if ind == -1: return page 645 if page[ind - 1] == '/': # </ul> found 646 ul_count -= 1 647 ul_end = ind + 3 648 else: 649 ul_count += 1 650 ind += 3 651 return page[:ul_start] + page[ul_end:]
653 -def page_word(page, word, href):
654 ''' 655 Returns a tuple of the HTML page built and the new current word 656 657 @param page: The currently active HTML page 658 @type page: str 659 @param word: The currently active word 660 @type word: str 661 @param href: The hypertext reference to be solved 662 @type href: str 663 @return: A tuple (page,word), where page is the new current HTML page 664 to be sent to the browser and 665 word is the new current word 666 @rtype: A tuple (str,str) 667 ''' 668 link_type = href[0] 669 q_link = href[1:] 670 u_link = unquote_plus(q_link) 671 672 if link_type == 'M' or link_type == 'N': # Search for this new word 673 word, u_c = u_link.split('#') 674 word,body = new_word_and_body(word) 675 return pg(word, body), word 676 677 elif link_type == 'R': # Relation links 678 # A relation link looks like this: 679 # word#synset_keys#relation_name#uniq_cntr 680 word,synset_keys,rel_name,u_c = u_link.split('#') 681 ind = page.find(q_link) + len(q_link) + 2 682 # If the link text is in bold, the user wants to 683 # close the section beneath the link 684 if page[ind:ind+3] == '<b>': 685 page = _ul_section_removed(page, ind) 686 page = page[:ind] + '<i>' + rel_name + \ 687 '</i>' + page[ind + len(rel_name) + 14:] 688 return page, word 689 else: 690 # First check if another link is bold on the same line 691 # and if it is, then remove boldness & close the section below 692 end = page.find('\n', ind) 693 start = page.rfind('\n', 0, ind) 694 start = page.find('<b>', start, end) 695 if start != -1: 696 page = _ul_section_removed(page, ind) 697 end = page.find('</b>', start, end) 698 page = page[:start] + page[start+3:end] + page[end+4:] 699 700 # Make this selection bold on page 701 # 702 if rel_name in implemented_rel_names: 703 ind = page.find(q_link) + len(q_link) + 2 704 ind_2 = ind + len(rel_name) + 7 705 page = page[:ind] + _bold(page[ind:ind_2]) + \ 706 page[ind_2:] 707 # find the start of the next line 708 ind = page.find('\n', ind) + 1 709 section = \ 710 _relation_section(rel_name, word, synset_keys) 711 page = page[:ind] + section + page[ind:] 712 return page, word 713 else: 714 return None, None 715 else: 716 # A word link looks like this: 717 # Wword#synset_key,prev_synset_key#link_counter 718 # A synset link looks like this: 719 # Sword#synset_key,prev_synset_key#link_counter 720 l_t = link_type + ':' 721 word,syns_keys,link_counter = u_link.split('#') 722 ind = page.find(q_link) + len(q_link) + 2 723 # If the link text is in bold, the user wants to 724 # close the section beneath the link 725 if page[ind:ind+3] == '<b>': 726 page = _ul_section_removed(page, ind) 727 page = page[:ind] + l_t + page[ind + 9:] 728 return page, word 729 else: # The user wants to see the relation names 730 # Make this link text bold on page 731 page = page[:ind] + _bold(l_t) + page[ind + 2:] 732 # Insert the relation names 733 ind = page.find('\n', ind) + 1 734 # First remove the full_hyponym_cont_text if found here 735 if page[ind+5:].startswith(full_hyponym_cont_text): 736 page = page[0:ind+5] + \ 737 page[ind+5+len(full_hyponym_cont_text):] 738 s_r = _synset_relations(word, link_type, syns_keys) 739 s_r = s_r.split('\n')[:-1] 740 s_r = [_li(sr) for sr in s_r] 741 s_r = _ul('\n' + '\n'.join(s_r) + '\n') + '\n' 742 page = page[:ind] + s_r + page[ind:] 743 return page, word
744 745
746 -def get_static_page_by_path(path):
747 """ 748 Return a static HTML page from the path given. 749 """ 750 if path == "index_2.html": 751 return get_static_index_page(False) 752 elif path == "index.html": 753 return get_static_index_page(True) 754 elif path == "NLTK Wordnet Browser Database Info.html": 755 return "Display of Wordnet Database Statistics is not supported" 756 elif path == "start.html": 757 return get_static_start_page() 758 elif path == "upper_2.html": 759 return get_static_upper_page(False) 760 elif path == "upper.html": 761 return get_static_upper_page(True) 762 elif path == "web_help.html": 763 return get_static_web_help_page() 764 elif path == "wx_help.html": 765 return get_static_wx_help_page() 766 else: 767 return "Internal error: Path for static page '%s' is unknown" % path 768 769 f = open(path) 770 page = 771 f.close() 772 return page
773 774
775 -def get_static_web_help_page():
776 """ 777 Return the static web help page. 778 """ 779 return \ 780 """ 781 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> 782 <html> 783 <!-- Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Graphical Wordnet Browser 784 Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 NLTK Project 785 Author: Jussi Salmela <[email protected]> 786 URL: <> 787 For license information, see LICENSE.TXT --> 788 <head> 789 <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=us-ascii'> 790 <title>NLTK Wordnet Browser display of: * Help *</title> 791 </head> 792 <body bgcolor='#F5F5F5' text='#000000'> 793 <h2>NLTK Wordnet Browser Help</h2> 794 <p>The NLTK Wordnet Browser is a tool to use in browsing the Wordnet database. It tries to behave like the Wordnet project's web browser but the difference is that the NLTK Wordnet Browser uses a local Wordnet database. 795 <p><b>You are using the Javascript client part of the NLTK Wordnet BrowseServer.</b> We assume your browser is in tab sheets enabled mode.</p> 796 <p>For background information on Wordnet, see the Wordnet project home page: <a href=""><b></b></a>. For more information on the NLTK project, see the project home: 797 <a href=""><b></b></a>. To get an idea of what the Wordnet version used by this browser includes choose <b>Show Database Info</b> from the <b>View</b> submenu.</p> 798 <h3>Word search</h3> 799 <p>The word to be searched is typed into the <b>New Word</b> field and the search started with Enter or by clicking the <b>Search</b> button. There is no uppercase/lowercase distinction: the search word is transformed to lowercase before the search.</p> 800 <p>In addition, the word does not have to be in base form. The browser tries to find the possible base form(s) by making certain morphological substitutions. Typing <b>fLIeS</b> as an obscure example gives one <a href="MfLIeS">this</a>. Click the previous link to see what this kind of search looks like and then come back to this page by using the <b>Alt+LeftArrow</b> key combination.</p> 801 <p>The result of a search is a display of one or more 802 <b>synsets</b> for every part of speech in which a form of the 803 search word was found to occur. A synset is a set of words 804 having the same sense or meaning. Each word in a synset that is 805 underlined is a hyperlink which can be clicked to trigger an 806 automatic search for that word.</p> 807 <p>Every synset has a hyperlink <b>S:</b> at the start of its 808 display line. Clicking that symbol shows you the name of every 809 <b>relation</b> that this synset is part of. Every relation name is a hyperlink that opens up a display for that relation. Clicking it another time closes the display again. Clicking another relation name on a line that has an opened relation closes the open relation and opens the clicked relation.</p> 810 <p>It is also possible to give two or more words or collocations to be searched at the same time separating them with a comma like this <a href="Mcheer up,clear up">cheer up,clear up</a>, for example. Click the previous link to see what this kind of search looks like and then come back to this page by using the <b>Alt+LeftArrow</b> key combination. As you could see the search result includes the synsets found in the same order than the forms were given in the search field.</p> 811 <p> 812 There are also word level (lexical) relations recorded in the Wordnet database. Opening this kind of relation displays lines with a hyperlink <b>W:</b> at their beginning. Clicking this link shows more info on the word in question.</p> 813 <h3>The Buttons</h3> 814 <p>The <b>Search</b> and <b>Help</b> buttons need no more explanation. </p> 815 <p>The <b>Show Database Info</b> button shows a collection of Wordnet database statistics.</p> 816 <p>The <b>Shutdown the Server</b> button is shown for the first client of the BrowServer program i.e. for the client that is automatically launched when the BrowServer is started but not for the succeeding clients in order to protect the server from accidental shutdowns. 817 </p></body> 818 </html> 819 """
821 -def get_static_wx_help_page():
822 """ 823 Return static WX help page. 824 """ 825 return \ 826 """ 827 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> 828 <html> 829 <!-- Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Graphical Wordnet Browser 830 Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 NLTK Project 831 Author: Jussi Salmela <[email protected]> 832 URL: <> 833 For license information, see LICENSE.TXT --> 834 <head> 835 <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=us-ascii'> 836 <title>NLTK Wordnet Browser display of: * Help *</title> 837 </head> 838 <body bgcolor='#F5F5F5' text='#000000'> 839 <h2>NLTK Wordnet Browser Help</h2> 840 <p>The NLTK Wordnet Browser is a tool to use in browsing the Wordnet database. It tries to behave like the Wordnet project's web browser but the difference is that the NLTK Wordnet Browser uses a local Wordnet database. The NLTK Wordnet Browser has only a part of normal browser functionality and it is <b>not</b> an Internet browser.</p> 841 <p>For background information on Wordnet, see the Wordnet project home page: <b></b>. For more information on the NLTK project, see the project home: <b></b>. To get an idea of what the Wordnet version used by this browser includes choose <b>Show Database Info</b> from the <b>View</b> submenu.</p> 842 <h3>The User Interface</h3> 843 <p>The user interface is a so called <b>notebook</b> interface. This 844 is familiar nowadays for almost everyone from Internet browsers, 845 for example. It consists of one or more independent pages often 846 (and here also) called <b>tabsheets</b>.</p> 847 <p>Every tabsheet contains its own search history which can be 848 browsed back and forth at will. The result of a new word search 849 will be shown on the currently active tabsheet if nothing else is 850 wanted. It is also possible to open a new tabsheet for the search 851 word given.</p> 852 <p>The position and size of the browser window as well as font size can be adjusted and the selections are retained between sessions.</p> 853 <h3>Word search</h3> 854 <p>The word to be searched is typed into the <b>Word(s):</b> field and the search started with Enter or by clicking the <b>Search the word(s)</b> button. There is no uppercase/lowercase distinction: the search word is transformed to lowercase before the search.</p> 855 <p>In addition, the word does not have to be in base form. The browser tries to find the possible base form(s) by making certain morphological substitutions. Typing <b>fLIeS</b> as an obscure example gives one <a href="MfLIeS">this</a>. Click the previous link to see what this kind of search looks like and then come back to this page by clicking the <b>Previous Page</b> button.</p> 856 <p>The result of a search is a display of one or more 857 <b>synsets</b> for every part of speech in which a form of the 858 search word was found to occur. A synset is a set of words 859 having the same sense or meaning. Each word in a synset that is 860 underlined is a hyperlink which can be clicked to trigger an 861 automatic search for that word.</p> 862 <p>Every synset has a hyperlink <b>S:</b> at the start of its 863 display line. Clicking that symbol shows you the name of every 864 <b>relation</b> that this synset is part of. Every relation name is a hyperlink that opens up a display for that relation. Clicking it another time closes the display again. Clicking another relation name on a line that has an opened relation closes the open relation and opens the clicked relation.</p> 865 <p>It is also possible to give two or more words or collocations to be searched at the same time separating them with a comma like this <a href="Mcheer up,clear up">cheer up,clear up</a>, for example. Click the previous link to see what this kind of search looks like and then come back to this page by clicking the <b>Previous Page</b> button. As you could see the search result includes the synsets found in the same order than the forms were given in the search field.</p> 866 <p> 867 There are also word level (lexical) relations recorded in the Wordnet database. Opening this kind of relation displays lines with a hyperlink <b>W:</b> at their beginning. Clicking this link shows more info on the word in question.</p> 868 <h3>Menu Structure</h3> 869 The browser has a menubar that you can use to invoke a set of 870 different operations. Most of the menu selections also have a 871 corresponding keyboard shortcut. 872 <h4>The File Menu</h4> 873 <p>Using the file menu you can <b>open</b> a previously saved NLTK 874 Wordnet Browser page. Note that only pages saved with this browser 875 can be read.</p> 876 <p>And as indicated above you can <b>save</b> a search page. The 877 resulting file is a normal HTML mode file which can be viewed, 878 printed etc. as any other HTML file.</p> 879 <p>You can also <b>print</b> a page and <b>preview</b> a page to be 880 printed. The selected printing settings are remembered during the 881 session.</p> 882 <h4>The Tabsheets Menu</h4> 883 <p>You can <b>open an empty tabsheet</b> and <b>close</b> the 884 currently active tabsheet.</p> 885 <p>When you enter a new search word in the search word field you 886 can make the search result be shown in a <b>new tabsheet</b>.</p> 887 <h4>Page History</h4> 888 You can browse the page history of the currently active tabsheet 889 either <b>forwards</b> or <b>backwards</b>. <b>Next Page</b> 890 browses towards the newer pages and <b>Previous Page</b> towards 891 the older pages. 892 <h4>The View Menu</h4> 893 <p>You can <b>increase</b>, <b>decrease</b> and <b>normalize</b> 894 the font size. The font size chosen is retained between 895 sessions.</p> 896 <p>You can choose <b>Show Database Info</b> to see the word, synset and relation counts by POS as well as one example word (as a hyperlink) for every relation&amp;POS pair occuring.</p> 897 <p>You can view the <b>HTML source</b> of a page if you are 898 curious.</p> 899 <h4>The Help Menu</h4> 900 You can view this <b>help text</b> as you already know. The 901 <b>about</b> selection tells you something about the program. 902 <h3>The Keyboard Shortcuts</h3> 903 <p>The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to quickly launch 904 the desired operation.</p> 905 <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" summary=""> 906 <col align="center"> 907 <col align="center"> 908 <tr> 909 <th>Keyboard Shortcut</th> 910 <th>Operation</th> 911 </tr> 912 <tr> 913 <td>Ctrl+O</td> 914 <td>Open a file</td> 915 </tr> 916 <tr> 917 <td>Ctrl+S</td> 918 <td>Save current page as</td> 919 </tr> 920 <tr> 921 <td>Ctrl+P</td> 922 <td>Print current page</td> 923 </tr> 924 <tr> 925 <td>Ctrl+T</td> 926 <td>Open a new (empty) tabsheet</td> 927 </tr> 928 <tr> 929 <td>Ctrl+W</td> 930 <td>Close the current tabsheet</td> 931 </tr> 932 <tr> 933 <td>Ctrl+LinkClick</td> 934 <td>Open the link in a new unfocused tabsheet</td> 935 </tr> 936 <tr> 937 <td>Ctrl+Shift+LinkClick</td> 938 <td>Opent the link in a new focused tabsheet</td> 939 </tr> 940 <tr> 941 <td>Alt+Enter (1)</td> 942 <td>Show the word in search word field in a new tabsheet</td> 943 </tr> 944 <tr> 945 <td>Alt+LeftArrow</td> 946 <td>Previous page in page history</td> 947 </tr> 948 <tr> 949 <td>Ctrl+LeftArrow (2)</td> 950 <td>Previous page in page history</td> 951 </tr> 952 <tr> 953 <td>Alt+RightArrow</td> 954 <td>Next page in page history</td> 955 </tr> 956 <tr> 957 <td>Ctlr+RightArrow (2)</td> 958 <td>Next page in page history</td> 959 </tr> 960 <tr> 961 <td>Ctrl++/Ctrl+Numpad+/Ctrl+UpArrow (3)</td> 962 <td>Increase font size</td> 963 </tr> 964 <tr> 965 <td>Ctrl+-/Ctrl+Numpad-/Ctrl+DownArrow (3)</td> 966 <td>Decrease font size</td> 967 </tr> 968 <tr> 969 <td>Ctrl+0 (4)</td> 970 <td>Normal font size</td> 971 </tr> 972 <tr> 973 <td>Ctrl+U</td> 974 <td>Show HTML source</td> 975 </tr> 976 </table> 977 <dl> 978 <dt>(1)</dt> 979 <dd>This works only when the search word field is active i.e. the 980 caret is in it.</dd> 981 <dt>(2)</dt> 982 <dd>These are nonstandard combinations, the usual ones being 983 Alt+LeftArrow and Alt+RightArrow. These are still functional because there used to be difficulties with the standard ones earlier in the life of this program. Use these if the standard combinations do not work properly for you.</dd> 984 <dt>(3)</dt> 985 <dd>There are so many of these combinations because the usual i.e. 986 Ctrl++/Ctrl+- combinations did not work on the author's laptop and 987 the Numpad combinations were cumbersome to use. Hopefully the first 988 ones work on the computers of others.</dd> 989 <dt>(4)</dt> 990 <dd>This combination Ctrl+0 is "Ctrl+zero" not "Ctrl+ou".</dd> 991 </dl> 992 </body> 993 </html> 994 """
995 996
997 -def get_static_start_page():
998 """ 999 Get the static start page. 1000 """ 1001 # TODO. Part of this page should be dynamic so it is updated with the wordnet database. 1002 return \ 1003 """ 1004 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' ''> 1005 <html> 1006 <!-- Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Graphical Wordnet Browser 1007 Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 NLTK Project 1008 Author: Jussi Salmela <[email protected]> 1009 URL: <> 1010 For license information, see LICENSE.TXT --> 1011 <head> 1012 <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content= 1013 'text/html; charset=us-ascii'> 1014 <title>NLTK Wordnet Browser display of: green</title> 1015 </head> 1016 <body bgcolor='#F5F5F5' text='#000000'> 1017 1018 <h3>Search Help</h3> 1019 <ul><li>The display below the line is an example of the output the browser 1020 shows you when you enter a search word. The search word was <b>green</b>.</li> 1021 <li>The search result shows for different parts of speech the <b>synsets</b> 1022 i.e. different meanings for the word.</li> 1023 <li>All underlined texts are hypertext links. There are two types of links: 1024 word links and others. Clicking a word link carries out a search for the word 1025 in the Wordnet database.</li> 1026 <li>Clicking a link of the other type opens a display section of data attached 1027 to that link. Clicking that link a second time closes the section again.</li> 1028 <li>Clicking <u>S:</u> opens a section showing the relations for that synset.</li> 1029 <li>Clicking on a relation name opens a section that displays the associated 1030 synsets.</li> 1031 <li>Type a search word in the <b>Next Word</b> field and start the search by the 1032 <b>Enter/Return</b> key or click the <b>Search</b> button.</li> 1033 </ul> 1034 <hr width='100%'> 1035 <h3>Noun</h3> 1036 <ul><li><a href="Sgreen%23N4967191%2C%2347">S:</a> (n) <b>green</b>, <a href="Mgreenness%2348">greenness</a>, <a href="Mviridity%2349">viridity</a> (green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass)</li> 1037 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N8615374%2C%2350">S:</a> (n) <a href="Mpark%2351">park</a>, <a href="Mcommons%2352">commons</a>, <a href="Mcommon%2353">common</a>, <b>green</b> (a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area) <i>"they went for a walk in the park"</i></li> 1038 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N11013324%2C%2354">S:</a> (n) <b>Green</b>, <a href="MWilliam+Green%2355">William Green</a> (United States labor leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952 and who led the struggle with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1873-1952))</li> 1039 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N10060904%2C%2356">S:</a> (n) <b>Green</b> (an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party)</li> 1040 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N9294066%2C%2357">S:</a> (n) <b>Green</b>, <a href="MGreen+River%2358">Green River</a> (a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River)</li> 1041 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N8579780%2C%2359">S:</a> (n) <b>green</b>, <a href="Mputting+green%2360">putting green</a>, <a href="Mputting+surface%2361">putting surface</a> (an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course) <i>"the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker"</i></li> 1042 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N7709333%2C%2362">S:</a> (n) <a href="Mgreens%2363">greens</a>, <b>green</b>, <a href="Mleafy+vegetable%2364">leafy vegetable</a> (any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables)</li> 1043 <li><a href="Sgreen%23N3606572%2C%2365">S:</a> (n) <a href="MK%2366">K</a>, <a href="Mjet%2367">jet</a>, <a href="Msuper+acid%2368">super acid</a>, <a href="Mspecial+K%2369">special K</a>, <a href="Mhoney+oil%2370">honey oil</a>, <b>green</b>, <a href="Mcat+valium%2371">cat valium</a>, <a href="Msuper+C%2372">super C</a> (street names for ketamine)</li> 1044 1045 </ul> 1046 <h3>Verb</h3> 1047 <ul><li><a href="Sgreen%23V521478%2C%2373">S:</a> (v) <b>green</b> (turn or become green) <i>"The trees are greening"</i></li> 1048 1049 </ul> 1050 <h3>Adjective</h3> 1051 <ul><li><a href="Sgreen%23J375969%2C%2374">S:</a> (adj) <b>green</b>, <a href="Mgreenish%2375">greenish</a>, <a href="Mlight-green%2376">light-green</a>, <a href="Mdark-green%2377">dark-green</a> (of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass) <i>"a green tree"; "green fields"; "green paint"</i></li> 1052 <li><a href="Sgreen%23J3069937%2C%2378">S:</a> (adj) <b>green</b> (concerned with or supporting or in conformity with the political principles of the Green Party)</li> 1053 <li><a href="Sgreen%23J1493897%2C%2379">S:</a> (adj) <b>green</b>, <a href="Munripe%2380">unripe</a>, <a href="Munripened%2381">unripened</a>, <a href="Mimmature%2382">immature</a> (not fully developed or mature; not ripe) <i>"unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood"</i></li> 1054 <li><a href="Sgreen%23J2545257%2C%2383">S:</a> (adj) <b>green</b> (looking pale and unhealthy) <i>"you're looking green"; "green around the gills"</i></li> 1055 <li><a href="Sgreen%23J2272485%2C%2384">S:</a> (adj) <a href="Mfleeceable%2385">fleeceable</a>, <b>green</b>, <a href="Mgullible%2386">gullible</a> (naive and easily deceived or tricked) <i>"at that early age she had been gullible and in love"</i></li> 1056 1057 </ul> 1058 1059 </body> 1060 </html> 1061 """
1063 -def get_static_index_page(with_shutdown):
1064 """ 1065 Get the static index page. 1066 """ 1067 template = \ 1068 """ 1069 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" ""> 1070 <HTML> 1071 <!-- Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Graphical Wordnet Browser 1072 Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 NLTK Project 1073 Author: Jussi Salmela <[email protected]> 1074 URL: <> 1075 For license information, see LICENSE.TXT --> 1076 <HEAD> 1077 <TITLE>NLTK Wordnet Browser</TITLE> 1078 </HEAD> 1079 1080 <frameset rows="7%%,93%%"> 1081 <frame src="%s" name="header"> 1082 <frame src="start.html" name="body"> 1083 </frameset> 1084 </HTML> 1085 """ 1086 if with_shutdown: 1087 upper_link = "upper.html" 1088 else: 1089 upper_link = "upper_2.html" 1090 1091 return template % upper_link
1092 1093
1094 -def get_static_upper_page(with_shutdown):
1095 """ 1096 Return the upper frame page, 1097 1098 If with_shutdown is True then a 'shutdown' button is also provided 1099 to shutdown the server. 1100 """ 1101 template = \ 1102 """ 1103 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> 1104 <html> 1105 <!-- Natural Language Toolkit: Wordnet Interface: Graphical Wordnet Browser 1106 Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 NLTK Project 1107 Author: Jussi Salmela <[email protected]> 1108 URL: <> 1109 For license information, see LICENSE.TXT --> 1110 <head> 1111 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> 1112 <title>Untitled Document</title> 1113 </head> 1114 <body> 1115 <form method="GET" action="search" target="body"> 1116 Current Word:&nbsp;<input type="text" id="currentWord" size="10" disabled> 1117 Next Word:&nbsp;<input type="text" id="nextWord" name="nextWord" size="10"> 1118 <input name="searchButton" type="submit" value="Search"> 1119 </form> 1120 <a target="body" href="web_help.html">Help</a> 1121 %s 1122 1123 </body> 1124 </html> 1125 """ 1126 if with_shutdown: 1127 shutdown_link = "<a href=\"SHUTDOWN THE SERVER\">Shutdown</a>" 1128 else: 1129 shutdown_link = "" 1130 1131 return template % shutdown_link