Package nltk :: Package wordnet :: Module synset :: Class Synset
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Synset

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object --+

A set of synonyms.

Each synset contains one or more Senses, which represent a specific sense of a specific word. Senses can be retrieved via synset.senses() or through the index notations synset[0], synset[string], or synset[word]. Synsets participate in lexical relations, which can be accessed via synset.relations().

>>> from nltk.wordnet import *
>>> N['dog'][0]
{noun: dog, domestic_dog, Canis_familiaris}
>>> N['dog'][0][HYPERNYM]
[{noun: canine, canid}, {noun: domestic_animal, domesticated_animal}]
>>> V['think'][0].verbFrameStrings
['Something think something Adjective/Noun', 'Somebody think somebody']
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, pos, offset, line)
Initialize the synset from a line in a WordNet lexicographer file.
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wordSense(self, word)
Return the WordSense object for the given word in this synset.
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extractVerbFrameStrings(self, vfTuples)
Return a list of verb frame strings for this synset.
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Return a dictionary of synsets, one per lexical relation
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relation(self, rel) source code
isTagged(self) source code
Return a human-readable representation.
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source code
__cmp__(self, other) source code
source code
__ne__(self, other) source code
__getitem__(self, idx) source code
__iter__(self) source code
__contains__(self, item) source code
__getslice__(self, i, j) source code
__nonzero__(self) source code
__len__(self) source code
Returns: The length of the longest hypernym path from this synset to the root.
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Returns: The length of the shortest hypernym path from this synset to the root.
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closure(self, rel, depth=-1)
Return the transitive closure of source under the rel relationship, breadth-first
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Get the path(s) from this synset to the root, where each path is a list of the synset nodes traversed on the way to the root.
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hypernym_distances(self, distance, verbose=False)
Get the path(s) from this synset to the root, counting the distance of each node from the initial node on the way.
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shortest_path_distance(self, other)
Returns the distance of the shortest path linking the two synsets (if one exists).
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tree(self, rel, depth=-1, cut_mark=None) source code
path_similarity(self, other, verbose=False) source code
lch_similarity(self, other, verbose=False) source code
wup_similarity(self, other, verbose=False) source code
res_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False) source code
jcn_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False) source code
lin_similarity(self, other, ic, verbose=False) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__

Instance Variables [hide private]
string gloss
A gloss (dictionary definition) for the sense.
int offset
An integer offset into the part-of-speech file.
string pos
The part of speech -- one of NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB.
list of integer verbFrames
A sequence of integers that index into VERB_FRAME_STRINGS.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, pos, offset, line)

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Initialize the synset from a line in a WordNet lexicographer file.

Overrides: object.__init__


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Return a dictionary of synsets, one per lexical relation

relations defined on this Synset.


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>>> from nltk.wordnet import *
>>> N['dog'][0].isTagged()
>>> N['dog'][1].isTagged()
True/false (1/0) if one of this Word's senses is tagged.

(Informal representation operator)

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Return a human-readable representation.

>>> from nltk.wordnet import *
>>> str(N['dog'][0].synset)
'{noun: dog, domestic dog, Canis familiaris}'
Overrides: object.__str__

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

(Hashing function)

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Overrides: object.__hash__
(inherited documentation)


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The length of the longest hypernym path from this synset to the root.


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The length of the shortest hypernym path from this synset to the root.

closure(self, rel, depth=-1)

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Return the transitive closure of source under the rel relationship, breadth-first

>>> dog = N['dog'][0]
>>> dog.closure(HYPERNYM)
[{noun: dog, domestic dog, Canis familiaris}, {noun: canine, canid}, {noun: carnivore}, {noun: placental, placental mammal, eutherian, eutherian mammal}, {noun: mammal, mammalian}, {noun: vertebrate, craniate}, {noun: chordate}, {noun: animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna}, {noun: organism, being}, {noun: living thing, animate thing}, {noun: object, physical object}, {noun: physical entity}, {noun: entity}]


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Get the path(s) from this synset to the root, where each path is a list of the synset nodes traversed on the way to the root.

A list of lists, where each list gives the node sequence connecting the initial Synset node and a root node.

hypernym_distances(self, distance, verbose=False)

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Get the path(s) from this synset to the root, counting the distance of each node from the initial node on the way. A list of (synset, distance) tuples is returned.

  • distance (int) - the distance (number of edges) from this hypernym to the original hypernym Synset on which this method was called.
A list of (Synset, int) tuples where each Synset is a hypernym of the first Synset.

shortest_path_distance(self, other)

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Returns the distance of the shortest path linking the two synsets (if one exists). For each synset, all the ancestor nodes and their distances are recorded and compared. The ancestor node common to both synsets that can be reached with the minimum number of traversals is used. If no ancestor nodes are common, -1 is returned. If a node is compared with itself 0 is returned.

  • other (Synset) - The Synset to which the shortest path will be found.
The number of edges in the shortest path connecting the two nodes, or -1 if no path exists.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


An integer offset into the part-of-speech file. Together with pos, this can be used as a unique id.


A sequence of integers that index into VERB_FRAME_STRINGS. These list the verb frames that any Sense in this synset participates in. (See also Sense.verbFrames.) Defined only for verbs.
list of integer