11.1 Introduction
There are many NLP applications where it would be useful to have some
representation of the meaning of a natural language
sentence. For instance, current search engine technology
can only take us so far in giving concise and correct answers to many
questions that we might be interested in. Admittedly, Google does a
good job in answering (1a), since its first hit is (1b).
(1) | |
a. | | What is the population of Saudi Arabia? |
b. | | Saudi Arabia - Population: 26,417,599 |
By contrast, the result of sending (2) to Google is less helpful:
(2) | | Which countries border the Mediterranean? |
This time, the topmost hit (and the only relevant one in the top ten)
presents the relevant information as a map of the Mediterranean
basin. Since the map is an image file, it is not easy to
extract the required list of countries from the returned page.
Even if Google succeeds in finding documents which contain information
relevant to our question, there is no guarantee that it will be in a
form which can be easily converted into an appropriate answer. One
reason for this is that the information may have to be inferred from more
than one source. This is likely to be the case when we seek an answer
to more complex questions like (3):
(3) | | Which Asian countries border the Mediterranean? |
Here, we would probably need to combine the results of two subqueries,
namely (2) and Which countries are in Asia?.
The example queries we have just given are based on a paper dating
back to 1982 [Warren & Pereira, 1982];
this describes a system, Chat-80, which converts natural
language questions into a semantic representation, and uses the latter
to retrieve answers from a knowledge base. A knowledge base is usually
taken to be a set of sentences in some formal language; in the case of
Chat-80, it is a set of Prolog clauses. However, we can encode
knowledge in a variety of formats, including relational databases,
various kinds of graph, and first-order models. In NLTK, we have
used the third of these options to re-implement a limited version of
Sentence: which Asian countries border the_Mediterranean
\x.((contain(asia, x) & country (x)) & border (x, mediterranean)
set(['turkey', 'syria', 'israel', 'lebanon'])
As we will explain later in this chapter, a semantic
representation of the form \x.P(x) denotes a set of entities
u that meet some condition P(x). We then ask our
knowledge base to enumerate all the entities in this set.
Let's assume more generally that knowledge is available in some
structured fashion, and that it can be interrogated by a suitable
query language. Then the challenge for NLP is to find a method for
converting natural language questions into the target query
language. An alternative paradigm for question answering is to take
something like the pages returned by a Google query as our 'knowledge
base' and then to carry out further analysis and processing of the
textual information contained in the returned pages to see whether it does
in fact provide an answer to the question. In either case, it is very
useful to be able to build a semantic representation of questions.
This NLP challenge intersects in interesting ways with one of the
key goals of linguistic theory, namely to provide a systematic
correspondence between form and meaning.
A widely adopted approach to representing meaning — or at least,
some aspects of meaning — involves translating expressions of
natural language into first-order logic (FOL). From a computational point of
view, a strong argument in favor of FOL is that it strikes a
reasonable balance between expressiveness and logical tractability. On
the one hand, it is flexible enough to represent many aspects of the
logical structure of natural language. On the other hand, automated
theorem proving for FOL has been well studied, and although
inference in FOL is not decidable, in practice many reasoning
problems are efficiently solvable using modern theorem provers
(cf. [Blackburn & Bos, 2005] for discussion).
While there are numerous subtle and difficult issues about how to
translate natural language constructions into FOL, we will largely ignore
these. The main focus of our discussion will be on a
different issue, namely building semantic representations which
conform to some version of the Principle of Compositionality.
(See [Gleitman & Liberman, 1995] for this formulation.)
- Principle of Compositionality:
- The meaning of a whole is a function of the meanings of the parts
and of the way they are syntactically combined.
There is an assumption here that the semantically relevant
parts of a complex expression will be determined by a theory of
syntax. Within this chapter, we will take it for granted that
expressions are parsed against a context-free grammar. However, this
is not entailed by the Principle of Compositionality. To summarize,
we will be concerned with the task of systematically constructing a
semantic representation in a manner that can be smoothly integrated
with the process of parsing.
The overall framework we are assuming is illustrated in Figure (4). Given
a syntactic analysis of a sentence, we can build one or more semantic
representations for the sentence. Once we have a semantic
representation, we can also check whether it is true in a model.
(4) | |  |
A model for a logical language is a set-theoretic
construction which provides a very simplified picture of how the world
is. For example, in this case, the model should contain individuals
(indicated in the diagram by small dots) corresponding to Suzie and
Fido, and it should also specify that these individuals belong to
the chase relation.
The order of sections in this chapter is not what you might expect
from looking at the diagram. We will start off in the middle of (4) by
presenting a logical language that will provide us with
semantic representations in NLTK. Next, we will show how formulas in
the language can be systematically evaluated in a model. At the end,
we will bring everything together and describe a simple method for
constructing semantic representations as part of the parse process in
11.2 Propositional Logic
The language of propositional logic represents certain aspects of
natural language, but at a high level of abstraction. The only
structure that is made explicit involves logical connectives;
these correspond to 'logically interesting' expressions such as
and and not. The basic expressions of the language are
propositional variables, usually written p, q,
r, etc. Let A be a finite set of such variables. There
is a disjoint set of logical connectives which contains the unary
operator ¬ (not), and binary operators ∧ (and),
∨ (or), → (implies) and ≡ (iff).
The set of formulas of Lprop is described inductively:
- Every element of A is a formula of Lprop.
- If φ is a formula of Lprop , then so is ¬ φ.
- If φ and ψ are formulas, then so are
(φ ∧ ψ),
(φ ∨ ψ),
(φ → ψ) and
(φ ≡ ψ).
- Nothing else is a formula of Lprop.
Within Lprop, we can construct formulas such as
There are many sentences of English which could be taken to have the
logical structure shown in (5). Here's an example:
(6) | | If it is raining, then Kim will take an umbrella or Lee will
get wet. |
In order to explain the relation between (5) and (6), we need
to give a key which maps between propositional variables and
English sentences:
(7) | | p stands for it is raining,
q for Kim will take an umbrella and
q for Lee will get wet. |
The Boolean connectives of propositional logic are supported by the
sem package, and are parsed into various kinds of
Expression. We use -, &, |, ->, <-> to stand,
respectively, for not, and, or, implies and
iff. In the following example, we start off by creating a new
instance lp of the NLTK LogicParser().
>>> lp = nltk.LogicParser()
>>> lp.parse('-(p & q)')
<NegatedExpression -(p & q)>
>>> lp.parse('p & q')
<AndExpression (p & q)>
>>> lp.parse('p | (r -> q)')
<OrExpression (p | (r -> q))>
>>> lp.parse('p <-> -- p')
<IffExpression (p <-> --p)>
As the name suggests, propositional logic only studies the logical
structure of formulas made up of atomic propositions. We saw, for
example, that propositional variables stood for whole clauses in
English. In order to look at how predicates combine with arguments, we
need to look at a more complex language for semantic representation,
namely first-order logic. In order to show how this new language interacts with
the λ-calculus, it will be useful to introduce the notion of
types into our syntactic definition, in departure from the rather
simple approach to defining the clauses of Lprop.
In the general case, we interpret sentences of a logical language
relative to a model, which is a very simplified version of the
world. A model for propositional logic needs to assign the values
True or False to every possible formula. We do this
inductively: first, every propositional variable is assigned a value,
and then we compute the value of complex formulas by consulting the
meanings of the Boolean connectives and applying them to the values of
the formula's components. Let's create a valuation:
>>> val1 = nltk.sem.Valuation([('p', True), ('q', True), ('r', False)])
We initialize a Valuation with a list of pairs, each of which
consists of a semantic symbol and a semantic value. The resulting
object is essentially just a dictionary that maps logical expressions
(treated as strings) to appropriate values.
The keys of the dictionary (sorted alphabetically) can also be
accessed via the property symbols:
>>> val1.symbols
['p', 'q', 'r']
As we will see later, our models need to be somewhat more complicated
in order to handle the more complicated expressions discussed in the
next section, so for the time being, just ignore the dom1 and
g1 variables in the following declarations.
>>> dom1 = set([])
>>> g = nltk.sem.Assignment(dom1)
Now, let's create a model m that uses ``val1:
>>> m1 = nltk.sem.Model(dom1, val1, prop=True)
The prop=True is just a flag to say that our models are intended
for propositional logic.
Every instance of Model defines appropriate truth functions for the
Boolean connectives (and in fact they are implemented as functions
named AND(), IMPLIES() and so on).
>>> m1.AND
<bound method Model.AND of (set([]), {'q': True, 'p': True, 'r': False})>
We can use these functions to create truth tables:
>>> for first in [True, False]:
... for second in [True, False]:
... print "%s %s => %s" % (first, second, m1.AND(first, second))
True True => True
True False => False
False True => False
False False => False
11.3 First-Order Logic
11.3.1 Predication
In first-order logic (FOL), propositions are analyzed into predicates and
arguments, which takes us a step closer to the structure of natural
languages. The standard construction rules for FOL recognize
terms such as individual variables and individual constants, and
predicates which take differing numbers of arguments. For
example, Adam walks might be formalized as walk(adam)
and Adam sees Betty as see(adam, betty). We will call
walk a unary predicate, and see a binary
predicate. Semantically, see is usually modeled as a
relation, i.e., a set of pairs, and the proposition is true in a
situation just in case the ordered pair pair 〈a, b〉 belongs to this set.
There is an alternative
approach in which predication is treated as function application. In
this functional style of representation, Adam sees Betty can be
formalized as see(j)(m). That is, rather than being modeled as a
relation, see denotes a function which applies to one argument to
yield a new function that is then applied to the second argument. In
NLTK, we will in fact treat predications syntactically as function
applications, but we use a concrete syntax that allows them to
represented as n-ary relations.
>>> parsed = lp.parse('see(a, b)')
>>> parsed.argument
<IndividualVariableExpression b>
>>> parsed.function
<ApplicationExpression see(a)>
>>> parsed.function.function
<VariableExpression see>
Relations are represented semantically in NLTK in the standard
set-theoretic way: as sets of tuples. For example, let's suppose we
have a domain of discourse consisting of the individuals Adam, Betty and Fido,
where Adam is a boy, Betty is a girl and Fido is a dog. For mnemonic
reasons, we use b1, g1 and d1 as the corresponding labels
in the model. We can declare the domain as follows:
>>> dom2 = set(['b1', 'g1', 'd1'])
As before, we are going to initialize a valuation with a list of (symbol,
value) pairs:
>>> v = [('adam','b1'),('betty','g1'),('fido','d1'),
... ('boy',set(['b1'])),('girl',set(['g1'])), ('dog',set(['d1'])),
... ('walk',set(['g1', 'd1'])),
... ('see', set([('b1','g1'),('d1','b1'),('g1','d1'),]))]
>>> val2 = nltk.sem.Valuation(v)
>>> print val2
{'adam': 'b1',
'betty': 'g1',
'boy': set([('b1',)]),
'dog': set([('d1',)]),
'fido': 'd1',
'girl': set([('g1',)]),
'see': set([('b1', 'g1'), ('d1', 'b1'), ('g1', 'd1')]),
'walk': set([('d1',), ('g1',)])}
So according to this valuation, the value of see is a set of
tuples such that Adam sees Betty, Fido sees Adam, and
Betty sees Fido.
You may have noticed that our unary predicates (i.e, boy, girl,
dog) also come out represented as sets of singleton tuples, rather
than just sets of individuals. This is a convenience which allows us
to have a uniform treatment of relations of any arity. In order to
combine a unary relation with an argument, we use the function
app(). If the input relation is unary, then app() returns a
Boolean value; if the input is n-ary, for n > 1,
then app() returns an n-1-ary relation.
>>> from nltk.sem import app
>>> boy = val2['boy']
>>> app(boy, 'b1')
>>> app(boy, 'g1')
>>> see = val2['see']
>>> app(see, 'g1')
>>> app(app(see, 'g1'), 'd1')
11.3.2 Individual Variables and Assignments
In FOL, arguments of predicates can also be individual variables
such as x, y and z. These can be thought of as similar to
personal pronouns like he, she and it, in that we
need to know about the context of use in order to figure out their
denotation. In our models, the counterpart of a context of use is a
variable Assignment. This is a mapping from individual variables to
entities in the domain.
Assignments are created using the Assignment constructor, which
also takes the model's domain of discourse as a parameter. We are not
required to actually enter any bindings, but if we do, they are in a
(variable, value) format similar to what we say earlier for valuations.
>>> g = nltk.sem.Assignment(dom2, [('x', 'b1'), ('y', 'd1')])
>>> g
{'y': 'd1', 'x': 'b1'}
In addition, there is a print() format for assignments which
uses a notation closer to that in logic textbooks:
>>> print g
Let's now look at how we can evaluate an atomic formula of
FOL. First, we create a model, then we use the evaluate() method
to compute the truth value.
>>> m2 = nltk.sem.Model(dom2, val2)
>>> m2.evaluate('see(betty, y)', g)
What's happening here? Essentially, we are making a call to
app(app(see, 'g1'), 'd1') just as in our earlier example.
However, when the interpretation function encounters the variable 'y',
rather than checking for a value in val2, it asks the variable
assignment g to come up with a value:
Since we already know that 'b1' and 'g1' stand in the see
relation, the value True is what we expected. In this case, we can
say that assignment g satisfies the formula 'see(adam, y)'.
By contrast, the following formula evaluates to False relative to
g — check that you see why this is.
>>> m2.evaluate('see(x, y)', g)
In our approach (though not in standard first-order logic), variable assignments
are partial. For example, g says nothing about any variables
apart from 'x' and 'y'''. The method ``purge() clears all
bindings from an assignment.
If we now try to evaluate a formula such as 'see(adam, y)' relative to
g, it is like trying to interpret a sentence containing a she when
we don't know what she refers to. In this case, the evaluation function
fails to deliver a truth value.
>>> m2.evaluate('see(adam, y)', g)
11.3.3 Quantification and Scope
First-order logic standardly offers us two quantifiers, all (or every)
and some. These are formally written as ∀ and ∃,
respectively. At the syntactic level, quantifiers are used to bind
individual variables like 'x' and 'y'. The following two sets
of examples show a simple English example, a logical representation,
and the encoding which is accepted by the NLTK logic module.
(8) | |
c. | | all x.(dog(x) -> bark(x)) |
(9) | |
c. | | some x.(girl(x) & walk(x)) |
In the (9c), the quantifier some binds both occurences of the
variable 'x'. As a result, (9c) is said to be a closed
formula. By contrast, if we look at the body of (9c),
the variables are unbound:
(10) is said to be an open formula. As we saw earlier, the
interpretation of open formulas depends on the particular variable
assignment that we are using.
One of the crucial insights of modern
logic is that the notion of variable satisfaction can be used to
provide an interpretation to quantified formulas. Let's continue to
use (9c) as an example. When is it true? Let's think about all the
individuals in our domain, i.e., in dom2. We want to check whether
any of these individuals have the property of being a girl and
walking. In other words, we want to know if there is some u in
dom2 such that g[u/x] satisfies the open formula
(10). Consider the following:
>>> m2.evaluate('some x.(girl(x) & walk(x))', g)
evaluate() returns True here because there is some u in
dom2 such that (10) is satisfied by an assigment which binds
'x' to u. In fact, g1 is such a u:
>>> m2.evaluate('girl(x) & walk(x)', g.add('x', 'g1'))
One useful tool offered by NLTK is the satisfiers() method. This
lists all the individuals that satisfy an open formula. The method
parameters are a parsed formula, a variable, and an assignment. Here
are a few examples:
>>> fmla1 = lp.parse('girl(x) | boy(x)')
>>> m2.satisfiers(fmla1, 'x', g)
set(['b1', 'g1'])
>>> fmla2 = lp.parse('girl(x) -> walk(x)')
>>> m2.satisfiers(fmla2, 'x', g)
set(['b1', 'g1', 'd1'])
>>> fmla3 = lp.parse('walk(x) -> girl(x)')
>>> m2.satisfiers(fmla3, 'x', g)
set(['b1', 'g1'])
It's useful to think about why fmla2 and fmla3 receive the
values they do. In particular, recall the truth conditions for ->
(encoded via the function IMPLIES() in every model):
>>> for first in [True, False]:
... for second in [True, False]:
... print "%s %s => %s" % (first, second, m2.IMPLIES(first, second))
True True => True
True False => False
False True => True
False False => True
This means that
fmla2 is equivalent to this:
That is, (11) is satisfied by something which either isn't a girl
or walks. Since neither b1 (Adam) nor d1 (Fido)
are girls, according to model m2, they both satisfy
the whole formula. And of course g1 satisfies the formula because g1
satisfies both disjuncts. Now, since every member of the domain of
discourse satisfies fmla2, the corresponding universally
quantified formula is also true.
>>> m2.evaluate('all x.(girl(x) -> walk(x))', g)
In other words, a universally quantified formula ∀x.φ is true with respect to g just in case for
every u, φ is true with respect to g[u/x].
11.3.4 Quantificatier Scope Ambiguity
What happens when we want to give a formal representation of a
sentence with two quantifiers, such as the following?
(12) | | Every girl chases a dog. |
There are (at least) two ways of expressing (12) in FOL:
(13) | |
a. | | ∀x.((girl x) → ∃y.((dog y) ∧ (chase y x))) |
b. | | ∃y.((dog y) ∧ ∀x.((every x) → (chase y x))) |
Can we use both of these? Then answer is Yes, but they have different
meanings. (13b) is logically stronger than (13a): it claims that
there is a unique dog, say Fido, which is chased by every girl.
(13a), on the other hand, just requires that for every girl
g, we can find some dog which d chases; but this could
be a different dog in each case. We distinguish between (13a) and
(13b) in terms of the scope of the quantifiers. In the first,
∀ has wider scope than ∃, while in (13b), the scope ordering
is reversed. So now we have two ways of representing the meaning of
(12), and they are both quite legitimate. In other words, we are
claiming that (12) is ambiguous with respect to quantifier scope,
and the formulas in (13) give us a formal means of making the two
readings explicit. However, we are not just interested in associating
two distinct representations with (12). We also want to show in
detail how the two representations lead to different conditions for
truth in a formal model.
In order to examine the ambiguity more closely, let's fix our
valuation as follows:
>>> v3 = [('john', 'b1'),
... ('mary', 'g1'),
... ('suzie', 'g2'),
... ('fido', 'd1'),
... ('tess', 'd2'),
... ('noosa', 'n'),
... ('girl', set(['g1', 'g2'])),
... ('boy', set(['b1', 'b2'])),
... ('dog', set(['d1', 'd2'])),
... ('bark', set(['d1', 'd2'])),
... ('walk', set(['b1', 'g2', 'd1'])),
... ('chase', set([('b1', 'g1'), ('b2', 'g1'), ('g1', 'd1'), ('g2', 'd2')])),
... ('see', set([('b1', 'g1'), ('b2', 'd2'), ('g1', 'b1'),
... ('d2', 'b1'), ('g2', 'n')])),
... ('in', set([('b1', 'n'), ('b2', 'n'), ('d2', 'n')])),
... ('with', set([('b1', 'g1'), ('g1', 'b1'), ('d1', 'b1'), ('b1', 'd1')]))]
>>> val3 = nltk.sem.Valuation(v3)
We can use the graph in (14) to visualize the
chase relation.
(14) | |  |
In (14), an arrow between two individuals x and
y indicates that x chases
y. So b1 and b2 both chase g1, while g1 chases
d1 and g2 chases d2. In this model, formula scope2a_ above
is true but scope2b_ is false. One way of exploring these results is by
using the satisfiers() method of Model objects.
>>> dom3 = val3.domain
>>> m3 = nltk.sem.Model(dom3, val3)
>>> g = nltk.sem.Assignment(dom3)
>>> fmla1 = lp.parse('(girl(x) -> exists y.(dog(y) and chase(x, y)))')
>>> m3.satisfiers(fmla1, 'x', g)
set(['g2', 'g1', 'n', 'b1', 'b2', 'd2', 'd1'])
This gives us the set of individuals that can be assigned as the value
of x in fmla1. In particular, every girl is included in this
set. By contrast, consider the formula fmla2 below; this has no
satisfiers for the variable y.
>>> fmla2 = lp.parse('(dog(y) & all x.(girl(x) -> chase(x, y)))')
>>> m3.satisfiers(fmla2, 'y', g)
That is, there is no dog that is chased by both g1 and
g2. Taking a slightly different open formula, fmla3, we
can verify that there is a girl, namely g1, who is chased by every boy.
>>> fmla3 = lp.parse('(girl(y) & all x.(boy(x) -> chase(x, y)))')
>>> m3.satisfiers(fmla3, 'y', g)
11.4 Evaluating English Sentences
11.4.1 Using the sem Feature
Until now, we have taken for granted that we have some appropriate
logical formulas to interpret. However, ideally we would like to
derive these formulas from natural language input. One relatively easy
way of achieving this goal is to build on the grammar framework
developed in Chapter 10. Our first step is to introduce a new feature,
sem. Because values of sem generally need to be treated
differently from other feature values, we use the convention of
enclosing them in angle brackets. (15) illustrates a first
approximation to the kind of analyses we would like to build.
(15) | |  |
Thus, the sem value at the root node shows a semantic
representation for the whole sentence, while the sem values at
lower nodes show semantic representations for constituents of the
sentence. So far, so good, but how do we write grammar rules which
will give us this kind of result? To be more specific, suppose we have
a np and vp constituents with appropriate values for their
sem nodes? If you reflect on the machinery that was introduced in
discussing the λ calculus, you might guess that function
application will be central to composing semantic values. You will
also remember that our feature-based grammar framework gives us the
means to refer to variable values. Putting this together, we can
postulate a rule like (16) for building the sem value of an
s. (Observe that in the case where the value of sem is a
variable, we omit the angle brackets.)
(16) | |
S[sem = <app(?vp,?subj)>] -> NP[sem=?subj] VP[sem=?vp]
(16) tells us that given some sem value ?subj for the subject
np and some sem value ?vp for the vp, the sem
value of the s mother is constructed by applying ?vp as a
functor to ?np. From this, we can conclude that ?vp has to
denote a function which has the denotation of ?np in its
domain; in fact, we are going to assume that ?vp denotes a
curryed characteristic function on individuals. (16) is a nice example of
building semantics using the principle of compositionality:
that is, the principle that the semantics of a complex expression is a
function of the semantics of its parts.
To complete the grammar is very straightforward; all we require are the
rules shown in (17).
(17) | |
VP[sem=?v] -> IV[sem=?v]
NP[sem=<jane>] -> 'Jane'
IV[sem=<walk>] -> 'walks'
The vp rule says that the mother's semantics is the same as the
head daughter's. The two lexical rules just introduce non-logical
constants to serve as the semantic values of Jane and
walks respectively. This grammar can be parsed using the chart
parser in parse.featurechart, and the trace in (18)
shows how semantic values are derived by feature unification in the
process of building a parse tree.
(18) | |
Predictor |> . .| S[sem='(?vp ?subj)'] -> * NP[sem=?subj] VP[sem=?vp]
Scanner |[-] .| [0:1] 'Jane'
Completer |[-> .| S[sem='(?vp john)'] -> NP[sem='john'] * VP[sem=?vp]
Predictor |. > .| VP[sem=?v] -> * IV[sem=?v]
Scanner |. [-]| [1:2] 'walks'
Completer |. [-]| VP[sem='walk'] -> IV[sem='walk'] *
Completer |[===]| S[sem='(walk john)'] -> NP[sem='john'] VP[sem='walk'] *
Completer |[===]| [INIT] -> S *
11.4.2 Quantified nps
You might be thinking this is all too easy — surely there is a
bit more to building compositional semantics. What about quantifiers,
for instance? Right, this is a crucial issue. For example, we want
(19a) to be given a semantic representation like (19b). How can this
be accomplished?
(19) | |
b. | | 'exists x.(dog(x) & (bark(x))' |
Let's make the assumption that our only operation for building
complex semantic representations is function
application. Then our problem is this: how do we give a semantic
representation to quantified nps such as a dog so that
they can be combined with something like 'walk' to give a result
like (19b)? As a first step, let's make the subject's sem value
act as the functor rather than the argument. Now we are
looking for way of instantiating ?np so that (20a) is equivalent
to (20b).
(20) | |
b. | |
[sem=<exist x.(dog(x) & bark(x))>]
This is where λ abstraction comes to the rescue;
doesn't (20) look a bit reminiscent of carrying out β-reduction
in the λ-calculus? In other words, we want a λ term
M to replace '?np' so that applying M to
'bark' yields (19b). To do this, we replace the occurence of
'bark' in (19b) by a variable 'P', and bind the variable with
λ, as shown in (21).
(21) | | '\P.exists x.(dog(x) & P(x))' |
As a point of interest, we have used a different style of variable in
(21), that is 'P' rather than 'x' or 'y'. This is to signal
that we are abstracting over a different kind of thing — not an
individual, but a function from Ind to Bool. So the type of
(21) as a whole is ((Ind → Bool) → Bool). We
will take this to be the type of nps in general. To illustrate
further, a universally quantified np will look like (22).
(22) | | '\P.all x.(dog(x) -> P(x))' |
We are pretty much done now, except that we also want to carry out a
further abstraction plus application for the process of combining the
semantics of the determiner a with the semantics of dog.
Applying (21) as a functor to 'bark' gives us '(\P.exists x.(dog
(x) & P(x)) bark)', and carrying out β-reduction yields
just what we wanted, namely (19b).
NLTK provides some utilities to make it easier to derive and inspect
semantic interpretations. text_interpret() is intended for batch
interpretation of a list of input sentences. It builds a dictionary
d where for each sentence sent in the input,
d[sent] is a list of paired trees and semantic representations for
sent. The value is a list, since sent may be syntactically
ambiguous; in the following example, we just look at the first member
of the list.
>>> grammar = nltk.data.load('grammars/sem1.fcfg')
>>> result = nltk.sem.text_interpret(['a dog barks'], grammar, beta_reduce=0)
>>> (syntree, semrep) = result['a dog barks'][0]
>>> print syntree
(S[sem=<exists x.(dog(x) & bark(x))>]
(NP[sem=<\P.exists x.(dog(x) & P(x))>]
(Det[sem=<\Q.\P.exists x.(Q(x) & P(x))>] a)
(N[sem=<dog>] dog))
(VP[sem=<\x.bark(x)>] (IV[sem=<\x.bark(x)>] barks)))
By default, the semantic representation that is produced by
text_interpret() has already undergone β-reduction, but in the
above example, we have overridden this. Subsequent reduction is
possible using the simplify() method, and Boolean connectives can be
placed in infix position with the infixify() method.
>>> print semrep.simplify()
exists x.(dog(x) & bark(x))
11.4.3 Transitive Verbs
Our next challenge is to deal with sentences containing transitive
verbs, such as (23).
The output semantics that we want to build is shown in (24).
(24) | | 'exists x.(dog(x) & chase(suzie, x))' |
Let's look at how we can use λ-abstraction to get this
result. A significant constraint on possible solutions is to require
that the semantic representation of a dog be independent of
whether the np acts as subject or object of the sentence. In
other words, we want to get (24) as our output while sticking to
(21) as the np semantics. A second constraint is that
vps should have a uniform type of interpretation regardless
of whether they consist of just an intransitive verb or a transitive
verb plus object. More specifically, we stipulate that vps
always denote characteristic functions on individuals. Given these
constraints, here's a semantic representation for chases a dog
which does the trick.
(25) | | '\y.exists x.(dog(x) & chase(y, x))' |
Think of (25) as the property of being a y such that
for some dog x, y chases x; or more
colloquially, being a y who chases a dog. Our task now
resolves to designing a semantic representation for
chases which can combine via app with (21) so as to allow
(25) to be derived.
Let's carry out a kind of inverse β-reduction on (25),
giving rise to (26).
Let Then we are part
way to the solution if we can derive (26), where 'X' is applied to
'\z.chase(y, z)'.
(26) | | '(\P.exists x.(dog(x) and P(x)) \z.chase(y, z))' |
(26) may be slightly hard to read at first; you need to see that
it involves applying the quantified np representation from
(21) to '\z.(chase z y))'. (26) is of course
equivalent to (25).
Now let's replace the functor in (26) by a variable 'X' of the
same type as an np; that is, of type ((Ind → Bool)
→ Bool).
The representation of a transitive verb will have to apply to
an argument of the type of 'X' to yield a functor of the type of
vps, that is, of type (Ind → Bool). We can ensure
this by abstracting over both the 'X' variable in (27) and also
the subject variable 'y'. So the full solution is reached by
giving chases the semantic representation shown in (28).
(28) | | '\X y.X(\x.chase(y, x))' |
If (28) is applied to (21), the result after β-reduction is
equivalent to (25), which is what we wanted all along:
(29) | |
'(\X y.(X \x.(chase(y, x)) \P.exists x.(dog(x) & P(x))'
'(\y.(\P.exists x.(dog(x) & P(x)) \x.chase(y, x))'
'\y.(exists x.(dog(x) & chase(y, x)))'
In order to build a semantic representation for a sentence, we also
need to combine in the semantics of the subject np. If the
latter is a quantified expression like every girl, everything
proceeds in the same way as we showed for a dog barks earlier
on; the subject is translated as a functor which is applied to the
semantic representation of the vp. However, we now seem to have
created another problem for ourselves with proper names. So far, these
have been treated semantically as individual constants, and these
cannot be applied as functors to expressions like
(25). Consequently, we need to come up with a different semantic
representation for them. What we do
in this case is re-interpret proper names so that they too are
functors, like quantified nps. (30) shows the required
λ expression for Suzie.
(30) denotes the characteristic function corresponding to the set of
all properties which are true of Suzie. Converting from an individual
constant to an expression like (28) is known as type raising,
and allows us to flip functors with arguments. That is, type raising
means that we can replace a Boolean-valued application such as (f
a) with an equivalent application (λP.(P a)
One important limitation of the approach we have presented here is
that it does not attempt to deal with scope ambiguity. Instead,
quantifier scope ordering directly reflects scope in the parse
tree. As a result, a sentence like (12), repeated here, will always
be translated as (32a), not (32b).
(31) | | Every girl chases a dog. |
(32) | |
a. | | 'all x.((girl x) implies some y. ((dog y) and (chase y x)))' |
b. | | 'some y. (dog y) and all x. ((girl x) implies (chase y x)))' |
This limitation can be overcome, for example using the hole semantics
described in [Blackburn & Bos, 2005], but discussing the details would take
us outside the scope of the current chapter.
Now that we have looked at some slightly more complex constructions, we can
evaluate them in a model. In the following example, we derive two
parses for the sentence every boy chases a girl in Noosa, and
evaluate each of the corresponding semantic representations in the
model model0.py which we have imported.
>>> grammar = nltk.data.load('grammars/sem2.fcfg')
>>> val4 = nltk.data.load('grammars/valuation1.val')
>>> dom4 = val4.domain
>>> m4 = nltk.sem.Model(dom4, val4)
>>> g = nltk.sem.Assignment(dom4)
>>> sent = 'every boy chases a girl in Noosa'
>>> result = nltk.sem.text_evaluate([sent], grammar, m4, g)
>>> for (syntree, semrep, value) in result[sent]:
... print "'%s' is %s in Model m\n" % (semrep, value)
'all x.(boy(x) -> (exists z2.(girl(z2) & chase(x,z2)) & in(x,noosa)))' is True in Model m
'all x.(boy(x) -> (exists z2.(girl(z2) & chase(x,z2)) & in(x,noosa)))' is True in Model m
'all x.(boy(x) -> exists z3.((girl(z3) & in(z3,noosa)) & chase(x,z3)))' is False in Model m
'all x.(boy(x) -> exists z3.((girl(z3) & in(z3,noosa)) & chase(x,z3)))' is False in Model m
11.8 Further Reading
For more examples of semantic analysis with NLTK, please see the
guides at
http://nltk.org/doc/guides/sem.html and
The use of characteristic functions for interpreting expressions of
natural language was primarily due to Richard
Montague. [Dowty, Wall, & Peters, 1981] gives a comprehensive and reasonably
approachable introduction to Montague's grammatical framework.
A more recent and wide-reaching study of the use of a λ based
approach to natural language can be found in [Carpenter, 1997].
[Heim & Kratzer, 1998] is a thorough application of formal semantics to
transformational grammars in the Government-Binding model.
[Blackburn & Bos, 2005] is the first textbook devoted to computational
semantics, and provides an excellent introduction to the area.