

每个页面都有相关的 API 调用、模板文件和语言文件。

For example, if you navigate to /topic/351/nodebb-wiki, the application will load three resources. The API return /api/topic/351/nodebb-wiki and the template, in this example, “topic.tpl”, and the appropriate language file “topic.json”*.

Just prepend api/ to the URL’s path name to discover the JSON return. Any value in that return can be utilized in your template.

*A page’s name corresponds to the template and language’s filename (ex. http://domain.com/topic/xyz correlates to topic.tpl). Sometimes this is not the case - ex. /user/xyz loads account.tpl. Have a look at the custom_mapping section in public/templates/config.json for more details.


Using the API return as your guide, you can utilize any of those values in your template/logic. Using the above API call as an example, for anything in the root level of the return you can do something like:


To access values in objects:


And finally you can loop through arrays and create blocks like so:

<!-- BEGIN posts -->
<!-- END posts -->

The above will create X copies of the above block, for each item in the posts array.


NodeBB 的模板系统实现了一些基础的逻辑。Using the same API call as above for our example. 可以像下面这样写条件判断(IF):

<!-- IF unreplied -->
<!-- ENDIF unreplied -->


<!-- IF !disableSocialButtons -->
<button>分享到 Facebook</button>
<!-- ELSE -->
<!-- ENDIF !disableSocialButtons -->


<!-- IF posts.length -->
<!-- ENDIF posts.length -->

While looping through an array, we can check if our current index is the @first or @last like so:

<!-- BEGIN posts -->
  <!-- IF @first -->
    <h1>Main Author: {posts.username}</h1>
  <!-- ENDIF @first -->
  <!-- IF @last -->
    End of posts. Click here to scroll to the top.
  <!-- ENDIF @last -->
<!-- END posts -->

For more advanced documentation, have a look at the templates.js repository

传递模板参数给客户端 JavaScript

有两种方式,让 JS 接收到客户端的数据, 除了 WebSockets 之外 (TODO: 将会在其他文章中叙述)。

通过 jQuery.get

If we require data from a different page we can make a $.get call to any other API call. For example, if we wanted to know more about a specific user we could make a call like so:

$.get(RELATIVE_PATH + '/api/user/psychobunny', {}, function(user) {

See this API call in action: http://community.nodebb.org/api/user/psychobunny


In topic.tpl for example, we can add a hidden input like so:

<input type="hidden" template-variable="pageCount" value="{pageCount}" />

The template system will immediately parse all of these and expose them via the following method:


This is the ideal method of letting JS know about important variables within the template.


The template engine interfaces with the internationalization system as well. We can embed variables into language strings. Let’s use this API call as well as this language file as an example. We can now do something like the following:

[[register:help.username_restrictions, {minimumUsernameLength}, {maximumUsernameLength}]]

Which will translate this string:

A unique username between %1 and %2 characters


A unique username between 2 and 16 characters


Dynamically requiring and rendering a template file from client-side JavaScript

The template engine lazy loads templates on an as-needed basis and caches them. If your code requires a template or partial on-demand then you can :

ajaxify.loadTemplate('myTemplate', function(myTemplate) {
        var html = templates.parse(myTemplate, myData);

You can also access the invidual blocks inside each template, which is handy for doing things like (for example) rendering a new post’s <li> and dynamically sticking it in an already loaded <ul>

Some stuff here...
<!-- BEGIN posts -->
We just want to pull this block only.
<!-- END posts -->
... some stuff here
ajaxify.loadTemplate('myTemplate', function(myTemplate) {
        var block = templates.getBlock(myTemplate, 'posts');
        var html = templates.parse(block, myData);

在服务端 Node.js 中渲染模板

The templating system hooks into Express just like most other templating frameworks. Just use either app.render or res.render to parse the appropriate template.

res.render('myTemplate', myData);
app.render('myTemplate', myData, function(err, parsedTemplate) {