Nuxeo Enterprise Platform: Evaluation Guide

Solen Guitter
Nuxeo SAS

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2; with Invariant Section “Commercial Support”, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is available at the URL:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. About the Nuxeo Platform
1.2. About Nuxeo EP
1.3. About this Evaluation Guide
2. Nuxeo EP
2.1. Installing Nuxeo EP
2.2. Launching a Nuxeo EP site
3. Content creation
3.1. Creating a domain
3.2. Creating a workspace
3.3. Creating a document
4. Content management
4.1. Modifying a document
4.2. Creating relations between documents
5. Content validation
5.1. Submitting a document to an approbation workflow
5.2. Approving a document
6. Content publishing
6.1. Submitting a document to publication
6.2. Approving a publication submission
7. Rights management
8. Theme management
9. Conclusion
A. Commercial Support
A.1. About Us
A.2. Contact information
A.2.1. General
A.2.2. France
A.2.3. UK