Nuxeo 5

Nuxeo 5 Component

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Core mimetype registry service.

Deals with mimetypes registration and mimetype detection (BETA).

Author: Julien Anguenot

Author: Laurent Godard

Author: Olivier Grisel

Version: 2.0

Location: nuxeo-services/nuxeo-platform-mimetype-core/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/nxmimetype-service.xml


No requirements

Required by

Not required


Extension Points:


Extension allowing one to register mimetypes.

A mimetype holds meta information about a given mimetype.

  • RFC-2046 major

  • RFC-2046 minor

  • Icon

  • List of extensions (the first one will be used as default)

  • List of mimetype names

  • Boolean flag if a file of this mimetype is binary

  • Boolean flag onlineEditable if a file of this mimetype is supported by
    online Edit - default is false

  • Boolean flag oleSupported if a file of this mimetype is supported by
    the oleExtract plugin - default is false

For instance :

        <mimetype binary="true" iconPath="pdf.png" normalized="application/pdf">


Extension to register filename extension to mimetype association rules.

Specify how a given extension should be used to detect a mimetype. If the
extension is marked 'ambiguous', a sniffing of the content of the file is

For instance :

        <fileExtension ambiguous="true" mimetype="text/xml" name="xml" />

Is a contribution to:

Default mimetype contributions.

  • target org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.mimetype.service.MimetypeRegistryService
  • point mimetype
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/plain
    • iconPath text.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/html
    • iconPath text.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/structured
    • iconPath text.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/x-rst
    • iconPath text.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/python-source
    • iconPath py.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/java-source
    • iconPath java.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized text/rtf
    • iconPath text.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized message/rfc822
    • iconPath email.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/msword
    • iconPath word.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath xls.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath ppt.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath mpp.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath pub.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/docbook+xml
    • iconPath xml.png
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/xml
    • iconPath xml.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized text/xml
    • iconPath graffle.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
    • iconPath sxw.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template
    • iconPath stw.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
    • iconPath sxi.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
    • iconPath sti.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
    • iconPath sxc.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
    • iconPath stc.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
    • iconPath sxd.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
    • iconPath std.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
    • iconPath ods.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template
    • iconPath ots.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
    • iconPath odt.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template
    • iconPath ott.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
    • iconPath odp.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template
    • iconPath otp.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath odg.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • oleSupported true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath otg.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/pdf
    • iconPath pdf.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/octet-stream
    • iconPath application.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/x-gtar
    • iconPath tar.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath docx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
    • iconPath docx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath docx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template
    • iconPath docx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath pptx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
    • iconPath pptx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath pptx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
    • iconPath pptx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath xlsx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath xlsx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
    • iconPath xlsx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/
    • iconPath xlsx.png
    • onlineEditable true
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/zip
    • iconPath zip.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/gif
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/png
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/jpeg
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/x-portable-bitmap
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/bmp
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/x-portable-graymap
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/g3fax
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized image/tiff
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/x-emf
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/x-vclmtf
    • iconPath image.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary false
    • normalized text/csv
    • iconPath csv.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/visio
    • iconPath visio.gif
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/mpeg
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/x-wav
    • iconPath wav.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/x-mpegurl
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/x-aiff
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/ogg
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/flac
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/ogg
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/x-ms-wax
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized audio/x-ms-wma
    • iconPath audio.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/mpeg
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/mp4
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/quicktime
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/ogg
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/x-ms-asf
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/x-msvideo
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/fli
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/flv
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized video/
    • iconPath video.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/java-archive
    • iconPath java.png
  • mimetype
    • binary true
    • normalized application/postscript
    • iconPath ps.png

Default filename extension to mimetype rules.

Has contribution from:

Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009