Chapter 47. Backup, restore and reset

Table of Contents

47.1. Backup
47.2. Backup before an upgrade
47.3. Restore
47.4. Reset


For server migration (moving a Nuxeo instance from a server to another), follow the backup procedure on the source server and then the restore procedure on the destination server.


Nuxeo-shell may be used for import/export purpose but it's not the same as the "system backup" described here.

47.1. Backup


It is highly recommended to stop nuxeo during backup.

If you use a database, you may switch it in a "hot backup" mode to ensure that all new incoming requests will wait the end of the backup process.

Backup these directories and files:

  • Nuxeo libraries deployed in JBoss as they are specific to the running Nuxeo EP version


  • Nuxeo EP EAR (Entreprise ARchive)


  • data stored on filesystem


  • it could be useful to backup logs


Backup your database(s) if you use one (some).

Finally, backup any file you have customized. Here is a short list of such files :

  • if you changed JVM startup parameters (run.bat, run.conf) or use Nuxeo's startup script (jbossctl, jbossctl.conf, bind.conf)


  • if you changed the logging levels (log4j.xml)


  • if you added some .jar files for specific JDBC drivers


  • if you changed JBoss configuration (like mail-service.xml)


47.2. Backup before an upgrade

If you plan an upgrade, you may backup separately the configuration files in order to easily apply again your configuration on the default one (take care not to loose any evolution on these files):

  • Main configuration is in $JBOSS/server/default/deploy/nuxeo.ear/config

  • Datasources are defined in $JBOSS/server/default/deploy/nuxeo.ear/datasources

  • Compass backend is configured in $JBOSS/server/default/deploy/nuxeo.ear/system/nuxeo-platform-search-compass-plugin*/compass.cfg.xml

47.3. Restore

All you need is to restore previously saved database(s), files and directories.

47.4. Reset

You can simply reset Nuxeo by removing its data: delete $JBOSS/server/default/data/ and empty all used databases. On start, Nuxeo EP recreates all its tables, files and directories.