Chapter 52. Development Tools and Process

Table of Contents

52.1. Mercurial usage
52.1.1. Overview and online documentation
52.1.2. Nuxeo common usage
52.1.3. Best practices
52.1.4. Useful scripts, commands and tips
52.1.5. Advanced usage and specific use cases
52.2. Code Quality with Eclipse Plugins
52.2.1. Using Checkstyle
52.2.2. Using TPTP
52.2.3. Using FindBugs
52.3. Profiling with NetBeans Profiler
52.4. NXPointDoc Documentation tool
52.4.1. Documenting a component
52.4.2. Creating the NxPointDoc site
52.4.3. Browsing NxPointDoc
52.5. Quality Assurance with continuous integration
52.5.1. Rules and means
52.5.2. Quality directives for Nuxeo developers
52.6. Release process
52.6.1. Overview
52.6.2. Continuous integration coverage
52.6.3. Help testing release candidates

This chapter describes common development tools and useful complementary tools.

52.1. Mercurial usage

For installation procedure, see annexe "Installing mercurial".

52.1.1. Overview and online documentation


Mercurial is a completely decentralized system. Every cloned repositories contain a working directory and a store of complete project's history, thus allowing offline and parallel development.

The working directory contains a copy of the project's files at a given point in time, ready for editing.

The store contains a sufficient data to provide any file at any revision or tag from any branch.

Mercurial groups related changes to multiple files (commits) into single atomic changesets. Every commit generates a changeset recording the state of the working directory relative to its parents, so merging is really easier and more efficient than with other SCM. Mercurial home site

There are “getting started” and “using Mercurial” documentations, even some help for developers used to other SCM systems. Nuxeo documentation

You will find useful tips and scripts in Nuxeo Wiki FAQ: and some workarounds or guidelines for specific cases. Forest extension

Since the "nested repositories" came only with Mercurial version 1.3 and are still an experimental feature, we chose to rely on the Forest extension when migrating from Subversion to Mercurial for replacing "svn externals".

This is not mandatory for working with Nuxeo. This extension mainly provides easier way to run a command on a "full" nuxeo repository including its sub-repositories, such as cloning full Nuxeo sources. For example, those repositories have sub-repositories: nuxeo-addons, nuxeo, ...

52.1.2. Nuxeo common usage Centralized repositories

Although Mercurial is decentralized, Nuxeo hosts “centralized” Mercurial repositories which are the “reference” repositories, they are backed up and changesets made on local repositories must finally be pushed on those remote repositories. The public "centralized" repository is Server-side hooks

We've set some “hooks” on the central repositories filtering changesets according to whether they comply to the following rules:

  • Changesets must not be blacklisted.

    • Even with the Mercurial's two-steps committing process (commit then push), it may happen to push erroneous changesets with really no interest or making trouble in code history. In such cases, it's a good thing to "strip" these changesets, removing them from history.

    • We usually blacklist a changeset after having stripped it, to be sure nobody will push it again in case it has been pulled before being stripped.

    • Error message is:

      ABORTED: changeset %s has been blacklisted, 
      please strip it from your repository after making sure you don't depend on it:
      hg strip %s
  • Changesets are in an allowed branch.

    • We make an extra use of branches: for long-time developments, prototype or spike solutions, ease parallel changes and give each developer merging responsibility of its code. Branches have "stable/main", "maintenance/release" or "development/test" purpose.

    • Depending on the project we use white or black lists for branch names.

    • On some projects, for instance, we blacklist the “default” branch to avoid confusion or lack of information about current version.

    • Error message:

      ABORTED: changesets with branch "%s" are not allowed.
      The only allowed branches are: %s


    Existing branches are given by this command:

    hg branches [-a]
  • Changesets do not result in two heads for the same branch.

    • Changesets that have a given branch tag, but have no child changesets with that tag are called branch "heads". Mercurial identifies branches depending on their history so there may be two separate branches with the same name in case of concurrent changes made on a branch which were based on different parents. Of course, such situation is abnormal and must be fixed. This hook will prevent a developer from pushing changesets resulting in homonym branch heads.

    • Rule is: always pull before trying to push. If your local changes drive to multiple heads with same branch name, you must merge them before pushing.

    • Error message:

      ABORTED: branch %s has several heads (%s), you must merge them before pushing.


    Existing heads are listed with this command:

    hg heads [branchName]
  • User for changesets must be valid.

    • For code history readability, usernames must be formatted like “John Doe <[email protected]>”.

    • Error message:

      ABORTED: changesets with user "%s" are not allowed. 
      You need to specify your user name in $HOME/.hgrc as follows: 
        username = John Smith <[email protected]>
  • Notifications

    This hook will generate a mail to the public mailing list for every changeset.

  • Build trigger

    This hook launches a build in our continuous integration system: Using a trigger ran at every commit is saving a lot of bandwidth compared to regularly pulling the repository to check for code changes.

Setting such hooks was not mandatory but they guarantee the developers are following a few basic rules and prevent them from simple mistakes.

It is sometimes possible to force a push in spite of the hooks, when you know the hook message is not an error but a warning and it can be securely circumvented. Branch layout and policy

We usually define stable, maintenance and development branches.

  • Stable, next to release branch

    Often called "main" branch, this named branch is hosting the most-recent code.

    Stable branch is of course under continuous integration. Merge and commits must be double-checked; as much as possible, changes have been firstly tested and validated on a development branch or in developer's working directory.

    Nuxeo uses two stable branches: 5.1 and 5.2. New features, eventually breaking API, are developed on 5.2. There's quite no new feature on 5.1 which has both stable and maintenance purpose and is gathering fixes from 5.1.x releases.

    I.e. 5.2 branch is hosting 5.2-SNAPSHOT code which will lead to 5.2.x release.

    Special case of 5.1 branch: it is hosting 5.1.X-SNAPSHOT code and may lead to 5.1.x release.

  • Maintenance, patch branch

    When releasing, a dedicated branch is created and then tagged. This branch is used for creating minor versions releases.

    Fixes done on it will be merge on stable branch; fixes from stable branch may be backported on this maintenance branch to generate patches or minor releases.

    Maintenance branch are rarely under continuous integration as there is no more work on them except fixes and backports.

    I.e. 5.1.6 branch is hosting 5.1.6 code, tagged as release-5.1.6, and may lead to minor versions releases such as 5.1.6.x

  • Development branches

    Developers are strongly encouraged to use as much branches as they need (one per JIRA issue or per development iteration). Those branches may or not be automatically tested, their purpose is code isolation while it is unstable: they are merged to stable branch after being fully tested.

    I.e. 5.2-NXP-9999-some_user_story will host code linked to implement some user story until the end of the iteration (or some point the code is considered stable and usable).

52.1.3. Best practices

Here are some recommended practices using Mercurial at Nuxeo.

  • Update and commit often. It will ease future merge tasks.

  • Always reference a Jira issue at the beginning of commit comments: i.e. “NXP-9999 – sample task, remove code using deprecated API”.

  • Long time work should be done in a separate branch; named with the associated Jira issue and a short description: i.e. “NXP-9999_longtime_work”

  • Check what you've changed before committing and what you've committed before pushing.

    hg status
    hg diff
    hg outgoing
  • Never “force” a push unless being sure it has to be done.

52.1.4. Useful scripts, commands and tips

The following Mercurial commands are given with useful parameters into brackets, other parameters may be available. See “hg help [COMMAND]” for available commands listing or help on a specific command. Nuxeo shell and batch scripts

They are mainly used for Nuxeo repositories which are constructed as a forest of sub-repositories. Forest extension provides quite equivalent functions but both are complementary.

hgf function runs a hg command into current and nuxeo-* subdirectories:

hgf() { 
  for dir in . nuxeo-*; do 
    if [ -d "$dir"/.hg ]; then 
      echo;echo "[$dir]" 
      (cd "$dir" && hg "$@") 


@echo off 
set PWD=%CD% 
echo [.] 
hg %* 
for /d %%D in (nuxeo-*) do ( 
echo [%%D] 
cd %PWD%\%%D 
hg %* 
cd %PWD%

hgx function is a little more complex and tied to nuxeo repositories as it runs a hg command into current and nuxeo-* subdirectories managing with the two version numbers we have on nuxeo (i.e. 5.2/1.5). It uses inverted polish notation.

hgx() { 
  shift 2; 
  if [ -d .hg ]; then 
    echo $PWD 
    hg $@ $NXP 
    # NXC 
    (echo nuxeo-common ; cd nuxeo-common; hg $@ $NXC || true) 
    (echo nuxeo-runtime ; cd nuxeo-runtime; hg $@ $NXC || true) 
    (echo nuxeo-core ; cd nuxeo-core; hg $@ $NXC || true) 
    # NXP 
    (echo nuxeo-theme ; cd nuxeo-theme; hg $@ $NXP || true) 
    [ -d nuxeo-shell ] && (echo nuxeo-shell ; cd nuxeo-shell; hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-shell) 
    [ -d nuxeo-platform ] && (echo nuxeo-platform ; cd nuxeo-platform && hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-platform) 
    [ -d nuxeo-services ] && (echo nuxeo-services ; cd nuxeo-services && hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-services) 
    [ -d nuxeo-jsf ] && (echo nuxeo-jsf ; cd nuxeo-jsf && hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-jsf) 
    [ -d nuxeo-features ] && (echo nuxeo-features ; cd nuxeo-features && hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-features) 
    [ -d nuxeo-dm ] && (echo nuxeo-dm ; cd nuxeo-dm && hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-dm) 
    [ -d nuxeo-webengine ] && (echo nuxeo-webengine ; cd nuxeo-webengine; hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-webengine) 
    [ -d nuxeo-gwt ] && (echo nuxeo-gwt ; cd nuxeo-gwt; hg $@ $NXP || true) || (echo ignore nuxeo-gwt) 
    (echo nuxeo-distribution ; cd nuxeo-distribution; hg $@ $NXP || true) 


@echo off 
set PWD=%CD% 
set NXP=%1 
set NXC=%2 
echo [.] 
hg %3 %NXP% 
for /d %%D in (nuxeo-platform nuxeo-distribution nuxeo-theme nuxeo-shell nuxeo- 
webengine nuxeo-gwt nuxeo-services nuxeo-jsf nuxeo-features nuxeo-dm) do ( 
echo [%%D] 
cd %PWD%\%%D 
hg %3 %NXP% 
for /d %%D in (nuxeo-core nuxeo-common nuxeo-runtime) do ( 
echo [%%D] 
cd %PWD%\%%D 
hg %3 %NXC% 
cd %PWD%
Check incoming changes
hg in [-p] [-r REVISION]
Check uncommitted changes
hg st [--rev REVISION]

This gives you modified (M), added (A), removed (R) and uncontrolled files (?).

Use “hg add”, “hg rm”, “hg addremove” and/or “hg ci” to commit these changes.

Check current branch, working directory status
hg id [-inbt]

This gives you current revision (with a “+” if it has been locally modified but not yet committed), current branch name and, if you current revision is the latest modified head, the “tip” keyword.

hg parents [-r REVISION]

Show the parents of the working directory or revision.

Show latest changeset, existing heads, branches and tags
hg tip [-p]

This gives you the log of the latest modified head, aka “tip”.

hg branches [-a]

Branches marked as “inactive” are not considered as “heads”, they haven't been modified since they were merged into another branch (i.e. Nuxeo 5.1 branch is always “inactive” as we ask the developers to always merge — forward port — their changeset from 5.1 to 5.2).


This is useful for example to identify multiple heads with same name that must be merged.

hg tags

Gives all available tags and their corresponding revision and branch.

Follow changesets history
hg log [-r REVISION] [-l LIMIT] [-p]

Show revision history of entire repository or files.

hg glog [-r REVISION] [-l LIMIT] [-p]

Same as log but with a graphic view (requires GraphLog extension).

hg ann [-r] [-f] [-u] [-d] [-n] [-l]

Show changeset information per file line. Useful when you need to know who changed a specific part of a file.

Undo commands
hg strip REVISION

Strip a revision and all later revisions on the same branch.

hg unbundle FILE...

Apply one or more changegroup files. Used to revert a strip.

hg backout

Reverse effect of earlier changeset. Contrary to strip, backout only removes one changeset, not the children revisions.

hg rollback

Roll back the last transaction.

hg revert [-a] [-r REVISION] FILE...

Restore individual files or directories to an earlier state.


Don't use “hg pull -u” but “hg pull && hg up”, there are issues with the first one. Also, check your current branch with “hg id” after “hg clone” as it goes by default on “tip” branch.

52.1.5. Advanced usage and specific use cases Merging policy from stable to development branch

Merge stable branch on your development one as much as possible. It can be automated at morning and then manually done day by day each time there is some work merged on stable.

hg pull && hg up -C devbranch
hg merge stablebranch && hg ci -m”automated merge from stablebranch” [-u...] && hg push

See Merging policy from development to stable branch

It happens at the end of a development iteration, when code to merge is implementing a group of User Stories/Use Cases.

Unit tests are up-to-date to valid the new code (see test-driven development recommendations).

Functional tests are up-to-date to cover the new functionalities.

The development branch to merge must have been fully tested:

  • developers have successfully run Unit Tests

  • developers have functionally validated last developments

  • automated builds have run on development branch

At this moment, development branch can be merged on stable one:

hg pull && hg up -C stablebranch
hg merge devbranch && hg st
hg ci -m”merge from devbranch – NXP-9999 ...”
hg push [-f]

Use “-f” only if stablebranch was no more a head. Managing multiple heads

If two developers worked on the same branch with different parents, it may result in two simultaneous branches with the same name (see server-side hooks).

$ hg push 
pushing to
searching for changes 
abort: push creates new remote heads! 
(did you forget to merge? use push -f to force)

In such case, the developers won't be able to push their changesets until they have merged the two branches. "hg heads branchname" will show the multiple heads and their changeset identifiers.

Simplest way is to switch his working directory to the other developer's revision and merge his own code:

hg up -C otherRevision 
hg merge ownRevision
hg st 
hg ci -m”merge two heads” 
hg push Checks before pushing

In case of doubts, before pushing, you can check what you've done with multiple commands:

hg out [-p] [-r REVISION]
hg glog [-l LIMIT] [|less] 
hg heads someBranch Saving bandwidth

Thanks to Mercurial which is decentralized, even if Nuxeo's repositories are not, you can pull from Internet to a local repository and then pull from this repository. Then, you can update the .hg/hgrc file to bind it on the central repository or continue using the local one, pushing on it and then pushing changesets from it to the remote one.

hg clone ~/repo-remote/ 
hg clone ~/repo-remote/ ~/repo-local/ 
cd ~/repo-local/
# some work…
hg ci -m”NXP-9999 - some work” && hg push 
cd ~/repo-remote/ && hg pull 
# usual checks (heads, merge, …) 
hg push

Later, to update ~/repo-local/ for instance:

cd ~/repo-remote/ && hg pull
cd ~/repo-local/ && hg pull && hg up Fetch

“hg fetch” can be used to pull, merge, commit but it is for experienced users, it's recommended to first being familiarized with unitary commands. Mercurial Queues

Mercurial Queues are an advanced group of Mercurial functions. Whereas not very easy to apprehend, they are powerful tools.

You can for instance transform a group of changesets made on a wrong branch to patches being then re-applied on the right branch, while editing and changing anything in those changesets (user, comments, ...).

See or Mercurial: The Definitive Guide by Bryan O'Sullivan.

52.2. Code Quality with Eclipse Plugins

Eclipse can benefit for several plugins for improving code quality, in both adherence to the project's coding standard and in removing bugs.

52.2.1. Using Checkstyle

TODO The Short Story

If you are already familiar with the Checkstyle Eclipse plugin, just configure it to use the checkstyle.xml at the root of the nuxeo sources: Longer Story: installation and Configuration

TODO Notes on Reported Issues


52.2.2. Using TPTP


52.2.3. Using FindBugs


52.3. Profiling with NetBeans Profiler

IDEA doesn't provide an integrated profiler and Eclipse's profiler, provided by the TPTP project, doesn't currently work on Mac OS, one can use NetBeans to profile the Nuxeo platform.

Here is how to do it:

52.4. NXPointDoc Documentation tool

Nuxeo heavily uses extension points. In order to manage them nxPointDoc tool has been created. Its purpose is to explore all XML files and build the documentation of each explored components. Cross links and indexes are also built to ease the navigation.

The NxPointDoc pages are available at

The tool is written in Python and the following libraries are needed:

  • Genshi for templating

  • ElementTree for XML processing

  • Pygments for code highlighting

52.4.1. Documenting a component

A component XML file is structured as follow:

<component ...>

  <!--############## Component configuration ############-->
  <!-- implementation class (optional) -->

  <!-- component properties (optional) -->
  <property name="..." value="..."/>
  <property name="..." value="..."/>

  <!--############### Extension points ################-->
  <!-- extension points are optional -->
  <extension-point ...>

  <!--############### Contributions ################-->
  <!-- contributions are optional -->
  <extension ...>


We can see that the only required element is the component element (although it is useless to have an empty component). So there are 3 main sections (any of these sections are optional).

  • Component configuration: This section defines the component implementation class and some properties to initialize the component (This section content may be modified in future especially when aligning nuxeo components with OSGi services).

  • Extension points: This sections contains all the extension point declared by the component.

  • Contributions (extension tag): This section contains all the contributions made by this component to other components.

To add documentation to these elements a <documentation> tag will be used. An element may have different content depending on what it is documenting. While some information is already available in other XML elements in the file, there is no need to duplicate these information inside the documentation provided though the element. For example the name of the component can be retrieved from the name attribute of the component element, the implementation class name from the implementation element etc.

To format the description text, we can use XHTML tags and javadoc-like markers such as @property, @schema etc. Javadoc-like links are also supported: @see points on the javadoc, @component points on another component documentation. For example, {@see org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Type} will point on the corresponding page while {@component} will explicitly insert a link to the related NxPointDoc page. Code colorization is also supported through the <code language='xml'> ... </code> tags. If no language is given, xml is taken by default. Java (language='java') and many other languages are supported (see Pygments pages).

Regarding <component> documentation, the following elements are available:

  • @author: may be duplicated for multiple authoring

  • @version

  • @property

  • @see: points to Javadoc

  • @component: points to nxpointdoc

  • @deprecated

  • component@name attribute: the component name

  • component/implementation tag: the implementation class

  • component/require tag: required elements

  • component/documentation tag: the description

For <extension-point> the following elements have to be used:

  • @author: may be duplicated for multiple authoring

  • @schema

  • @deprecated

  • @see

  • @component

  • component/extension-point@name attribute: the name

  • component/extension-point/documentation tag - the description

  • If the extension point is using object sub-elements, the DTD should be extracted from the XMap annotated class, otherwise the user may specify the DTD using the @schema marker inside the documentation element

For <extension>, describing contributions to an extension-point, we have

  • @author: may be duplicated for multiple authoring

  • @see

  • @component

  • @deprecated

  • component/extension@target attribute - rendered as a link to the component documentation

  • component/extension@point - rendered as a link to the extension point documentation

  • component/extension-point/documentation description

Here is a short example of what a component xml file may look like.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.MyService">
  My demo service
  This service does nothing
  @property home home directory to be used to create temp files
  @property timeout the time interval in seconds
  @version 1.0
  @author Bogdan
  <implementation class=”org.nuxeo.ecm.core.demo.Service2”/>
  <property name=”home” value=”/home/bstefanescu”/>
  <property name=”interval” value=”20” type=”Integer”/>

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.SchemaService" point="schema">
      <documentation>Common and Dublin Core schemas</documentation>
      <schema name="dublincore" src="schema/dublincore.xsd" />
      <schema name="common" src="schema/common.xsd" />

  <extension-point name="repository">
      <documentation>Register new repositories</documentation>
      <object class="org.nuxeo.ecm.RepositoryDescriptor"/>


Feel free to browse the NxPointDoc site and teh corresponding xml file to go deeper. The systematic link to the source code svn repository may help you.

52.4.2. Creating the NxPointDoc site

nxpointdoc is a command line program that creates the whole site from a source repository SOURCE_DIR to a target publication directory TARGET_DIR. Each component is analyzed and all related pages created. Index pages are then created.

$ ./ -h
usage: [options]

--version                         show program's version number and exit
-h, --help                        show this help message and exit
--source=SOURCE_DIR               Source root directory containing xml component files
--target=TARGET_DIR               Target directory for the generated documentation
--template=TEMPLATE               Genshi template for component html file
--template-index=TEMPLATE_INDEX   Genshi template for index html file
--allow-xhtml-comment=ALLOW_XHTML_COMMENT 'no' to not interpret xhtml tags in comment
--color=COLOR_CODE                'no' to not color <code> contents

Valid SOURCE_DIR and TARGET_DIR are mandatory. Template files have to exist. The one delivered have the .template extension and can be used as is.

52.4.3. Browsing NxPointDoc

NxPointDoc generates 3 indexes that are the entry points; The documentation is accessible at with 3 indexes related to components, extension points and contributions. Each one is an entry point for the documentation. The Indexes give the name and the first line of the documentation. An hyperlink allows to see the detail of the examinated item.

The statistic gives some rough indicators on the documentation coverage, globally or for each component file. The G.D.C stands for Global Documentation Coverage while the I.D.C stands for Individual Documentation Coverage. They show the ratio between all the information/documentation that is written over all the entries that are considered as mandatory (like author, documentation, etc.). The higher these indicators are, the better it is.

52.5. Quality Assurance with continuous integration


"Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly."

 --Martin Fowler - Continuous Integration (an introduction)


It's as important to follow quality processes on development as to maintain this quality among time. Nuxeo is involved in such practices that will guarantee or reinforce its products quality.

52.5.1. Rules and means

Nuxeo products and tools are continuously built over time, at each change and against multiple environments. Nuxeo QA team sets and maintain a QA environment applying CI rules and so providing to developers means to check their code quality and being warned in case of any problem.

  • Maintain a code repository

    Nuxeo sources repositories and are under continuous integration.

    This includes Nuxeo EP, Nuxeo addons, Nuxeo RCP, Nuxeo WebEngine, Nuxeo Books, tools and plugins and of course all our customers' projects.

  • Builds are automated

    This is done by Hudson on Nuxeo QA Unit, Functional and Integration tests.

  • Every commit on mainline is integrated

    When code is committed, target project is built, as all projects depending on it. The full chain is verified, from build to deployment.

    Mainlines on Nuxeo EP and addons are the main branches in development: 5.1 and 5.2 (resp. 1.4 and 1.5 for associated subtrees). For projects under SubVersion, that means the trunk and, if exists, 5.1 branch.

  • Everyone can see the results of the latest build

    Hudson plugins ensure to warn potential responsible(s) of build fail by mail and jabber, so they can react quickly.

    Moreover, every build fail is sent on ECM QA mailing list.

  • Make it easy to get the latest deliverables

    Nightly builds are done. Produced artifacts are published on our Maven repositories Currently managed with Nexus, our repositories store all released artifacts and recent snapshots.

  • Keep the build fast

    Continuous Integration is done on multiple servers, more or less powerful, using slaves in order to distribute the load.

    Thanks to Maven and to Nuxeo modularity, each module is built separately and as a consequence, quickly.

  • Test in a clone of the production environment

    We have two integration levels: unit and functional.

    First level checks code compilation and runs Unit tests. A lot of Unit tests simulate target environments (with mock objects). Dependent projects/modules are then added to the CI chain.

    Second level runs packaging tools and automated deployment against multiple environments (we aim at covering JVM versions, SQL backends, OS, browsers, performance, ...). Finally we use Selenium tests to check functional integrity. This also indirectly provides a continuous integration on our tools (packaging, convenient scripts, ...).

52.5.2. Quality directives for Nuxeo developers

These practices apply on every script, project or module. They should be strictly followed.

  • Code must be under continuous integration.

    Except for prototype and spike solutions (sandbox projects or temporary branches), all projects must be under CI. If not, ask for it to the QA team, providing the informations mentioned in the following Hudson part.

  • Automate the build

    Think about QA tools that will have to test the project without any human intervention. Provide Maven, Ant or, in the worse case, Shell autonomous configuration.

  • Make your build self-testing

    Think "test-driven development". Simply building a project/module and running its Unit tests should be a valuable measurement of the code stability. Unit tests code coverage often needs to be increased.

  • Commit every day

    Smaller are the commits, lower is the risk of conflicting changes and easier is the bug analysis.

  • Stay tuned

    Be aware of CI builds, particularly failed builds.

    Log on and check your profile's informations, especially your jabber address. Hudson will then be able to contact you via Jabber when you are suspected of having broken something.

    Subscribe to ECM QA mailing list. Use mail filters to quickly catch and fix problems. Hudson will send you a mail if it detects one of your commits between succeed and failed tests.

    If you're used to, RSS feeds are also available.

    Check regularly your projects health on our QA sites. Inform QA team if you notice any issue.

    Always consider a build failed as an emergency. Maven parent POM

Maven Parent POM file gives a lot of useful information. Take care to fill in you project's pom.xml file:

  • main tags

    <name>Nuxeo ECM Projects</name>
    <description>Nuxeo ECM Platform and related components</description>
      <name>Nuxeo SAS</name>
        <name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1</name>
        <name>Nuxeo ECM list</name>
  • "scm" tag

  • "developers" tag (there's no rule for tags within the "developer" tag, feel free to add useful information such as "role", "url", "organization" or "module")

        <name>John Doe</name>
        <email>[email protected]</email>
  • You also have to add <repositories> section in the project's parent POM in order to make your project fully autonomous.


All these tags are intelligently inherited so that, if you're project's Maven parent is nuxeo-ecm or one of its children, you don't have to repeat informations such as "organization", "licenses", "mailingLists", "issueManagement". Also, when working on a project with sub-modules, it's only necessary to set "scm" on the parent POM. Hudson configuration

Adding a project under continuous integration in Hudson requires:


  • Build command

    In case of Maven, it's the goals to run (usually, it will be "clean install"). Consider using Maven "Profiles" to manage different behaviors like development versus production environment.

    In case of Ant, you may need to provide some parameters on the command line (equivalent to what can be set by a human user in a

    In case of Shell (avoid it as much as possible), it's a simple command with working default values in case of required parameters. If needed, some environment constants may be set.

  • Notification target(s): eg, the team mailing list.

52.6. Release process

52.6.1. Overview

Release process is managed and tested by multiple tools:

When a release is wanted, all continuous integration chain must be satisfied, nightly builds are manually tested to complete automated tests and candidate release is "promoted" to public release (code is tagged, artifacts are uploaded to the maven repository and packages are published on Nuxeo web site.

52.6.2. Continuous integration coverage

For now, continuous integration covers those configurations:

  • Nuxeo DM.

  • Linux Ubuntu (Debian).

  • Sun Java 5, Sun Java 6.

  • JBoss application server.

  • VCS backend on H2.

  • VCS backend on PostgreSQL.

Not automatically tested at integration level (full deployment and tests):

  • Nuxeo EP.

  • Nuxeo-shell and scripts.

  • JCR backend with various databases: H2, Derby, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, ...

  • VCS backend with various databases: Derby, MySQL, Oracle, ...

  • Various application servers: Jetty, GlassFish (GF3) and Tomcat.

  • Various Windows OS.

  • Various Java providers.

52.6.3. Help testing release candidates

You can download nightly candidate releases from IT-nuxeo-5.2-build, test and send feedback on our ECM mailing list or, in case of bugs confirmed, in our Issue Tracker (Jira).