Table of Contents
The nuxeo-platform-preview
addon provides services,
transformers and adapters to generate HTML previews from of a Nuxeo
The preview addon is composed of several layers:
UI part
Adds a Preview tab that displays the preview inside an IFRAME.
Transformer part
The Preview addon contributes transformers that are dedicated to generating HTML out of most file formats.
Service and Adapters
The Preview addon includes services that allow you to define
s for each type of
Document. These adapters are responsible for defining how the preview
will be generated:
define the field(s) used for preview
Because a Nuxeo document contains a lot of differents fields, the adapter must determine what are the default fields used to generate the preview.
define how preview is generated
Basically preview can be generated using some transformers or using some fields that already contains pre-generated HTML preview
The services provided by the Preview addon let you configure the
depending on your
document types and manage some cache for transformer based
Installing the Preview addon is fairly simple.
Just drop the nuxeo-platform-preview-5.X.jar
the nuxeo.ear/plugins/
directory and restart your
The preview service relies on HTML transformers that uses external tools to achieve the transformation. You need to have them installed and configured before the preview addon will work.
The preview service comes with two HTML transformers:
This transformer generates HTML from PDF files.
This transformer relies on the command line tool
This tool can be found as package
for most linux distrib (for instance, included in
in Ubuntu). This tool can also
be installed on MS Windows platform, see
Once you have installed pdftohtml
your server, you must configure Nuxeo to let him know where is the
command line tool. For this, you can use a extension point to define
what is the temporary directory to use and where is
Default settings should be ok for most Linuxes, but you will have to do the configuration if you use a MS Windows box.
To do this configuration, create a file named
in the
<?xml version="1.0"?> <component name="myproject.pdftohtml.config.contrib"> <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.transformers.CLTransformerPluginParameterManagerComponent" point="cltpParameters"> <CLTranformerPluginParameters name="Pdf2HtmlParams" targetTransformerPlugin="Pdf2Html"> <parameters> <!-- default Linux parameters <parameter name="commandString">/usr/bin/pdftohtml</parameter> <parameter name="tmpDir">/tmp/</parameter> --> <!-- MS Windows parameters --> <parameter name="commandString">C:\\Program files\\pdftohtml\\pdftohtml.exe</parameter> <parameter name="tmpDir">C:\\Temp\\</parameter> </parameters> </CLTranformerPluginParameters> </extension> </component>
This Transformer is in fact a chain using
. This means you need to have
working but also
in listen mode (this is documented earlier in this book).
The Preview addon provides several extension solutions.
Preview AddOn uses the standard
system. For that it defines
a HtmlPreviewAdapter
interface that must be
implemented by each adapters. In order to let you choose the Adapter
implementation according to the Document type, the
used for the
is pluggable. This factory
uses the PreviewAdapterManager
service to
determine what implementation of the
should be returned when you
Defining custom preview adapter is done via a dedicated extension
point: you register a Factory for a given DocumentType. This factory
will be used to create the implementation of the
from the DocumentModel. Here
is example of such a contribution:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.adapter.contrib"> <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.adapter.PreviewAdapterManagerComponent" point="AdapterFactory"> <previewAdapter name="notePreviewAdapter" enabled="true"> <typeName>Note</typeName> <class>org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.adapter.factories.NotePreviewAdapter</class> </previewAdapter> </extension> </component>
This contribution defines the Adapter factory for the Note Document
type. Contributed factories must implement the
interface (that contains
only one method!).
The implementation returned by the factory can be based on one of the 2 base classes provided inside the addon.
This base class provides all the build in features to create a preview adapter that uses the Transformation Services to generate the html preview.
Default usage in Nuxeo is the generic adapter for the all the
documents that contains the file
This base class provides all the build in features to create a preview adapter that uses pre-processed HTML preview that is stored inside the document.
Default usage in Nuxeo is the adapter for the Note Document type.
For most usages, you just be able to contribute a factory that
create a new PreprocessedHtmlPreviewAdapter
with the good arguments.
The Preview addon contributes some command line based transformers.
It also provides you with a base class
that can be
used to easily make another CommandLine based Transformer.
We also provide a
service that
is used by the base class to extact the configurable parameters.
The preview addon includes a restlet.
This restlet provides a RESTful access to the preview service. This means that you can retrieve the preview of a document by just using a simple GET URL.
Preview URLs have this form :
is the the document uuid that is already present in all Nuxeo urls
is the xpath of the field that should be used as main file for the preview
Depending on the underlying adapter implementation, this field may or may not be relevant. Use 'default' to let the adapter implementation choose the right field for you.
Please note that the last / is important. As HTML preview can contain nested images, the base URL must end with a /. The Restlet system handles a cache to avoid refetching the preview data at each call.