Module Tk
module Tk: sig end
Basic functions and types for LablTk
Initialization and termination
val openTk : ?display:string -> ?clas:string -> unit -> Widget.toplevel Widget.widget
Initialize LablTk and open a toplevel window.
is described according to the X11 conventions.
is used for the X11 resource mechanism.
val mainLoop : unit -> unit
Start the main event loop
val closeTk : unit -> unit
Quit the main loop and close all open windows.
val destroy : 'a Widget.widget -> unit
Destroy an individual widget.
Application wide commands
val update : unit -> unit
Synchronize display with internal state.
val appname_get : unit -> string
val appname_set : string -> unit
Get or set the application name.
units = [ `Cm of float | `In of float | `Mm of float | `Pix of int | `Pt of float ]
val pixels : units -> int
Converts various on-screen units to pixels,
respective to the default display. Available units are
pixels, centimeters, inches, millimeters and points
anchor = [ `Center | `E | `N | `Ne | `Nw | `S | `Se | `Sw | `W ]
fillMode = [ `Both | `None | `X | `Y ]
side = [ `Bottom | `Left | `Right | `Top ]
val pack : ?after:'a Widget.widget ->
?anchor:anchor ->
?before:'b Widget.widget ->
?expand:bool ->
?fill:fillMode ->
?inside:'c Widget.widget ->
?ipadx:int ->
?ipady:int ->
?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> ?side:side -> 'd Widget.widget list -> unit
Pack a widget inside its parent,
using the standard layout engine.
val grid : ?column:int ->
?columnspan:int ->
?inside:'a Widget.widget ->
?ipadx:int ->
?ipady:int ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?row:int -> ?rowspan:int -> ?sticky:string -> 'b Widget.widget list -> unit
Pack a widget inside its parent, using the grid layout engine.
borderMode = [ `Ignore | `Inside | `Outside ]
val place : ?anchor:anchor ->
?bordermode:borderMode ->
?height:int ->
?inside:'a Widget.widget ->
?relheight:float ->
?relwidth:float ->
?relx:float ->
?rely:float -> ?width:int -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> 'b Widget.widget -> unit
Pack a widget inside its parent, at absolute coordinates.
val raise_window : ?above:'a Widget.widget -> 'b Widget.widget -> unit
val lower_window : ?below:'a Widget.widget -> 'b Widget.widget -> unit
Raise or lower the window associated to a widget.
modifier = [ `Alt
| `Button1
| `Button2
| `Button3
| `Button4
| `Button5
| `Control
| `Double
| `Lock
| `Meta
| `Mod1
| `Mod2
| `Mod3
| `Mod4
| `Mod5
| `Shift
| `Triple ]
event = [ `ButtonPress
| `ButtonPressDetail of int
| `ButtonRelease
| `ButtonReleaseDetail of int
| `Circulate
| `ColorMap
| `Configure
| `Destroy
| `Enter
| `Expose
| `FocusIn
| `FocusOut
| `Gravity
| `KeyPress
| `KeyPressDetail of string
| `KeyRelease
| `KeyReleaseDetail of string
| `Leave
| `Map
| `Modified of modifier list * event
| `Motion
| `Property
| `Reparent
| `Unmap
| `Visibility ]
An event can be either a basic X event, or modified by a
key or mouse modifier.
eventInfo = {
mutable ev_Above : int ; |
mutable ev_ButtonNumber : int ; |
mutable ev_Count : int ; |
mutable ev_Detail : string ; |
mutable ev_Focus : bool ; |
mutable ev_Height : int ; |
mutable ev_KeyCode : int ; |
mutable ev_Mode : string ; |
mutable ev_OverrideRedirect : bool ; |
mutable ev_Place : string ; |
mutable ev_State : string ; |
mutable ev_Time : int ; |
mutable ev_Width : int ; |
mutable ev_MouseX : int ; |
mutable ev_MouseY : int ; |
mutable ev_Char : string ; |
mutable ev_BorderWidth : int ; |
mutable ev_SendEvent : bool ; |
mutable ev_KeySymString : string ; |
mutable ev_KeySymInt : int ; |
mutable ev_RootWindow : int ; |
mutable ev_SubWindow : int ; |
mutable ev_Type : int ; |
mutable ev_Widget : Widget.any Widget.widget ; |
mutable ev_RootX : int ; |
mutable ev_RootY : int ; |
Event related information accessible in callbacks.
eventField = [ `Above
| `BorderWidth
| `ButtonNumber
| `Char
| `Count
| `Detail
| `Focus
| `Height
| `KeyCode
| `KeySymInt
| `KeySymString
| `Mode
| `MouseX
| `MouseY
| `OverrideRedirect
| `Place
| `RootWindow
| `RootX
| `RootY
| `SendEvent
| `State
| `SubWindow
| `Time
| `Type
| `Widget
| `Width ]
In order to access the above event information, one has to pass
a list of required event fields to the bind
val bind : events:event list ->
?extend:bool ->
?breakable:bool ->
?fields:eventField list ->
?action:(eventInfo -> unit) -> 'a Widget.widget -> unit
Bind a succession of events
on a widget to an action
If extend
is true then then binding is added after existing
ones, otherwise it replaces them.
should be true when break
is to be called inside
the action.
is called with the fields
required set in
an eventInfo
structure. Other fields should not be accessed.
If action
is omitted then existing bindings are removed.
val bind_class : events:event list ->
?extend:bool ->
?breakable:bool ->
?fields:eventField list ->
?action:(eventInfo -> unit) -> ?on:'a Widget.widget -> string -> unit
Same thing for all widgets of a given class. If a widget
is given with label ~on:
, the binding will be removed as
soon as it is destroyed.
val bind_tag : events:event list ->
?extend:bool ->
?breakable:bool ->
?fields:eventField list ->
?action:(eventInfo -> unit) -> ?on:'a Widget.widget -> string -> unit
Same thing for all widgets having a given tag
val break : unit -> unit
Used inside a bound action, do not call other actions
after this one. This is only possible if this action
was bound with ~breakable:true