In most countries, B2C prices are tax-included. To do that in Odoo, check Included in Price for your sales taxes in
.This way the price set on the product form includes the tax. As an example, let's say you have a product with a sales tax of 10%. The sales price on the product form is $100.
Si el impuesto no esta incluido en el precio, obtendrá:
Precio sin impuesto: $100
Impuestos: $10
Total a pagar: $110
Si el impuesta esta incluido en el precio
Precio sin impuesto: 90.91
Impuestos: $9.09
Total a pagar: $100
You can rely on following documentation if you need both tax-included (B2C) and tax-excluded prices (B2B): ¿Como manejar precios para negocios (impuestos exclidos) y precios para el consumidor final (impuestos incluidos)?.
Show tax-included prices in eCommerce catalog
By default prices displayed in your eCommerce catalog are tax-excluded. To display it in tax-included, check Show line subtotals with taxes included (B2C) in
(Tax Display).