Vue d'ensemble
By default, Odoo considers that your delivery is composed of one package. But you can easily ship your deliveries with more than one package. It is fully integrated with the third-party shippers.
To configure the use of packages, go to the menu
. Locate the Packages section and tick Record packages used on packing: pallets, boxes,...
Cliquez sur Appliquer quand vous avez terminé.
Processus de vente
Commande client

Click on a Delivery Method to choose the right one.
The price is computed when you save the sale order or when you click on Set price.
Multi-packages Delivery
The delivery created from the sale order will take the shipping information from it.

From here, you can split your delivery into multiple packages.
Choisissez la quantité que vous voulez mettre dans le premier emballage dans la colonne Terminé, puis cliquez sur le lien Ajouter au colis.

Cela créera automatiquement un colis avec la quantité demandée.
Répétez les mêmes étapes pour les autres article que vous voulez emballer.

Cliquez sur Valider lorsque vous avez terminé.
Multi-packages with a 3rd party-shipper
Once the delivery order is validated, you will receive the tracking number. The carrier Tracking ref field will automatically be filled. Click on the Tracking button to check your delivery on the provider website.

The labels to stick on your packages are available in the history underneath: