Linking your bank statements with your accounting can be a lot of work. You need to find invoices back, relate payments and that amount of administration can cast a lot of time. Luckily, with Odoo you can very easily link your invoices or any other payment with your bank statements.
Twee afletter methodes bestaan in Odoo.
We kunnen direct een betaling op de facturen registreren
- We can reconcile open invoices with bank statements
No special configuration is necessary to register invoices. All we need to do is install the accounting app.

User cases
Case 1: Betaling registratie
We received the payment proof for our invoice of 2100 euros issued to Smith & Co.
We start at our issued Invoice of 2100 euros for Smith & Co. Because the sold product is a service we demand an immediate payment. Our accountant only handles the bank statements at the end of week, so we have to mark the invoice as paid so we can remember we can start the service with our customer.
Our customer send us a payment confirmation. We can thus register a payment and mark the invoice as paid.

By clicking on register payment, we are telling Odoo that our customer paid the Invoice. We thus have to specify the amount and the payment method

We can always find the payment back from the Invoice by clicking on the
De factuur is betaald en het afletteren is automatisch gedaan.
Case 2: Bankafschriften afletteren
We starten bij onze facturen van 3000 euro voor Smith & Co. Laten we er ook vanuit gaan dat andere factureren openstaan voor verschillende klanten.

We ontvangen ons bankafschrift en niet enkel het factuur van Smith & Co is betaald maar ook dat van Buzz voor 92 euro.
Importeer of Maak de bankafschriften. Bekijk aub de documenten van de sectie bankafschriften.

Op het dashboard, klik op Letter # Items af

Indien alles correct was (correcte relatienaam, juiste bedrag) zal Odoo automatisch de aflettering doen.

Indien er fouten gevonden worden moet u manuele acties ondernemen.
Bijvoorbeeld als de relatie mist op uw bankafschrift vult u gewoon in:

If the payment is done with a down payment, just check if it is all right and validate all related payments :

Hit CTRL-Enter to reconcile all the balanced items in the sheet.