In Odoo, you can manage multiple bank accounts. In this page, you will be guided in the creation, modification or deletion of a bank or a credit card account.
Wijzig een bankrekening
To ease the process, a bank account is already there. We suggest you to edit it first before filling your own bank information.
Go to
and click on the Bank item. Edit it.
Odoo detecteert het type bankrekening (bijvoorbeeld IBAN) om betaalmethodes zoals SEPA toe te staan
Maak een bankrekening
Go to
. Click on create and fill in the form. You can decide to show the bank account number in you intend to send documents like sales orders or invoices. Select the payments methods you support with this bank account.
If you are working in a multi-company environnement, you'll have to switch the company on your user preferences in order to add, edit or delete bank accounts from another company.
Bekijk de Bankrekening in onze online demonstratie
The initial balance of a bank statement will be set to the closing balance of the previous one within the same journal automatically.
Verwijder een bankrekening of kredietkaart rekening
From the list of bank accounts, select items to delete and delete them from the action menu or go to the form and delete a single item from the action menu